SailGP – Finala San Francisco 2022

SailGP - Finala San Francisco 2022

Întregul sezon de opt evenimente a fost orientat pentru ca câștigătorul să ia toată cursa finală între primele trei ambarcațiuni – O cursă, un premiu, 1 milion de dolari. Dar pentru a ajunge acolo însemna cinci curse de flotă pe parcursul a două zile. Intrând în eveniment și în urma penultimului eveniment de la Sydney, primele trei echipe păreau să-și fi asigurat locul în cursa pentru bani, dar Marele Premiu al Mubadala al Statelor Unite ale Americii a avut mult mai multe provocări pregătite. Peste două zile, nimic nu a fost simplu. În plus față de această emisiune de recenzie de 26 de minute, puteți viziona și următoarea reluare completă live – Ziua 1 – Reluare completă live – Ziua 2 – Mubadala Statele Unite ale Americii Sail Repere Grand Prix – Facebook – Site – Twitter – matthewsheahan Linkedin –


15 thoughts on “SailGP – Finala San Francisco 2022

  1. Love the boats, but it really doesn’t attract much public attention or let’s be honest sailing community attention for its massive cost. How much longer will Ellison continue to tip in the big bucks to what is no more than a vanity project?

  2. Three Aussie skippers in the final just shows how good our nation is. It’s a pity we can’t find the interest and dollars to raise the Americas cup any more.

  3. Interesting how many of the worlds top sailors are produced here in Australia, a country of around 25 million. And our cousins over the ditch won the "carbon footprint" award hahahaha

  4. You forgot to mention how the "Grand Final" was one of the worst races of the whole season. With the 45° wind shift requiring no gybe to the leeward gate but the RC letting the race continue anyways. Of course, most people watching on YT probably don't realize that since there was no aerial footage for what was billed as the most important race of the season. While AUS deserved the season win, it should have been for the overall standings, not for that ridiculous "Grand Final". The 3 boat final race of each regatta is just stupid too. I guess no one is allowed to criticize the race committee or they will lose access.

  5. As a lifelong sailor I am still amazed at foiling. Such an incredible pressure on such a small area of foil. The technology that goes into creating this material and the systems that run these boats is simply incredible…not to mention the people driving these machines. Amazing!

  6. Matt your right looking at the season as a Whole Aussies were the best , BUT for crying out loud a million dollar single race needed to be in fair conditions on a course correctly set ( the 2 go hand in hand) and with proper coverage , no helicopter shots , no footage from the camera boat that impeded Japan ……
    A cock up , but no body saw it as the coverage ended on TV before the actual final ( in USA) . If I was russel coutts I would be livid!
    We can do better ……..
    it’s a million dollar sailing race guys!

  7. Truly amazing! But bumper boats @ 90 knots? Killer; literally! Let's show a little care; there are rules to follow and penalties to pay ~

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