Noul superyacht de 485 de milioane de dolari al lui Jeff Bezos

Noul superyacht de 485 de milioane de dolari al lui Jeff Bezos

E timpul să vezi noul superyacht de 485 de milioane de dolari al lui Jeff Bezos, numit Y721. În ciuda faptului că este un super iaht, cea mai recentă barcă a lui Jeff Bezos face din nou titluri pentru un început potențial mirositor, inclusiv o aruncare de ouă. Va trebui doar să urmărești pentru a afla despre asta. Acest Superyacht este încă în curs de construcție în Țările de Jos și provoacă unele controverse, dar avem câteva fotografii la ce să ne așteptăm de la acest palat plutitor. Lui Jeff Bezos pare să-i placă să se lege de nava sa-rachetă, dar acum vrea să traverseze mările cu stil. Nu este de mirare că miliardarul din spatele Amazon plănuiește ceva la fel de scump. El plătește aproape 500 de milioane de dolari pentru iahtul cu trei catarge și de 417 picioare – dacă poate scăpa mai întâi de Rotterdam… Abonați-vă pentru mai multe videoclipuri uimitoare! ► ◄ Scris de: Wilder Weir Povestit de: Wilder Weir Editat de: Alex Scalzo Pentru probleme legate de drepturile de autor vă rugăm să ne contactați la: CAPITOLUL: 00:15 Y721 – ȚĂRILE DE JOS 05:05 THE BLACK PEARL – INSULELE CAYMAN 07:15 THE FLYING FOX – GOKOVA


42 thoughts on “Noul superyacht de 485 de milioane de dolari al lui Jeff Bezos

  1. Do Jeff Bezos have sent any help to Ukraine? Or at least offered any help? He makes lots of billions selling shit to the entire world. Is good to give back when the people that have made what you are, needs it. You know is kind of a moral thing and the more money you have done with them the more it turns into your moral obligation.

  2. I hate that he can dismantle historical bridge just because he is rich, money does not mean he can destroy history

  3. With all the respect that everyone deserves. For this reason lot's of people are poor and never would have any of those nice stuff Jeff have because some people hate and cannot see how Jeff deserves this. Lots of people are not driven and don't work hard to be wealthy. It takes hard work, dedication and entrepreneurship to be where he is.

  4. PROVERBS 23:27 for an adulterous woman is a deep pit, and a wayward wife is a narrow well.
    PROVERBS 15:29 The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.
    Thank you so much Jesus for supernatural Blessings and supporting today again continually!
    All the grace,the mercy,the honor,the power,the wealth and the glory to the King of kings the Lord of Lords only the true the miracle God Jesus Christ today again specially!

  5. Nothing valueable a woman beside of him. Wealth is should to spend more brightly, more valueable places with our awesome God's will! Our God showed me his awesome Presences today again on my prepared a wedding dress even rains and clouds day. Not for her for me. Thank you so much Jesus for supernatural Blessings and supporting today again continually!


  7. For decades, the billionaires have been trying to outdo each other with the biggest estates, longest yachts, most personal assistants, etc.

  8. I don't get why people are such jealous haters of Bezos knowing full well if you could switch places with him, you would. He earned everything he has. Some of you sound like miserable losers. Capitalism FTW!

  9. This must be the new way to fight global climate change. This type of people are very good at it. Especially in talking BS about it and what you or me must do about it in order to reduce it. Their acting looks like above… Bunch of spoiled hypocrats!!!

  10. I think a lot of people don't understand why the super rich really buy yachts. The purpose is they spend a ton of money to make these yachts, then use them as collateral to borrow large amounts of money from banks. They use that borrowed money to live off of, and that is how they are able to avoid paying taxes and take such a low income on paper.

  11. What is mind boggling is these yards charging these crazy prices for these yachts. They build a modern cruise ship 500 feet longer, 12 decks high with steel, interior volume and outfitting probably 100x greater for $700 to $1 billion dollars.

  12. And he'll have the unmitigated gaul to brag about how it's green!

    So what if the carbon foot print to construct this toy is larger than a normal person's for a lifetime.

    If he truly enjoys sailing he'd buy himself a very nice 50-60 ft sailboat that he could actually sail himself along with a few other people.

  13. That's not a yacht. that's an epheria. He better hire an armed team of US Navy because he would surely bump paths with somali pirates out there.

  14. My former college room-mate built this yacht which is just mind boggling when I think about it. Especially considering that I used to be a seaman for 12 years and never got higher than 1st mate on a 90’ Feadship motor yacht. For most of my seafaring career I was either a navy quartermaster or an able seaman in the merchant marine. I ended up in seafaring because I hated student teaching so much when I was at Miami of Ohio where Mohammed was the president of the foreign students club. This was back in 1975. We watched the evacuation of South Vietnam together on television.

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