O EXcursie cu BARCA făcută în CER! Fă asta în Mauritius…

O EXcursie cu BARCA făcută în CER!  Fă asta în Mauritius...

Dacă ar trebui să faci un lucru în Mauritius, asigură-te că faci asta! O excursie cu catamaran este una dintre cele mai unice modalități de a vedea coasta pe această insulă paradisiacă. Vă duc într-o excursie de la Balaclava la Point Aux Canonniers într-o excursie cu barca făcută în rai. Le mulțumim enorm prietenilor noștri care ne-au găzduit cu amabilitate pe barca lor. Vă place acest videoclip? Simțiți-vă liber să susțineți canalul cumpărându-mi o cafea: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lucyleheilleix


19 thoughts on “O EXcursie cu BARCA făcută în CER! Fă asta în Mauritius…

  1. I'm pretty excited by the lifting of restrictions, we will be on the island in June. Can't wait to take boat trips in the north.

  2. No pcr 72h before arrival?! What a wonderful news and just in time. Looking forward to visiting that amazing place in a week 😍
    Thank you for the lovely video!

  3. Thank you for your very informative videos Lucy! We’re visiting Mauritius right now (visiting from Europe- but I’m Canadian) my kids are about the same age as yours, we did a catamaran on the East 2 days ago based on your previous video. It was just perfect 👍 ☀️ ❤️

  4. Thanks for always making such great videos Lucy! My wife and I are from Cape Town, staying on the island for three months to consider moving.
    I must say, it's an incredibly beautiful place.
    I wanted to ask, who did you book the tour with? I would love to do a catamaran trip like that!

  5. Thanks for the update on travel to Mauritius 👍
    The catamaran trip looked fabulous. How much would it cost to hire for the day?

  6. Heyy Lucy I think the weather in Mauritius will be bad because of a new cyclone approaching to the island. By the way have a good time 💖

  7. It's nice to see a video about a part of Mauritius not often seen on social media. Will your next video be something like the best of drone clips around the island?

  8. Looks great. Any advice on getting a skippers license? I'm coming for six weeks soon and would like to try make a start at learning/ taking the test. Any ideas where to start? In Mauritius of course

  9. Hi Lucy, another awesome video! Great footage! My wife & I are in Mauritius right now – staying in Balaclava! We're doing a catamaran sailing trip tomorrow! 🙂

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