PRIMUL CRYPTO NFT Yacht Club din lume | Yachting descentralizat pe M/Y Chakra

PRIMUL CRYPTO NFT Yacht Club din lume |  Yachting descentralizat pe M/Y Chakra

Communisea este primul club de iaht NFT din lume! Acest program de proprietate fracționată bazat pe cripto este lansat la Conferința Bitcoin din Miami 2022 și introduce conceptul de yachting descentralizat în blockchain. Chakra este un megayacht de 282′ sau 86m încărcat cu facilități și o caracteristică unică de 21 de cabine pentru oaspeți, ceea ce înseamnă că poate dormi aproape de 4 ori mai mulți oaspeți decât iahturile obișnuite. Când achiziționați una dintre cele 100 de acțiuni disponibile, primiți în schimb un NFT, care vă oferă 10.000 de puncte pentru a rezerva cabine după cum doriți și aveți nevoie, precum și acces la evenimente în afara navei, cum ar fi F1 Monaco GP, Festivalul de Film de la Cannes, Art Basel în Miami și Anul Nou în St Barths. #MiamiBitcoinConference #NFT #NFTyacht #Crypto 💻Contactați-mă – 📸Urmăriți-mă – 🎥Tik Tok – Sunt Nick Cardoza, un Miami broker de iahturi și broker de iahturi Ft Lauderdale, care se ocupă cu superyacht-uri și bărci de lux. Cu peste 15 ani în industria de yachting, mi-am câștigat o parte echitabilă de cunoștințe din interior și aș fi bucuros să pun asta la treabă pentru VOI! Vă mulțumim că vizionați canalul Mr. Yachts. Dacă ți-a plăcut videoclipul, te rog să susții apăsând pe like și abonează-te! Spune-mi ce crezi și, ca întotdeauna, ne vedem în următorul videoclip!


15 thoughts on “PRIMUL CRYPTO NFT Yacht Club din lume | Yachting descentralizat pe M/Y Chakra

  1. The fact is BTC is the future of crypto and the question most people ask themselves is – if this is right time to invest? I feel those who would allow the market dynamism to determine when to trade or not are either new in this space in general or probably just naive, the sphere have seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders continue to make good use of the dip and pump even acquiring more equities towards trading sessions, I’d say that more emphasis should be put into trading, since it is way profitable than holding. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 9 BTC when I started at 2.5 BTC in just 5 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from Jack Muller, I would advise you all to trade your asset rather than hold for a future you aren’t sure can reach JacK on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉JACKMULLER

  2. So this is like The World? Except with crypto and NFT's. Then the 10,000 points that gives you all those nights at sea, or just you pick the package you want and do like 10 days in a standard cabin, 5 in the master, and 2 in the medium suite where, then the rest back in the standard room or you get one package and that's it. You get 10 days in the master for the year. Boom you're done and your 10 days can't be for all the important events either I bet. I know it's based on points, but you can buy multiple shares correct? I think I would just do the World. That's about the same and you live on board in your own floating condo. You don't ever have to leave either, except when they have to go in for repairs.

  3. Being on a yacht with nothing but a bunch of people talking about crypto and NFT's sounds like a personal hell. I'm sure the Nelk Boys would be there too and that would just add to the nightmare. Can you get some crossfitters, vegans, and some left wing activists too. Just really want to round out that ring of hell. Lol. I'm sorry but you had to know that joke was coming.

  4. Hmm. Interesting. If I had yacht level money though I would not want a community of party goers around me. I'd want peace and quiet with a small group of family/friends, some serenity and adventure, not in the med but in the Fjords, Philippine and Thai islands, Antarctic etc

  5. This is very interesting to me. I’ve been thinking about doing a community cruise boat. This is almost exactly what I’ve been planning.

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