Sâmbătă dimineața, va începe o călătorie epică pentru un marinar care și-a făcut un nume, călătorind peste Pacific, din Japonia până în San Francisco, într-o barcă cu pânze de 19 picioare. Abonați-vă la canalul YouTube al KTVU: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVhtkN7-c8mA8GXEoxS4YQw?sub_confirmation=1 KTVU oferă cele mai bune reportaje aprofundate, interviuri și știri de ultimă oră în zona Golfului San Francisco și California Urmăriți buletinele de știri ale KTVU pe https://www.ktvu.com/live Descărcați gratuit știrile și aplicațiile meteo KTVU la https://www.ktvu.com/mobile-apps Abonați-vă la buletinul informativ KTVU la https://www.ktvu.com/newsletters Urmărește KTVU pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ktvu Urmărește KTVU pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/KTVU Urmărește KTVU pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ktvu2/
În vârstă de 83 de ani, va porni într-o călătorie epică de la San Francisco la Osaka cu o barca cu pânze de 19 picioare

24 thoughts on “În vârstă de 83 de ani, va porni într-o călătorie epică de la San Francisco la Osaka cu o barca cu pânze de 19 picioare”
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Living history
I have made that trip in 48 days under sail. It wouldn't be fun to do it 96 days, for sure.
Fantastic advanture – love seeing sailors pushing boundaries
I'm so inspired!
In 1980 we went from SF to Osaka with a cargo boat. It's a huge distance. In a straight line it is about 5,383 miles or 8664 km.
on his journey.
Will probably think that it will take several months with the small boat.
All things considered, it's a big task. Just the weather is one thing.
If he manages it, then it's an incredible achievement, and I wish him the best winds
What will he eat
Arrested for what, invasion? lol. What a boss.
He's dope. I don't even know three people his age with their energy to run two blocks let alone sail to another country. He probably got energy to make more babies ( jk) LMAO
You go Mr Man ♥️
I sure hope a companion boat is close-by with full medical support. 83 is no Spring Chicken, he's nowhere near as resilient now. No way his strength and reflexes, eyesight, etc., oh boy…
I remember when he made the original voyage in 1962.
" Beyond All Things Is The Sea " SENECA
How can I track Mr. Horie's journey?
no wave powered hydrofoils?
Ageless Kenichi The Power of Will

What a guy! Gotta hand it to him.
Congratulations! Wonderful news story. Wonderful deed. Thanks!
The boat is exactly as big as one man needs it to be.
Nice looking boat
Thank God he wasn't mugged in San Francisco.
Does anyone knows what is the model of this sailboat? I guess it's custom made.
Still awaiting an update on him
World's oceans.