Sailing doodles ultimul episod de pe YouTube! Urmărește toate episoadele Sailing doodles aici: Aflați cât valorează celebritatea voastră preferată! Bună tuturor și bun venit la Celebrity Net Worth & mod de viata. Un canal de youtube plin cu toate știrile despre celebrități. Inclusiv stilul lor de viață de lux, fapte distractive și actualizări ale valorii nete a celebrităților care provin în principal de la Forbes, unele dintre videoclipurile noastre includ YouTuberi celebri, actori, actrițe, artiști muzicali, sportivi și multe altele! YouTuberi precum Life Uncontained, Goonzquad, Sailing Doodles și mulți alți YouTuberi celebri! Vom include veniturile lor de pe YouTube, arătându-ne câți bani plătește YouTube pentru vizionări prin intermediul reclamelor Google Adsense și, în general, cum câștigă bani pe YouTube. De asemenea, vom trece peste biografia și stilurile de viață ale multor YouTuberi celebri, cum ar fi Mr. Beast, Logan Paul, David Dobrik și mulți alții. Acești YouTuberi obțin o sumă mare de venituri pasive. Sper că acest canal îți oferă câteva idei de venituri pasive și o idee despre cât poți câștiga pe youtube și să-ți dea curajul să începi un canal de youtube pentru tine! Ești încântat să sari în biografiile și stilurile lor de viață? Să ajungem la asta! #Sailing #SailingDoodles #SailingVlog
În viața SECRETĂ a Sailing Doodles!

38 thoughts on “În viața SECRETĂ a Sailing Doodles!”
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never give up.
Sailing Doodles does have a boat of there own. Its called The Dark Side and it's a Motor Yacht and the young lady you featured as his girlfriend wasn't his girlfriend…
Grammar is hard.
Have to give him praise for going forward good on you mate!
I mean he had $950k to start his journey from his flying career… It's not like a rags to riches story..? The loss of his first boat was a loss for sure but it wasn't dream breaking.
Thank's for this, never know he bought Laura;s boat.
Thats what life is about i and my late wife had many things thrown at us from we married in 1966 till she died i 2013 im a fighter a suvivor i never go down i kicked back if we do that God will help us.
Not much new info here.
Oh My Goodness, I would have thought he would be worth way more.
There are a number of mistakes in this video from images to audio.
But that doesn't take away from the accomplishments and contributions Bobby has made.
Sure his t & a theme is a bit frivolous, but he's a kick-ass hard worker.
Bobby- dead giveaway to looking exactly like Joe Pesci
Sad to hear Bobby is leaving soon to run in 2024 for the main ticket!
Wow, great story. My hat's off to Bobby. I have enjoyed the few videos I've watched and I know I'm definitely gonna be watching more. Keep it up Booby, you're an inspiration to all, specially to an old salt.
The only thing I wanted to know which you said nothing about is how he gets all the hot women on his boat?
girlfriends name was Laura.
Bravo pour ton ancomplicement
Bobby White the Hugh Hefner of the water!
bobby owns the Hatteras 'The Dark Side' and an airplane for his Flying Doodles channel
which was the insurance company which refused to pay out
His a pimp
You report he doesn't have a boat of his own yet you showed the "Dark Side" which he owns and is currently selling. Not blaming the narrator, just the script writers.
He is a very clever guy who fully understands the mechanics and maintenance requirements for boats. He had also taught himself the skills needed to sail and navigate boats around the world. A likeable guy who has also the knack of recruiting gorgeous women to crew on his boats thereby creating a huge following on his blogs. One of the women usually end up as a girlfriend so he has a win win situation and the envy of many men. It has not all been plain sailing but he has ridden the knocks life has thrown at him with fortitude and determination, his two large loveable labradoodle dogs Goose and Maverick has both passed away during the series and they where much loved by him and the viewers. He is presently going to sell his Hatteras motor yacht “The Dark Side” to fund his new cat being built which will no doubt bring him many new series and adventures
Good on him. He does seem to land quite a few very attractive young women as crew. I'm sure that helps the channel appeal.
Awesome story , Bob is a true entrepreneur,. I enjoy this channel all of the adventures ( And give Bob some
once in awhile just for fun !) 

Everyone should be subscribed to this awesome channel
And I thought that the channel was just about a bevy of busty women.
Fantastic journée
Bobby has found a way much like Hugh Hefner to use women and their sex appeal to make him money.. Think about it. You tube subscribers pay him to find beautiful women put them on film and get paid for it. He does nothing on video but offer up food and drink and ask for money.
This day and time charm if used correctly will provide you a great lifestyle. The only fools in this scenario are the people paying for his life style..
Why did insurance refuse to cover the boat?
It's been fun to watch Bobby's channel grow. I first subbed to him when he had about five videos on his and Megan's first sail across the Gulf of Mexico.
Several inaccuracies in this video!
Bobby who did you fly for ? I was with Dean Foods at love field CL604 and LR 45 . Turn white wave at BJC LR 45 . Grew up with boats . Love your Channel . Saw you doing Aviation stuff also
Do you still take people along on some of your cruises
Answer…Young hot girls … yes thankyou
Bobby is getting a catamaran, even though videos of “The Dark Side” (gas powered vessel) are still being posted weekly.
Looks like he could have given up several times props for being persistent. Now he's buy a million dollar cat well done
The worst so called sailing channel out. All he does he record getting females drunk and recording them make out. Plus he doesn't sail, he has a diesel-powered boat.
something makes it stand out from the rest
boobies everywhere
It used to be good but now it’s boring the same thing over and over