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Catamarane Suck

46 thoughts on “Catamarane Suck”
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Catamarans don´t suck then… what does is bein poor.
I Love catamarans… but this video was great… Im not rich either.
A monohull would definitely be more in my reach.
Not a fan. AT ALL either !
I agree, sailboats suck. Just buy your monohaul without sails and rigging. Makes a good displacement yacht, or even better a power cat. They are very economical on fuel .
Catamaran do NOT sucks, they are just more expensive.
Same as service on a Rolls Royce is more expensive than a service on a Kia, but that does not make Rolls Royce sucks.
You can not compare apples with bananas.
Just found your channel. It's awesome
. You answer so many questions.
Cats are WAY faster, and WAY more comfortable! Some of the cats are sailing at 20knts rugularly like its nothing. Plus the no listing is nice. It gets old standing sideways for days on end.
Dont buy insurance
My 48' cat is expensive – but ohhhh that comfort. Haha
Nothing negative to say, and appreciate your cost breakdown. The ultimate boat will carry a cost.
Yeah – just wait until you've boughtin' the vessel
FINALLY !! somebody that told it like it is ! Cats are garbage……and for ALL of you who think they are great, Ponder this : if a Cat goes over, IT WILL NOT COME BACK UP….real sailors drive monohulls, and for many VERY good reasons……OnWard…..
When someone declares something perfect, or best, or the absolute worst I don't even bother watching.
Needs and uses vary across the board.
Well he did get a comment out of me. $
Hard to trust this guy when he can't locate a monkey turd cutter
just playing…. kinda lol
Id rather have a aluminum catamaran than sail boat.more comfortable easy to use and your not walking around on the walls while sailing
. Catamaran is safer in bad weather. There's a reason why Australia and other countries use catamaran more than mono.iv watched a 72 foot mono struggle in bearing sea during a hell of a storm but the 50 ft catamaran was just crushed it.almost like playing but i will admit a trimaran even better
I really like this channel, but you contradict yourself. In another video you said catamarans are better than monohauls. So which is best now actually?
I just watched another of your videos, where you’re saying buy a catamaran because they are better than monohulls.
Didn't you just say that monohulls suck? I'm surprised that the conceit of this channel is that sailboats suck!
I don't get it. Just watched another of your videos saying that Catamaran is the only way to go. Anyway. Loving your feud with Lady K
If you don't have any money don't buy a boat!
But what about performance? In your opinion catamarans duck becouse they cost more, how, cares, I, have money :=))) I am interested about performance
i thought i watched a video where you said that cats were better than mono hulls
haters gonna hate
I owned a SF 40 for a decade. I ran it mostly between Florida & the Bahamas. I never thought it "sucked", nor did any of my guests. I was hauled in Florida and in the Bahamas, no problem. It is much cheaper to keep a boat (any boat) in the Bahamas than in Florida (1 Month in Florida = 1 year in the Bahamas). The sailing action is much "snappier", the catamaran always tries to assume the attitude of the seas, not the rolling of the monohulls, should you get tired of walking on the walls. I especially liked the fact that my boat did not have a lead keel trying to drag it to the bottom. My boat would not sink ! Take on water if holed, sure, but sink ? never. Downside is, all catamarans pound when the waves get sufficiently large. They also encourage putting more "stuff" on the boat than you should have. Catamarans are VERY comfortable, fast, and rugged. I would also add that I frequently single handed my boat, no crew needed. Give them a look.
So you hate the catamarans only because you cannot aford it?
c'mon I would really like to see a serious comparation. Also, it's not fair to compare a 40ft mono with 40ft cat.
Boat( bring out another thousand) i guess i just use a log
"Catamarans suck". Sounds like you really mean that laws and regulations suck.
Haha love it. I know nothing about cats but this was entertaining

So you're saying you can't afford one….
What an idiotic review. Don’t buy a bmw buy a Toyota because cost and maintenance cost is sooo high for a bmw. Duhhhh missing the point
You are tosh
Hopefully this advice will actually save some lives. I known so many people over the years as a bareboat certifier captain who have lost all of their life savings..and thats just the start.
Many modern cruising catamaran looks like floating RV's with a sail put on as an afterthought. There is a myth that cats dont roll, i did sail on a 40' charter cat in the Caribbean, boy did it roll.
The fact that you compare the cost of monohulls and catamarans of similar lengths makes everything you say worthless. I question your ability to think clearly.
I hate cattlemerans too.
Double everything, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
And they sail like shit as well.
I've been a mono hull sailor my whole life and shall ever be one.
Some look at a marina and see pretty boats. I look at a marina and see rotting decks and abandoned dreams.
Did you say “we haven’t boughten the vessel yet”? Is this English?
Yeah, but what’s the benefit of a catamaran ?
They are two great days about a boat- The day you buy a good boat and after you used it- The day you sold it to some other geezers with all its problems. Be a proper mechanic /electrician before you buy a boat and go and work in a boat yard for two years hard labour- then go sailing and dont take women with you – DRAMA BITCHES
Better title: "Catamarans are expensive and noisy."
Compare a 40ft Monohull vs 40Ft Catamaran its not so clever. Compare the space to life on Catamaran vs Monohull.
So a bigger yacht cost more…. Ok got it.
I agree with you! We have rough seas here and catamarans simoly aren't as strong as monohulls in those conditions
What rubbish, a 40’ monohull is equivalent to a 32’ catamaran.