10 cele mai bune locuri de vizitat în Bahrain | Video de călătorie | Ghid de călătorie | SKY Travel

10 cele mai bune locuri de vizitat în Bahrain |  Video de călătorie |  Ghid de călătorie |  SKY Travel

10 cele mai bune locuri de vizitat în Bahrain | Video de călătorie | Ghid de călătorie | SKY Travel


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  1. 40 You brethren of Africa, of Asia, of Europe and of America! Maybe you were expecting the Message of Matthew 25:6 in your country, but God did it another way. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ! Being the high priest Melchisedec, the rabbis and the scribes saw that He should come from the tribe of Levi. But He came out of the tribe of Judah. Then, His Message and his works confirmed that it was Him the Messiah. And today, on the whole face of the earth, if you are a child of God, your place, it is here with the prophet of your time, Prophet Kacou Philippe. And he that has ears to hear, let him hear.

  2. 16 A prophet must be aware that he is a man who can be wrong and therefore must not rely on his imagination to speak. When William Branham talks about the serpent that walked in Eden and he describes its shape, its size and how hairy it was, was it his imagination? And when Abel burned the fat of the firstborn yearling male lambs, without blemish, of his flock, as an offering to God, was that his imagination?

  3. And you who are alive today, where and in which year were Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus and Mahomet your prophets? Do you have their e-mail addresses and phone numbers? Are they your prophets because you are Jew, Muslim or Christian? Will Moses become my prophet in this year 2019 if I read the Torah and observe the Sabbath and prayers and ablutions? And will General de Gaulle become the president of the French as soon as the French start broadcasting his old speeches on TV? When you read the Bible or the Quran or the Veda or the Bhagavad-Gita, when you pray a lot, when you fast a lot, are you no longer chased in your dreams? Don’t you eat in your dreams and does Satan no longer immobilize you in your sleep? Don't you have sexual relations in your dreams? And to which paradise will you go with that?
    Matthew 25 :6 Apoc12 :14 Kacou Philippe have words eternal life salvation today promis of God

  4. And you who are alive today, where and in which year were Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus and Mahomet your prophets? Do you have their e-mail addresses and phone numbers? Are they your prophets because you are Jew, Muslim or Christian? Will Moses become my prophet in this year 2019 if I read the Torah and observe the Sabbath and prayers and ablutions? And will General de Gaulle become the president of the French as soon as the French start broadcasting his old speeches on TV? When you read the Bible or the Quran or the Veda or the Bhagavad-Gita, when you pray a lot, when you fast a lot, are you no longer chased in your dreams? Don’t you eat in your dreams and does Satan no longer immobilize you in your sleep? Don't you have sexual relations in your dreams? And to which paradise will you go with that?
    Matthew 25 :6 Apoc12 :14 Kacou Philippe have words eternal life salvation today promis of God

  5. 48 Whether you are Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamists or members of Islam or Judaism, know that if it is God who has given me this Gospel … Like Isaiah and Jeremiah, the one who has been condemning you on earth since 2002 will be your judge before God in the Heaven. The Pharisees dragging long parchments to the bar said, "We are of Moses… they would say today: We are of Jesus!" [Ed: the congregation says, "Amen!"]. And Moses condemned them according to John 5:45! When you have rejected the Message of your time, your fasts and prayers are abominations before God. Your tithes and offerings are abominations before God. Your zeal, your fruits of Galatians 5:22 are abominations and above of all, your Jesus is Satan.

  6. 19 Confessing to a priest or a pastor is a Catholic heritage. And the so-called confession to God in secret is a pure lie in an attempt to ease your conscience. The confession has always been public in the early Church. Peter, James, John, Elizabeth and Mary Magdalene practiced the public confession. And the Church will not reach the faith of the apostles, the perfection and the rapture without going through the public confession. The public confession is the highest form of sanctification and a child of God cannot reject it.

    25 As soon as a man has endowed you or you live under his roof, no matter how much you love God, God will send you to hell if you do not confess your adultery to that man. And he too must confess to you what he has done if he wants to be saved. And this is addressed to every inhabitant of the earth, regardless of their religion or belief.

  7. 19 Confessing to a priest or a pastor is a Catholic heritage. And the so-called confession to God in secret is a pure lie in an attempt to ease your conscience. The confession has always been public in the early Church. Peter, James, John, Elizabeth and Mary Magdalene practiced the public confession. And the Church will not reach the faith of the apostles, the perfection and the rapture without going through the public confession. The public confession is the highest form of sanctification and a child of God cannot reject it.

    25 As soon as a man has endowed you or you live under his roof, no matter how much you love God, God will send you to hell if you do not confess your adultery to that man. And he too must confess to you what he has done if he wants to be saved. And this is addressed to every inhabitant of the earth, regardless of their religion or belief.

  8. 19 Confessing to a priest or a pastor is a Catholic heritage. And the so-called confession to God in secret is a pure lie in an attempt to ease your conscience. The confession has always been public in the early Church. Peter, James, John, Elizabeth and Mary Magdalene practiced the public confession. And the Church will not reach the faith of the apostles, the perfection and the rapture without going through the public confession. The public confession is the highest form of sanctification and a child of God cannot reject it.

    25 As soon as a man has endowed you or you live under his roof, no matter how much you love God, God will send you to hell if you do not confess your adultery to that man. And he too must confess to you what he has done if he wants to be saved. And this is addressed to every inhabitant of the earth, regardless of their religion or belief.

  9. 19 Confessing to a priest or a pastor is a Catholic heritage. And the so-called confession to God in secret is a pure lie in an attempt to ease your conscience. The confession has always been public in the early Church. Peter, James, John, Elizabeth and Mary Magdalene practiced the public confession. And the Church will not reach the faith of the apostles, the perfection and the rapture without going through the public confession. The public confession is the highest form of sanctification and a child of God cannot reject it.

    25 As soon as a man has endowed you or you live under his roof, no matter how much you love God, God will send you to hell if you do not confess your adultery to that man. And he too must confess to you what he has done if he wants to be saved. And this is addressed to every inhabitant of the earth, regardless of their religion or belief.

  10. 19 Confessing to a priest or a pastor is a Catholic heritage. And the so-called confession to God in secret is a pure lie in an attempt to ease your conscience. The confession has always been public in the early Church. Peter, James, John, Elizabeth and Mary Magdalene practiced the public confession. And the Church will not reach the faith of the apostles, the perfection and the rapture without going through the public confession. The public confession is the highest form of sanctification and a child of God cannot reject it.

    25 As soon as a man has endowed you or you live under his roof, no matter how much you love God, God will send you to hell if you do not confess your adultery to that man. And he too must confess to you what he has done if he wants to be saved. And this is addressed to every inhabitant of the earth, regardless of their religion or belief.

  11. 1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them: 

    2 I came to conversion on April 24, 1993 according to Daniel 10:4 to 11 by a vision in which I saw myself standing on the sand of the sea and then on top of a high pyramid and then again on the sand of the sea in another place and I saw an old military truck coming out of the depths of the sea and leave behind me. I turned and I saw that it contained living people. They were women and one of them was mixed-race.

  12. 1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them: 

    2 I came to conversion on April 24, 1993 according to Daniel 10:4 to 11 by a vision in which I saw myself standing on the sand of the sea and then on top of a high pyramid and then again on the sand of the sea in another place and I saw an old military truck coming out of the depths of the sea and leave behind me. I turned and I saw that it contained living people. They were women and one of them was mixed-race.

  13. 17 Thus, there were Moses, Samuel, Isaiah… Well, after Isaiah, there was Jeremiah. And while Jeremiah was prophesying, how many books could the Bible of the Jews contain? … [Ed: The congregation says, "23 books"]. 23 books! Very good, I can see that you are in the Spirit of the preaching. From Genesis to Isaiah, that makes 23 books.

  14. 54 And when you have rejected this end-time Message, know that on the day of your death, whether you are a prostitute, a murderer, a homosexual or a member of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism or Taoism, you will also see a white light very far away but in a tunnel formed by fallen angels, demons. That light will draw you to it as the Angel and the Lamb drew me to them above the waters, and when you get there, it will be Satan, the ruler of the abyss. And the tunnel will close behind you so that you may not be able to come out of hell anymore.

    56 The tunnel is the path to Satan's paradise. The tunnel is the hole of the pit of hell, and the light at the end of it is Satan disguised as an angel of light. I say this to you as your prophet. You are free not to believe me but whatever your religion or belief, I am your prophet just as the president of a country is the president of all the people of that country including the opposition. Seeing visions in broad daylight with open eyes, telling people about the dreams they saw with details including what they forgot, if I am not a rasul, a maharishi or a prophet, then who am I?

    55 I am not telling you an imagination, but experiences as a prophet so that mankind may believe in me and be saved. I have told you how in 1993, through the wall, I entered the house where my body was lying. I could see this glowing cloud and my body lying on the ground. Sometimes my spirit was in the glowing cloud and sometimes my spirit was in the invisible. It was during the day and therefore, I saw people going here and there, but no one saw me because I was invisible. And in all of this, I did not see a tunnel with a white light at the end of it. [Kc.136v4] [Kc.140v8]

    57 Reject me and be pious in your religions, but on the day of your death you will enter into the tunnel of your religion which is the pit of the abyss with a light at its end which is Satan. You will have the impression that you are ascending to heaven in that tunnel as you descend into the depths of the pit of the abyss. You know that according to the position of the earth, you can walk with your head turned upside down without knowing it. Be pious in your religions, distribute your goods to the poor, believe in your dead prophets and your religions and all your holy books from one end to the other, and put into practice all that is in them, but on the day of your death, you will see a soft and white light at the end of a tunnel, and that light will draw you to it, and when you reach it, behold, it will be Satan, the prince of the abyss.

  15. 36 Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran and all the Arab and Asian presidents will come before me, each with his suite, and it is by my Gospel that they will be judged. Paul Biya of Cameroon, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, Joao Lourenço of Angola and all the African presidents will come before me, each with his suite, and by my Gospel, they will all be judged. Donald Trump, Bolsonaro of Brazil and all the presidents of North and South America will all come before me and by my Gospel, they will be judged. Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron and the Queen of England and their suite, will come before me and I will judge them all. The leaders of the UN, the European Union, the African Union and all the political, financial institutions and others will come to me with their suite and I will judge them all. All the professors, researchers and students will come before me and I will judge them all. Pele and Maradona and Ronaldo and Messi and all the football players and their supporters will come before me and I will judge them all.

    37 Messrs. Presidents, Daniel heard words in an unknown tongue and he was told that the mysteries contained in this unknown tongue would be revealed at the end of time. And in 1963, William Branham saw three great mysteries and he said that the third mystery was in an unknown tongue. He died and a pyramid was erected on his grave. In 1993, the Lamb spoke to me in an unknown tongue and the multitude from all the races of the earth said to me: "We have not seen the Angel and the Lamb, we have not heard the words the Lamb pronounced, but we entirely believe".

    http://www.philippekacou. Org

  16. 49 God said in Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14 that a short Message will come to carry the elect far from the face of the serpent: far from these Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches, including Islam and Judaism… far from the holy spirit that acts in these churches. … Far from these Cain, Tommy Osborn, Kenneth Hagin, Ushe Praise, Morris Cerullo, Yonggi Cho! Far from these Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, Billy Graham, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia, Paula White, Joyce Meyer and Chris Oyakhilome! Far from these David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua, David Oyedepo, Alberto Mottesi, Claudio Freidzon, and Dante Gebel! Far from these Benny Hinn, Manasseh Jordan, Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón and Guillermo Maldonado. Sorcerers and magicians under Joel 2:28 and 1 Corinthians 2:4-5. Far from the Next Generation Alliance. Far from Carlos Annacondia, Paul Ayoh, Benjamin Boni, Jean-Baptiste Nielbien, Bernard Agré, … Far from these so-called Christian bookstores and media, … Far from these unions and federations of churches, … Far from these fetish pots that you call Louis Segond, King James, Tob, Scofield, Thompson bibles … Far from these prophets that travel through the earth and, it is this Message which is the two wings of the great eagle of Revelation 12:14 and which must carry the elect to the desert far from the face of the serpent. Stay away from them! For there is no Salvation outside of this Message. Recognize the day and its Message! They are sorcerers and magicians under Joel 2:28 and 1 Corinthians 2:4-5. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.22v35]

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