Episodul #235: O privire în profunzime asupra a ceea ce am învățat. Bună, prieteni, Aceasta este o scufundare profundă în multe dintre lucrurile pe care le-am învățat în timpul primei mele traversări oceanice solo. Este un videoclip lung, așa că l-am împărțit în capitole/secțiuni de mai jos, astfel încât să puteți revizui anumite subiecte mai târziu. 1 – Introducere 2 – Redundanțe echipamentelor – https://youtu.be/JpU3Ad_1pl8?t=194 3 – Defecțiunea angrenajului – https://youtu.be/JpU3Ad_1pl8?t=758 4 – Sleep – https://youtu.be /JpU3Ad_1pl8?t=847 5 – Manipularea navelor – https://youtu.be/JpU3Ad_1pl8?t=1124 6 – Când să navighezi – https://youtu.be/JpU3Ad_1pl8?t=1319 7 – Siguranța pe mare – https ://youtu.be/JpU3Ad_1pl8?t=1423 8 – Aprovizionare și gătit – https://youtu.be/JpU3Ad_1pl8?t=1850 9 – Divertisment – https://youtu.be/JpU3Ad_1pl8?t=2126 10 – Making Landfall – https://youtu.be/JpU3Ad_1pl8?t=2248 Dacă vă place canalul, vă rugăm să „Like” videoclipurilor și să vă abonați pentru a nu rata niciun episod viitor. Dacă vi se pare că videoclipurile sunt utile sau distractive și doriți să contribui, puteți deveni Patron la: https://www.patreon.com/sailorjames sau dacă preferați să faceți o contribuție o singură dată, o puteți trimite prin PAYPAL la jamesthesailorman @gmail.com Fair Winds, James ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI PATREON: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailorjames Site: http://svtriteia.com Tracker: https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display /Triteia Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/james.the.sailor.man
Ce am învățat la prima mea traversare oceanică solo; Manipularea navei până la somn, eșecul echipamentului la aterizare!

37 thoughts on “Ce am învățat la prima mea traversare oceanică solo; Manipularea navei până la somn, eșecul echipamentului la aterizare!”
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@Sailing Triteia this is the best episode! And I was in the Coast Guard, in a hurricane. You are brilliant sir!
I sailed with you in French Polynesia, fiji and NZ , really enloy watching your videos, I'm a sailor
34 ft Robert's, pity I missed you in NZ
Very wise information sir!!
Hi James! Question: Isn't it dangerous to have several days / weeks in a row without proper sleep? Aren't You tired all day long during all the days then? Doesn't the human body needs at least a few continuous hours of deeper sleep to have any refreshing and relaxing effect?
36:02 you should get an Ukulele
Thank You for this excellent content. I thought I was just going to listen to a bit here and there but was really taken in by the details and your story telling. Watched everything to the end and subscribed.
Hope to make a mainland to Hawaii passage someday so all this info was so very practical.
Thanks again & stay safe
We’ve got a few years before setting off and without any sailing experience I’m more concerned with learning navigation. What are some of the better options?
Thank you for all thèse informations.
Have a good Luck.
Great info – so interesting to this land lubber – love your content
If you are sailing around NZ and would like to use a swing mooring at Akaroa let me know.
great video……..
I appreciate your honest sharing of your experience! It's all valuable. Funny, after 20 000nm+ I still feel inexperienced… To do a solo crossing like yours is not on my horizon but I still learn a lot from your video.
Good to know. Thank you for your candor.
very usefull tips. My intended journey is across the North Sea, no oceans but still a 400 nm sail. Cheers mate!
hi what was garmin pok ? or l cont fine it on web eny help ? thx u ))
I'm slipped in Wilmington. This was excellent, and very useful for us coastal cruisers who dream of going offshore. I've followed your So Cal videos, but until today had no idea your pre-crossing résumé went beyond trips to Cat Harbor and the Channel Islands. You, Sam Holmes, and Christian Williams show us we can, too.
Just as a matter of personal experience with fishing, you should always use a gaff or net to get the fish out of the water once it is in reach of the boat and a mallet to kock it out before it can cause anyone injury. I have lost so many fish, poles, gear, time, gas, blood, and respect at the rail trying to pull the fish out and onto the deck that way. Sail on!
Does Navionics calculate your compass error for you as you move lat and long?
Great video. Lots to learn here. Thank you for sharing
Good info! Thx!
Massively helpful nice one mate cheers
Thank you so much, I learned a lot from your video
Thanks for mentioning the “heave to” offshore to come in safely the following day. I’ve watched many YouTube sailors who head in when it’s pitch dark and dangerous conditions. I’m always yelling at the screen saying, “why are you doing this?”
Good advise.
I’ve sailed close to 50k miles, crossed oceans and been shipwrecked, and I found nothing in this video I disagree with. Can’t say that about 9 out of 10 sailing YouTubers . Liked and subscribed.
I’d definitely wear a life jacket / pfd regardless of your chance of rescue out at sea. Be safe.
Great stuff James more of these
As a new sailor who wants to make crossings, I must say that video is worth it's weight in gold. Thank you so much
This was really interesting. I don't see many videos like this on people's channels. Once they've finished whatever challenge they did, they move on to the next one, and I'm left with tons of questions. I like knowing what could have been done differently. No matter how experienced one is, there's always something that could have gone more smoothly. I figure, why not learn from the best on how to be even better. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Thanks for sharing. Your videos are great and inspiring.
I'm not a sailor nor have ever been sailing,,but I know a about safety and you never wonch meanchend a safety harness!!!!
Liked and subscribed. Very straightforward.
This video sucked so bad I watched it twice lol the second time I took notes ~ ty bro
Loving your videos man! I was curious on the amount of money you spent getting her sea ready. I'm also looking to get an Alberg 30 but I'm sure the actual boat isn't the most expensive component.
Thanks for this video-very interesting to hear your points. What you said about "entertainment" is true for me also when travelling on land, no matter if it's by car or by bike. Will never understand people who block their sense of hearing while driving, riding or hiking.