Sailing, THE FULL KEEL Alăturați-vă patreon pentru beneficii extraordinare și acces la zona membrilor Reducere pentru membri ASA Deveniți un producător pe urmărirea latitudinilor, donație PayPal de 100,00 aici Probă gratuită audio Amazon Carte audio de 428 de zile Donează cripto Bitcoin 3HYebP9M2io44rZa8aXSwLPhXMH2KsrC2m ETH 0x03569fACCF4f0767978063CBb221F579FB703D1A SHIB 0xc7687A6b0Aead29794953297979529794 GE DGkeVFzjdv1Dimit4f81RP2FfChAPWH5wc Noua carte este lansată și disponibilă acum Site-ul meu și articolele Lista de dorințe /ls/3PKO761WN5Y6T?ref_=wl_share Sfaturile PayPal sunt întotdeauna apreciate iNAVX cel mai bun software de navigare de la îndemână utilizați codul How2Sailing10 Dacă doriți susține canalul există mai multe moduri și tu ești toți cei care faci acest lucru posibil. Nu pot face streamuri live fără publicul meu uimitor și cred că am cel mai bun public de pe YouTube. Deveniți membru pe Patreon și obțineți acces la zona mea numai pentru membri, unde sunt disponibil zilnic pentru a vă ajuta cu orice nevoie de navigație. De asemenea, ofer consultanță individuală pentru a vă ajuta să ajungeți la apă mai devreme decât mai târziu, dacă este ceva ce căutați. Puteți susține canalul cu doar 3,00 pe LUNĂ. Toate nivelurile mele de patron sunt taxate lunar, nu pe video Dacă faceți cumpărături pe Amazon, vă rugăm să faceți clic pe acest link, este linkul asociaților mei, așa că atunci când faceți Cumpărăturile tale obișnuite Amazon îmi oferă câțiva cenți pentru că te-am trimis pe amazon :) Sailing, sail, Bluewater sailing, Bluewater sailboat, Croazieră, bluewater cruising , Bluewater sail, navigare, navigare, doodles de navigație, navigare la vagabonde, navigare uma, navigare yaba, navigare zatara, proiect de navigație atticus, navigație delos, navigație covor magic, navigație atticus, navigare gbu, navigare în libertate, navigare uma ultimul episod, navigație în apă albastră, albastru apă, navigație în jurul lumii, barca cu pânze cu apă albastră, canal de navigație, videoclipuri de navigație, cum să


20 thoughts on “Sailing, CHILA PLINĂ

  1. I hear everything you say about the older ,“traditional” ,or “non production” boats…
    I get why they aren’t the best fit for many…but give me an overbuilt, canoe stern, full keel, skeg mounted rudder …i don’t care what you throw at one , it’s like riding a train cutting through huge waves, or taking following seas without broaching …sure you may only make 6.5-7 knots on 37-40 footers , but you’ll arrive at port or wake from a shift feeling rested …
    Many cruisers find themselves stuck on a reef in far away places, while banging for hours or days …let’s see how long a benateau or hunter will last at that…
    How about anchoring in shallow water with hard sand or rocky bottom?…a rogue wave comes along and bangs your rudder in to bottom…it often times results in bent or destroyed rudder on boats without a skeg…
    Ok , I’d prefer a modified cutaway keel over full keel because I’m not doing long passages traversing the Gulf Stream or other major currents , but nothing tracks better than a full keel if you are…
    Everything is a trade off when choosing a boat, but for these items, they are worth it to me…
    Thanks for your opinions …I agree with much of what you say…

  2. A full keel has neither greater righting moment or directional stability than a fin keel. The hull shape is what engenders directional stability. If a fin keel boat has a moderate, symmetrical hull shape it will tend to go straight. Nothing to do with the keel. Most of the full keel is not ballast. Everything immersed that is not ballast is making a negative contribution to stability. Many fin keel boats have a better ballast ratio, or the ballast has more righting moment as it is deeper.

  3. It's not about the feature, fin keel, full keel etc… it's about the overall design and making sure that the design is sailing to its designed weight. There are many good and bad full keel boats as well as fin keel boats. This one element of the design cannot be used to judge the whole… and of course you can make any of them bad handling dogs by overloading them or sticking all the weight in the ends. The individual designs track record and the builders track record are way more important than making sure you have any given feature.

  4. I'm confused about the comment made at 5:57. "… full keel is too inefficient. This will lead to long-term much much higher running costs."

    How is the inefficiency related to costs? I'm not seeing the connection.

  5. It makes sense that more fin keel boats are crossing oceans because as you said there are more of them out there.
    So before there was a lot of fin keeled boats there was full, long, modified,… so it's not that the fin is any better its that there's more of them ..
    Just install a bow thruster if you have problems docking,, even a lot of modern sailboats with fin keels have bow thrusters.. because any boat 40ft or longer will have problems docking.

  6. well being around boats for a lifetime and sailing as many years as I have I can disagree with much of this argument, and then agree with some, I have sailed or owned nearly every keel design. as a sailor, tech, and design /builder, restoration and advisor I still belong to the semi traditional soft cutaway full keel school, LOVE my full keel 42 ketch, but will agree it is hard to dock and forget reverse, One thing is for certain, if you rig your vessel well sail it well they will point relatively high, the comfort motion can not be beat period, nothing is as smooth and comforting in heavy weather as a well designed full keeler, Not just any full keel boat. Now tracking is very good too, on a long voyage you may only need to compensate course a few degrees up to land on your mark. steering is very easy if it is set up right, if you have standard non assisted hydraulic steering there is never any hard pressure working against you and it is feather light, it is NOT hard to to steer simply due to keel, that is FALSE unless you running with a tiller and some cable units might have too small of a quadrant or poor gear ratio in the pedestal. all keels will have advantages and disadvantages, every thing in boat design is a compromise and if you go as deep as to study all the findings and research over the past 60 years of the Naval institute regarding all the sea accidents, design research, etc.. you will find there is no one bad or good design, they all have vary distinct and notable qualities and advantages. full keels are not really going anywhere for the offshore guys anytime soon, I promise.

  7. Old boats rusted keels and bolts = keels need attention and maintenance. If you hit something you could be in trouble. Also a skeg is oftentimes missing on fin keel boats . The reason full keel boats aren’t made nowadays is because it’s more expensive apparently according to people in this industry I’ve heard. Personally I’m on the fence although my Albin Vega is full keel. I think my Vega is easy to pick up 6.5 knots in light winds

  8. You didn’t explain what technological advances make the long keel obsolete. Crossing an ocean faster might be safer. If that’s true, why not just take a plane?

  9. A regular full keel is better choice crossing oceans (safer). I would like to see you catching a typhoon in a regular fin keel see what would happen to you. It is a foolish notion that you are impervious to mother nature in the ocean and "that would never happen to me" kind of attitude. Worst video ever!

  10. They stopped building full keels because of production costs. The number of fatal incidents with bolt-on keels makes them too much anxiety. Speed is not hugely different.

  11. Another advantage of a full keel is that you can hove – to and it will stay at the same angle to the waves. With a ketch rig they are very easy to handle.

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