Trailer de aventură Kimberley Navigand pe râul Berkeley către Darwin

Trailer de aventură Kimberley Navigand pe râul Berkeley către Darwin

Videoclipul final al aventurii noastre din Kimberley. Părăsim Golful Koolama pentru a prinde ultima val de inundație, înainte de a lupta cu marea și de a ancora în spatele Insulei Eric, pe lângă râul Berkeley. Dimineața vom naviga spre Berkeley, traversând barul de nisip și motorul în amonte până la Casuarina Falls. Găsim gropi superbe de înot și artă rupestre aborigenă deasupra cascadelor. Mergând mai în amonte ne îndreptăm spre barul de stâncă de la capătul apei navigabile vizitând amfiteatrul și căderile perene de-a lungul drumului. În ultima noastră zi, ne îndreptăm în aval să facem duș la Casuarina Falls, înainte de a explora Pauls Creek și apoi citim Neringa pentru traversarea de 3 zile și 2 nopți a Golfului Bonaparte a doua zi. Plecăm la 2 dimineața a doua zi pentru a trece bara la maree înaltă și a profita la maximum de reflux în primele 6 ore. Fișierele Grib arată condiții promițătoare pentru primele 2 zile, dar o întărire îngrijorătoare a vântului care se rotunjește spre Darwin. Traversarea merge conform planului, în ciuda unora dintre cele mai agitate mări în ultima zi de rotunjire a Peninsula Cox în Darwin. După ce am preluat mașina și remorca de la Derby, încărcăm Neringa după 1372 de mile marine pe apă, pregătindu-ne pentru călătoria de 5000 km acasă.


15 thoughts on “Trailer de aventură Kimberley Navigand pe râul Berkeley către Darwin

  1. Fantastic video series Mark. I am disappointed the trip is over (as no doubt are you). Hope you make more videos of future adventures to share with us.

  2. Relished the whole series. Your videos are taking on an almost documentary flavour- brought to mind the good old Leyland Brothers from back in the day.. Looking forward to whatever your next adventure brings.

  3. Mark, any idea how much fuel you used in the dinghy?
    And congrats on this trip have followed your others as well.
    Phil of SEAKA

  4. Hi Mark, just watch the video and just realised I missed the last one as I was doing a boat delivery ( 65 foot motor boat) from Pittwater to Perth.
    Some times we would use 240 lt per hour for 10 hrs.
    Any way will have to go watch the other I missed.
    Mark what a wonderful adventure you guys had. And I know a lot of people loved it.
    Will keep an eye open for you next time I am on the lakes over Christmas.
    Once again thank you very much for all the wonderful work you have done putting these videos up.

  5. What an epic journey – fantastic. In addition to your very capable selves, your trip has really brought home what a capable boat the RL28 is – sometimes it's easy to forget that it's trailerable. We had an RL24 for a while, which was also wonderful, but I might not have been quite so appropriate on that last leg of your trip! Thanks again for bringing us all with you.

  6. G'day Mark and Helen. What an excellent adventure in every way. Congratulations to you both for the courage and tenacity you brought to it, and for the patience of shooting, editing and publishing the videos. It's been a great escape for those of us stuck at home, and as others have said very educational, both about the cruising grounds and the boat. Good luck with the new pad in Metung and the new adventures you'll have from that excellent departure point!

  7. What an adventure, super inspirational. So much natural beauty and wild untouched wilderness. And you did it all in a trailer sailer.
    One Life, One Search,

  8. What an epic trip guys. Amazing part of the country that most people will never see. If it was not for the crocs I think it would be on my list but with a young family I don't think I'd be comfortable. Luckily the GBR is on my doorstep! What's the next adventure?

  9. Really interested in your towing setup . Would you be able to let me know the relevant details of your rig ? ie. vehicle , yacht , trailer , towball weight + extras ? I’m having trouble working out my own situation 🤔 .

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