Mecanic ucrainean scufundă parțial iahtul oligarhului rus

Mecanic ucrainean scufundă parțial iahtul oligarhului rus

Ayman Mohyeldin relatează despre situația dificilă a mecanicului ucrainean Taras Ostapchu, care a încercat să scufunde iahtul de mai multe milioane de dolari al oligarhului rus, traficant de arme, care l-a angajat. » Abonați-vă la MSNBC: Despre: MSNBC este destinația principală pentru analiza aprofundată a titlurilor zilnice, comentarii politice perspicace și perspective informate. Ajungând la peste 95 de milioane de gospodării din întreaga lume, MSNBC oferă un program complet de acoperire a știrilor în direct, opinii politice și programe documentare premiate – 24 de ore pe zi, 7 zile pe săptămână. Conectați-vă cu MSNBC Online Vizitați Abonați-vă la buletinul informativ MSNBC: Găsiți MSNBC pe Facebook: Urmărește MSNBC pe Twitter : Urmărește MSNBC pe Instagram: #MSNBC #Ukraine #RussianOligarch


44 thoughts on “Mecanic ucrainean scufundă parțial iahtul oligarhului rus

  1. Let's be honest. There was turmoil between Russia and Ukraine. He took the Job knowing this. Now if this was the master plan to sink a Russian yacht all along, I commend him. Otherwise, you sold your soul while it was financially convenient.

  2. Who could blame him for his actions? But joining the Ukranian forces is one step above and beyond plus, shows true character.

  3. Putin's Floating Refugee Housing??? Can these sanctioned yachts be used for Ukrainian refugee housing??? One yacht, starting with Putin's floating mansion that was just seized, could house MANY, many families!!!

  4. Don´t get it, what has the oligarch to do with the war? Kind of hypocritical action. So let´s start to sink yachts owned by sheiks of Saudi Arabia there are plenty of it around the Meds, this country is known for beheading and stone women to death.

  5. Bravo. Can we just take a moment and stand in awe at the comical oversight of this Russian oligarch for employing a Ukrainian chief engineer!

  6. My only response to this story was, “hahahahahahahaha! Eat sh!t you vodka soaked b!tch!” The Ukrainians really do deserve all the respect in the world, the amount of courage it takes to do what so many of them are doing is incredible. Also between this, the guys who stole a Russian tank, and the farmer that legit towed away an APC in his tractor I can not stop laughing. Professional military and arms dealers are getting there stuff stolen and sabotaged by mechanics, farmers, and store clerks…😂

  7. Well although he is truly a d u m b a s s thanks for now allowing the owner to collect insurance on it. Thus rendering the sanction useless!!

  8. As an American I think people in the US need to keep their mouth shut about racism if they are for the theft of property due to someone's race! If It is okay to seize and steal a Russian person's property that committed no crime, what makes you think that other countries are not going to steal and seize American property because we are Americans. Suppose other countries only seize or steal black Americans properties. How would the US react?

  9. Can u imagine swing a place u love being treated like that ii salute him for his actions..Plus ship owner has insurance he will get it fixed or get a new one but u can't give people back there lives I wonder how the arms dealer feel about the war?

  10. If you look at all the possessions of the rich minority, the monstrously large and luxurious villas, yachts, etc. of Putin and the circle around him, it is perverse in relation to what is being done to the people of Ukraine.
    The horrific, brutal violence against the Ukrainian people must be stopped and the Ukrainians must be supported by all means possible.

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