Am stricat complet lemnul: Sailing Melody – Episodul 70

Am stricat complet lemnul: Sailing Melody - Episodul 70

Bine ați venit la episodul 70 din Sailing Melody. Lucrul între barcă și casă îngreunează lucrurile și asta poate însemna greșeli stupide. În acest episod facem niște rame minunate din lemn de esență tare pentru trapele de punte, dar nu totul merge conform planului……. Iată link-ul către știrile breaking waves Aceasta este o reamenajare și o renovare uriașă a acest iaht mare, vechi, abandonat din oțel și nu este doar consumator de timp, este complicat și destul de scump, așa că prețuim cu adevărat orice ajutor pe care îl putem obține, fie că este vorba de sfaturi utile și comentarii la videoclip sau cadouri prin Lista noastră de dorințe Amazon sau contribuții reale prin intermediul Patreon, Paypal și Ko-Fi. Vrem să le mulțumim HUUUUUUUGE tuturor celor care au contribuit în orice fel și iată link-urile dacă doriți să ne ajutați cu totul în această călătorie uimitoare. MARFĂ NOUĂ! Tricouri și căni și altele în curând. Pentru a cumpăra albumul lui Andy, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la, astfel încât să putem primi plata și să vă trimitem un link de descărcare Linkurile noastre Susține-ne pe Patreon : https :// Verificați-ne pe Instagram: Vino să ne vorbești pe facebook: Sau contribuie o singură dată prin PayPal sau Ko-Fi folosind aceste linkuri Verificați lista noastră de dorințe pe site-ul PRO MARINE STORE Card cadou https://www. Lista de dorințe MONA F&T – De unde ajungem oțelul nostru Weldgas Cymru – De unde obținem gazul de sudură și bițile de pistolet Avem și o listă de dorințe Amazon. Echipamentul nostru Sony a6400 Feiyutech a1000 gimbal GoPro 7 Hero GoPro 3 Hero Rode Studiomic pro Rode Studiomic mini


32 thoughts on “Am stricat complet lemnul: Sailing Melody – Episodul 70

  1. The Gorilla glue is perfect, I brush my teeth with this every night. The alumabrass looks great.
    When you need something to be done right and correct, bring in Captain Jack. Sir Andrew is now Android, Lord God and Ruler of the tongue and groovy.
    Careful, we don’t want Jack to become the thumbless wonder. He will need to use telepathy for the brain surgery he performs in the future. No SirAndroid, Jack used the excuse of boredom to flee from the thumb eliminator 😂
    Andy / Android master of miter, You Sir are doing great. No need to learn cnc machining. That’s not how almost all great ships were built. Your shop is wonderful, the lighting is great. Power on my friend.
    It’s fun to watch you take a break and play acoustic guitar. I just posted a video of Jimi Hendrix playing acoustic. He’s a home town player for me. Now I’m dating myself.
    Watching you with the tender on the water is amazing.
    Imagine if you had no access to the ocean. I miss the ocean beyond comprehension. You all are so lucky and blessed.
    Dear Andy / Sir Android. You Sir are amazing. Please don’t become over critical of yourself. You’re in the trenches every day. We as viewers se your amazing progress. Keep in mind that is the poor craftsman who blames his tools. You sir, and the entire compliment are doing a really amazing job.
    Now let me know what time to show up for supper, and I just hope you like lamb, red wine and a tiny bit of a good scotch 😇
    PS: leave the boat where it is and continue. Moving it now may seem advantageous, but it’s an expense and distraction that’s not justified at this time. Too early.

  2. I moved my boat closer to home its the best thing. Wood work is allways testing i find it makes the man a man. Or Lady a Lady. I love that you both get stuck in and you teaching jack. May dad used to let me ride in a small rib he let me off in it iwas told of for going to fast. best of luck to all of you……. I if you need a helping hand i would love to come and help one day.I have may wood working tools also i might have a brand new chope saw for sale for very little money.

  3. Oh, Andy. I really felt for you. However, all is not lost. You can cut them down and they'll fit snug as a bug. I also like the little fillets on the angels – very stylish indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Totally understand your dismay as many is the time I have done similar which is bloody disheartening. We get over it… eventually.

  5. So nice to see you teaching Jack woodworking. Couldn't help remembering my Dad teaching me in our cellar workshop in the 1950's. Jack is a lucky boy to have parents like you. And you're lucky to have him, which I'm sure you've thought of a few times! Thanks for sharing your project Andy.

  6. It's looking awesome already.
    Try to give paint time to harden off though. Lol.
    It's great you still have that enthusiasm and joy like a kid for this project.
    See if Jack would like to make a wooden fish (remember those from school) for his mum to put on the boat. It's easy with a surform and it does get a kid to appreciate wood and taking a project from start to finish. Just a thought.

  7. Great job. I don’t know how it is there, but here you can get a good used saw (table or chop) and then sell it when you are done. You can get one from a pawn shop. The other thing that works to protect from glue ups is parchment paper (in cooking isles here). I’ve made lots of “mistakes” woodworking.

  8. Not totaly screwed m8, if you can pull it apart and redo it. 😉 If it can't be rebuilt, refixed, or repurposed, then its what you said. If you expectin to get a right royal butt lift, with the toe of my boot. Be disappointed! Slips happen, to some, to others alot more. Like the inserts, if if there not what you though they break up, the colour, and I like'm. Thanks. You and yours and young Cap'm Jack stay safe and well eh!

  9. I thought I had problems with my almost four mile drive to the marina to work on my boat. Nothing is more frustrating than what you guys are going through. Do you find van life helping with the commute? Thanks again so much for sharing your story with me. Tell Jack that we loved being introduced by him!

  10. Bugger about the hatch comings, these things happen unfortunately.

    But WOW Brilliant guitar you definitely are a Very talented guy .

    Well done Jack You definitely are going into a knowledgeable guy like your dad.

  11. The Japanese saw cuts on the pull. Put the wood on the fence closer to you and pull the wood tight. That will stop things from jumping around.

  12. A bit late to watching this episode so don't know if you are already vanishing the trim. As you oiled them to bring out the grain the varnish will not want to adhere to the wood. I recommend just oiling the finish. Makes for easier touch up. If you use a teak oil like Daly's SeaFin just apply many coats and you will get a nice semigloss finish.

  13. Makes me happy to see you showing Jack to do wood work.He will always remember this.And you have a great wife too not many women are willing to do the work she has done on this boat.You Sir are a very lucky man to have her in your life.

  14. Regarding table saw and indeed other tools you would find helpful but obviously not for taking aboard with you. I think the old old saying pennywise and pound foolish applies. There are two big advantages to such tools first they produce higher quality product and secondly do so in a shorter period of time.

    Your time is worth money even if you are not getting paid you have living costs mortgage boat storage fees living costs etc all of which reduce when Melody is completed.

    It is not just some internet stranger suggesting you spend your money just you value your time. There is also the fact that as you finish the projects necessary you can recoup probably at least half your investment as ebay works both ways

  15. I own a wood-shop. Can't tell you how many times I've done the same. BUT, a good carpenter makes mistakes, but a better carpenter knows how to hide them.

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