Măguri pe skiuri de tură | Martie 2022

Măguri pe skiuri de tură | Martie 2022

In 12 martie am mers intr-o tura pe skiuri la Maguri. Am facut un traseu de aproape 10 km. Prima parte am mers pe drumul de la Suseni la Trunchii Putrezi, apoi am coborat la Dobrus. Drumul din Dobrus pana inapoi la Suseni nu a fost asa interesant deoarece se circula pe drum si trebuia sa o tinem ori pe mijlocului drumului, ori pe margine ca sa nu ne zgariem skiurile. Traseul a durat aproape 6 ore iar la final ne-am bucurat de un apus de soare splendid.
Pentru cei interesati, puteti accesa linkul despre traseul nostru aici https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/8452727023

This time we went on a skiing tour to Maguri. We did a route of almost 10 km. In the first part, we went on the road from Suseni to Trunchii Putrezi, then down to Dobrus. The road from Dobrus to Suseni was not so interesting as cars were passing sometimes. We had to keep it either in the middle of the road or on the side so as not to scratch our skis.
The route lasted almost 6 hours and at the end we enjoyed a splendid sunset.
For those interested, you can access the link to our route here https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/8452727023


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