Președintele Zelensky a confirmat acum că Europa formulează a șasea ramură de sancțiuni împotriva Kremlinului. Guvernul rus se confruntă deja cu o serie de sancțiuni, iar acum Italia a confiscat un iaht care are legături cu Rusia. #Rusia #Italia #Superyacht Despre Canal: WION -The World is One News, examinează problemele globale cu o analiză aprofundată. Oferim mult mai mult decât știrile zilei. Scopul nostru de a da putere oamenilor să-și exploreze lumea. Cu sediul nostru global din New Delhi, vă aducem știri la oră, la oră. Oferim informații care nu sunt părtinitoare. Suntem jurnaliști care sunt neutri până la miez și non-partizani când vine vorba de politica lumii. Oamenii s-au săturat de reportajele părtinitoare și suntem pentru o lume unită globalizată. Deci pentru noi Lumea este cu adevărat Una. Vă rugăm să păstrați discuțiile de pe acest canal curate și respectuoase și să nu folosiți insulte rasiste sau sexiste, precum și insulte personale. Abonați-vă la canalul nostru la Consultați site-ul nostru: Conectați-vă cu noi pe mânerele noastre de rețele sociale: Facebook: Twitter: Urmărește-ne pe Google News pentru cele mai recente actualizări Zee News:- Zee Business:- DNA India:- https :// WION: Aplicații Zee News:
Vest continuă sancțiunile împotriva Kremlinului, Italia confiscă iahtul de lux rusesc | Știri mondiale
23 thoughts on “Vest continuă sancțiunile împotriva Kremlinului, Italia confiscă iahtul de lux rusesc | Știri mondiale”
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International civil asset forfeiture….still stealing
Nowadays being a russian born millionaire is a crime you will be accused of sponsoring putin and millitary it is as if the west thinks russian armed forces serves millionaires,in reality these people are simply business people they have no saying on the government structures,the army takes orders from commander in chief putin not some rich guys,so this is piracy at best,but am sure in 2 to 3 years they would have forgotten and russia will reciprocate to their own oligarchs
✊No justice NO peace Amen lower everything TODAY EVERYWHERE make life easier and affordable for all utilities free Amen
This is like capturing Elon Musk's assets just because he is American. Total Racism, no resppect for such countries.
So sick and tired of the word…sanctions here and there 😪..but in the end its cannot even produce any serious results
This is just stealing private property. Russia won't lose much but EU is losing trust. Rich people from middle east and asia will stay away from these countries.
Russia can also seize EU yatchs🙃🙃🙃
No one has right to seize assets
Russia should stop exporting oil to eu
You are stealing what is not yours…
Provocation deserves a tougher response, keep meddling and find yourselves crying like babies😅
Draghi is abusing the Italian Constitution…with pandemic forcing jabs… sending weapons to Ukraine, and now confiscating Russian assets in Italy. This is all ILLEGITMATE…
Italy tests Ethiopian defeat
How you can seize some other nation civilian assets??? I mean what is the basis and the law governing this action?? Of course, you can take action on the country, its assets but not personal properties of some civilians.. This is broad day light theft.
Zelensky joker asks for everything like a king and all the world leaders like slaves executing his orders.. This is insane. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Italy steals a stolen yacht. Priceless
Bunch of thieves in NATO and EU
NWO against mother Russia
they can't even prove who owns the boat, pretty sure that because if it was easy to figure out, the zombies back in russia might actually realize that putin and his band of oligarchs have stagnated their economy, damning them all, while they hide/invest the stolen wealth, live, party and raise families in the west… because the wealthiest russians know russia is a dung heap
I'm honestly sick and tired of this senseless crisis with so many secondary victims, things are getting worse by the day, prices going crazy globally and standard of living drastically dropping. My condolences to anyone like myself retiring this year. 30years of nonstop work just to have a crooked system swallow all your earnings.
I'm no longer waiting for the GRANT LOAN because I earn $50,000 every 7 days recently
So, who's yacht is this?..