În primele zile ale secolului al XX-lea, Kaiserul german a provocat puterea navală a britanicilor cu o nouă și puternică flotă de luptă. Cine ar conduce mările lumii? A fost o întrebare care va fi decisă în primul război mondial. După înfrângerea șoc a britanicilor de la Coronel, o bătălie care a costat viața a 1.700 de marinari, Winston Churchill a cerut o răzbunare nemiloasă. În largul Insulelor Falkland, întreaga escadrilă germană de peste mări cu un echipaj de 2.200 de oameni a fost scufundată. Doar două crucișătoare au scăpat de dispariția flotei lor, Dresda și Emden. Churchill le-a acordat o recompensă, făcându-le cele mai vânate nave de pe cele șapte mări. În fiordurile înghețate din Patagonia și în căldura tropicală a Mărilor de Sud, ambele echipaje s-au luptat pentru supraviețuirea lor. După o vânătoare dramatică, amândoi au fost în cele din urmă scufundați. Cu toate acestea, cei mai mulți dintre membrii echipajului lor au scăpat de moarte și s-au întors acasă sănătoși și sănătoși. Cum s-a întâmplat acest lucru și călătoria lor lungă de aventură prin mările și continentele sfâșiate de război este relatată de două documentare foarte dramatice din Hunt the Kaiser’s Cruisers! seriale, Caravana marinarilor și Ultima navă pe plutire. Materialele de arhivă recent descoperite despre luptele maritime decisive, rapoartele navale și jurnalele private permit o reconstituire precisă a evenimentelor. Pentru prima dată, interviurile cu descendenții și istoricii militari, filmările din scenele originale de acțiune și reconstituiri dramatice ne permit să facem dreptate ambelor povești incitante. Un film de Jürgen Stumpfhaus //// Când Reichsmarine germană primește vestea îngrozitoare a izbucnirii Primului Război Mondial la singura sa bază de peste mări, pe coasta de est a Chinei, escadronul pornește în retragerea în Germania prin America de Sud . A mai rămas o singură navă: crucișătorul rapid, dar slab blindat EMDEN. În câteva săptămâni, EMDEN devine cel mai de temut corsar al Primului Război Mondial, scufundând 34 de cargou și nave de război aliate. Transportul comercial pe ruta Asiei de Sud-Est se blochează, la fel ca și transporturile de trupe din coloniile britanice pe frontul din Europa. Douăzeci de nave de luptă din Anglia, Japonia și Australia vânează acum EMDEN. În timpul unei misiuni pe Insula Keeling, un atol îndepărtat de palmieri din mijlocul Oceanului Indian, apare brusc un crucișător blindat australian și scufundă EMDEN. Pentru a evita capturarea, prim-ofițerul Hellmut von Mücke vine cu un plan îndrăzneț: confiscă o goeletă cu vele aruncată fără alte prelungiri. Echipajul supraviețuiește timp de trei săptămâni cu apa de ploaie colectată, până când este în cele din urmă preluat de un cargo german. Dar unde? Toate porturile accesibile sunt în mâinile inamicului. Doar Imperiul Otoman a fost de partea germanilor. În vârful sudic al Marelui Imperiu Turc, în Yemen, Mücke și oamenii săi sunt lăsați. Ceea ce urmează este o odisee incredibilă de peste 1.000 km prin Deșertul Arabiei spre nord.
Vânează crucișătoarele Kaiserului! (1/2) – Caravana Marinarilor | Serial documentar despre marina germană

45 thoughts on “Vânează crucișătoarele Kaiserului! (1/2) – Caravana Marinarilor | Serial documentar despre marina germană”
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5:31 "In just a few months the Emden became the deadliest privateering cruiser of the First World War."
Consult your dictionary. The Emden wasn't a privateer. "Deadliest" is also questionable. The ships it sank didn't "die".
sidney was a light cruiser,not a battle cruiser
What can I add .apart from a excellent tale .
von Mulke: a real hero.
Nice story. Tellya who deserves medals for heroism and don't usually get'm the medical orderlys, runnin round under fire an pickin up casulaties!
Around the 18.40 mark one of the German sailors shown on the sailing ship has an earring in his left ear. Most unusual for a German sailor of WW1? I thought this would have been against regulations?
Overall, I quite enjoyed this documentary. It was also interesting to see this history from the German perspective. The documentary didn't mention that von Mücke's men had a terrible passage in the topsail schooner AYESHA due to the numerous large cockroaches that infested the old ship, that would bite them when they tried to sleep. The entire party also had to share a single razor amongst forty-seven men.
A few things that need correcting however:
1. Von Mücke was not the EMDEN's "First Officer." This is a Merchant Navy rank and appointment not used by Naval forces. His rank was Kapitänleutnant, which would be a Lieutenant in the Commonwealth navies, and his appointment was as Executive Officer (second in command) of EMDEN.
2. HMAS SYDNEY was not a battle cruiser. Like SMS EMDEN she was a light cruiser, so of similar design, size and purpose though SYDNEY was the larger ship. However, EMDEN was significantly outgunned by the SYDNEY having only ten 4.1" guns vs the Australian's eight 6" guns.
3. In the credits it identifies the ship board scenes having been shot aboard the Russian warship AURORA. However, despite the description in the credits, AURORA too is not a battle cruiser. She is an armoured cruiser, a significantly smaller type of warship with a different purpose.
4. As Seamas Righ points out below, while the ANZAC troops made up a significant portion of the Entente forces at Gallipoli, they did not make up the "main burden of the assault" as there were almost an equal number of troops from other nations, including the UK, Gurkhas, Indians, Egyptians, Maltese and Newfoundlanders. Many French battleships also were heavily involved, but the RN did not use their "heaviest artillery" (an Army term, not Naval) since the largest and newest Dreadnoughts were still in Scapa Flow with the Grand Fleet. Only one Dreadnought HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH was there while a number of the older pre-Dreadnoughts made up the bulk of capital ships involved at Gallipoli.
As far as I know, Bedouin didn't wear the fez.
German Sailors getting "seasick" on land.
A great sailor … Kapitan zur zee Von Müller .. respect !
what an epic story . a bit of a sad ending but epic none the less , if it aint been made it would make a great movie , aye !
Best I've seen in a long time. Reminds me of History and BBC in mid 90s. Documentaries the original "Reality TV".
One of the deck guns from 'Emden' stands as a memorial in Hyde Park, Sydney, New South Wales. It is fittingly engraved with the crew names of both ships. It is located adjacent to the ANZAC Memorial where the major commemorations of ANZAC Day (25 April) and Remembrance Day (11 November) are conducted each year.
Magnificent !
HMAS Sydney was a light cruiser.
Great story. Pity about the niggling inaccuracies in the research and script writing (or translation). I'm not sure the impeccably credentialed Prof. Andrew Lambert would be happy to be associated with this documentary as a result. Looks like the Russian cruiser Aurora standing in for SMS Emden in some scenes. TFP
If I was a German sailor and they had me riding camels, catching trains and made me walk I would ask the German Admiralty for a refund.
X2ee ,$
There's better one about ship 'who changed the world', story about Goeben who escaped to Dardanelles in 1914
At 6.05 they show the Emden. This is Emden 2, launched 1916, scuttled Scapa Flow 1919. The funnel configuration is the "give away"
Sorry to pick the faults,
1. Emden opened fire first, after Sydney has set her course parallel to Emden – quote from von Muller's report
2. at 13.50 approx Sydeny fires on Emden – sorry no triple guns in any turret.
3. I have a feeling that von Muller destroyed the Emden's flag , what the landing party would have carried would have been the Imperial Flag
Books worth reading, EMDEN written by Franz Joseph, Prinz Von Hohenzollern -Emden from his memoirs ,
Gentlemen of War by Dan van der Vat
I would suggest that the modern film in the Doco is taken from the German film " Die Manner Der Emden, 13,000 Kilometer" unfortunately it is in German but you get the story
Two Great Men ,
What a life, what a journey, what a man with unbreakable rectitude…..un-waning leadership and trusting followers through nth rounds of hardship and seemingly hopeless situations !!! Nice to see a real story with real footage and about TsingTao in rapidly changing times. Such well made doc. Thank you !!
Not a bad chap, as huns go.
Did anyone know camels are native to north America?
Jesus! The greatest saga, if there ever was a real one!
Tsingtao (Tientsin) was not Germany's only overseas possession. Not even in China (Foochow, Kiautschou). I don't know if they could re-coal or rearm at these other places.
German East Africa. Dar es Salaam. (After the war became Rwanda, Urundi, Tanzania and part of Mozambique)
German South West Africa. Windhoek. (Post war given to South Africa)
German New Guinea. Herbertshohe. (Post war given to Australia)
Other possessions include: Samoa, Cameroun, Marshall Islands, Mariana Islands. They also had offices in Turkey and Morocco.
I don't think this is a complete list, just what I remember. The video gives the impression that Germany only owned Tientsin. Not true. Tientsin may have been their only overseas naval base but not their only possession.
The steam whistle was salvaged from the wreck of the Emden and was given to General Sir John Monash, soldier and engineer, as a war souvenir. Monash was appointed the first chairman of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) in 1921 and he would oversee the building of the town of Yallourn. The Emden steam whistle began a second life as the Yallourn Power Station siren. Forgetting its naval origins, it became an integral part of the new industrial enterprise. It dictated the rhythms of the working day and was the constant companion of workers and residents. Although the town of Yallourn has disappeared into the blackness of its open cut, the Emden steam whistle/Yallourn Power Station siren has survived to begin a third life on display at Old Gippstown Heritage Park in Moe. Victoria Australia.
excellent story, one that I only knew a small part of. Fascinating.
Amazing tale , thank you: C .
What an amazing tale. Although I knew some of the Emden, this is the first I had heard of this trek.
Neither of these two navies made ANY difference in WWI. << That there is a fact.
well done!
Let me share the experience of the bombardment in my hometown by Empten , name of my hometown is chennai located at the bay of Bengal of india, and we were under British colonial,, at world war I one fine morning Embtan attacked chennai(Madras) and you know what happened? the local population runaway from chennai and only UK troops stayed there. Some body sold out their house and property and some people fried their chickens and cattles and some others made quick marriages. But after that Empten never had been seen at Indian ocean thank you
Nein. Herr Capitaine And The SMS Embden Crew are not ever forgotten. Maybe in modern day Getmany but never in Australasia. Der Mein Kameraden & ANZAC Mensch: sieg, seig, SEIG!!!!
G'Day ,Brilliant tale, Worthy of any Boys Own/ Biggles Book, I remember the Deck Gun in Hyde Park,good to have a story to go with it!
A really terrific story! A tribute to the human spirit!
Wonderful story . I enjoyed it very much
A world power is what it’s about? A thing does not appreciate that . Must be a person. we misidentified the problem.
UnbelievAble madness . No not madness it’s normalcy. Too bad no sense worrying about genetics as it seems.
How embarassising for the royal kingdom lords of the seas, one ship.
I'm glad
he made it home anyway, what a great leader,I would be happy to serve under a leader like him.god bless.
An extraordinary tale. Thanks for posting it.
Magnificent story !