Informații și contact Grand Banks: Bine ați venit la PREMIERA MONDIALĂ a GRAND BANKS 85 – o navă emblematică. Acest uimitor Power Motor Yacht a fost plin de surprize plăcute și caracteristici unice. Raza ei de 1.000 NM la 20 de noduri este foarte impresionantă pentru a adăuga entuziasm. Unele dintre caracteristicile mele preferate au fost Skylounge (wow, atât de multe lucruri interesante acolo!), lemnul de pe tot cuprinsul, „surpriza căpitanului” în bucătărie, cu siguranță frigiderul , „depozitarea soțului” alias Camera tehnică
de mai jos. , aspectul unic, depozitul de jucării și camera mașinilor… sau să zic CAMERE!
Oh, și sunt îndrăgostit de acele Crew Quarters!!
Bucurați-vă de tur! Prețul pentru acest SuperYacht Fast Long Range Cruiser începe de la 9 milioane USD+
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9 milioane USD+ GRAND BANKS 85 Power Motor Yacht Tour / 1.000 NM la 20 noduri SuperYacht Rapid Long Range Cruiser

31 thoughts on “9 milioane USD+ GRAND BANKS 85 Power Motor Yacht Tour / 1.000 NM la 20 noduri SuperYacht Rapid Long Range Cruiser”
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Always a pleasure having you both onboard – such a lovely and fun duo. We’re delighted you enjoyed the GB85, it is the culmination of several years of hard work and innovation, over what was also a challenging time globally. We’re equally proud of our team and the product, and thankful we get to work with such wonderful customers to bring these ideas to life.
GT 60 is my fav
From another video, this yacht can run on battery power for 10 hours and still have 70 percent battery power left. Lots of ventilation so you can limit the use of A/C. Fantastic tour and you showed things others didn't. Really enjoy your channel!
There's some very clever hull design going on because this boat has very good speed for the amount of power. Range is also excellent.
For 9 mill I'd want a sea keeper and davit included… along with redundant everything.
Love you guys!
Such a lovely boar. How much would it cost to crew and maintain such a boat
did anyone spot the ihpone in the sink ? 6:21
The crew area felt like a proper BQ or ADU
Why did Putin have to raise our gas prices
love it!
Great video guys. What a beautiful boat.
It’s a grill (slatted grates) with a flat top griddle. Anywhere in the world, folks know what a grill is and a flat top griddle. Well, if you actually cook that is, lol.
Nice boat. If I could change one thing it would be the front glass. If I could afford this, i would prefer to have negatively angles front glass. I just think it looks more "ship-like" but also helps with keeping the Pilot house cooler and out of the sun.
Complete dreamboat, perfect haul design.
Thanks for the Video you two. Your presentations and details are very good. Very Unique, LOL!!! Love your channel and I will definitely be subscribing. Great job as always.
Great video!
Superb trawler-style yacht! Love the efficiency & how well it is finished. It is ~ 2 times more expensive than similar-sized yachts of competitors though! What is the displacement?
I'll take two.
Grand Banks 85 the Bering 85 and the All Seas 92 . Three of my favorite boats.
Wow, what a tour, thankyou. This yacht is amazing. The only things I could say, and they really are trivial, is they could of extended the teak flooring in the crew cabins and maybe have a dishwasher (half size) and cooktop (2 burner induction) in there, always good to keep the crew happy but again this is trivial. Plenty of room up top to store a tender or other water toys also.
Now this would make a lovely sea trial video. To see that lovely efficient drive system in action. Also the simple but essential issues of docking & visability (like the under water lights.
You guys do such a good job I am really surprised they don't make room for your tours.
I wonder what happens to chairs and plates in rough seas.
Are those Yakhts really ised for sailing or just show off in marinas for the rich??
Sorry is over priced
How do you get the kayaks out of there ?
What a bootie.
Excellent design and walkthru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is great, but way outside of my price range, lol. Beautiful boat.
The Griddle, is a solid, flat surfaced cooking area. The Grill, is a slotted cut steel plate or welded bar cooking surface.
You can cook an egg, pancakes, veggies etc… straight on a Griddle, with no pan needed.
Can't do that on a Grill…
That is the difference between the two.