Bărci cu pânze de oțel – Episodul 175 – Lady K Sailing

Bărci cu pânze de oțel - Episodul 175 - Lady K Sailing

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29 thoughts on “Bărci cu pânze de oțel – Episodul 175 – Lady K Sailing

  1. Excellent video!,
    Very well thought out, scripted and communicated! You have become so much more polished in your presentations since the early days…
    Hats off

  2. You keep showing the British Steel, moored in the Dart.
    My wife and I had friends who lived aboard this and we were fortunate enough to spend Dartmouth regatta, while on our honeymoon. 2007 happy days.

  3. When I was younger and building my dream sail boat, and owning a fiberglass boat at that time, a steel design was/ is the only way to go … less redundant activities ( not having to. 1st build the mold, lay up the glass, pulling the mold, AND THAN DISPOSING OF THE MOLD. ). Life, dollars, and a place (space). To build never happened until I. Was way too old to walk a deck safely … hence I’m for all the arguments why steel is a better material for building pleasure boats.

  4. I'm down here in Grenada on my 34ft Thomas Colvin Steel schooner Blue Dragon. Crossed the Atlantic twice in her now. Go Steel go anywhere.

  5. i'm considering building my boat. For a long time steel was the plan (it is less learning for me since i was kind of metalworker in the days). Steel can give You everything from better strength, trough less weight or great heat dissipation (think tropics). Though steel can't get You all this thing at the same time.

    There is one catch though: the thinner is Your steel element, the harder it is to repair it properly. To get something afloat You can use sheets as thin as a beer can (or even thinner), to be able to weld it, You need it thicker (the thicker, the easier to work with). But at the same time weight increase.

  6. I play golf with the owner and founder of a company that does business with Chevron and BP to protect their steel
    His ceramic coating bonds to steel and prevents corrosion permanently.
    Antimicrobial and fire resistant. Dries in 5 minutes

  7. Fronius now make battery powered caddy stick welders! Amazing! Stick welders can weld dirty painted steel hull hapily as its leeking, and you will get home to repair it proper! Go the steel!

  8. I love George Buhler's designs. While not sailboats, his Diesel Duck series are largely built in steel and he designed a supplemental sail into most of them.

    On another subject, I have a Deko brand stick welder that I carry with me on my work van. It is about the size of a shoebox and it will operate on 120 or 240.

  9. Paint coatings are extremely expensive, and there's a potential to jack them even higher or ban effective chemistry. Steel is only effective at cargo ship dimensions. Why do most cargo ships go to the scrappers in 30 years? Plumbing and painting. I donnt want a sheet steel trailer on land and I don't want a steel sailboat. It's a ticking time bomb waiting to get rust cancer.

  10. no material is perfect: metal, glass, wood. for me, steel gives peace of mind. yes, must use anodes intelligently. coatings today will last 20 years, no rust. much easier to sand rust and recoat, than to resolve osmosis or core separation on glass; especially when underway. I have never had the need to weld anything for any reason. underway, have struck many objects, including reefs: causing scratches only; glass would be mayday. all decks/hulls will become hot under baking sun in the tropics. but metals conduct heat into the water, so they cool much faster after sunset. chines can provide benefits. true, a new steel yacht is gonna cost you mucho these days. next best for strength is aluminium.

  11. I have crossed the Pacific on a 30ft steel boat built in the Neatherlands. The weight added to seaworthiness and I did the 2300mi trip to the Marquesas in 26 days. The 40’ fiberglass boats did it in 20-22 days… At that point not such a big difference, eh? I loved my boat!!!!! It was run onto the rocks full speed in the Panama canal by the Pilot. A dent in the hull, that was it.

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