41. Partea negativă a navigării în lume | Plecăm | Sailing Turcia | Navigați prin Europa | Kawai

41. Partea negativă a navigării în lume |  Plecăm |  Sailing Turcia |  Navigați prin Europa |  Kawai

Săptămâna aceasta, pe Kawai, o scoatem din apă pentru a o pregăti pentru iarnă. Suntem poziționați la portul de agrement Marmaris Yacht, unde folosim liftul de 70 de tone pentru a-l scoate pe Kawai din apă și a o pune pe un suport. Kawai este scos chiar la timp înainte de rolul furtunilor de iarnă, în care este puțin nervos (Acest videoclip a fost înregistrat pe 16 decembrie 2019). Eu și Trace pregătim barca pentru iarnă, deoarece plănuim să ne întoarcem în Australia timp de 4 luni pentru a vizita familia și prietenii (pre-covid). Curățarea, organizarea și pregătirea lui Kawai pentru iarnă este ceva nou pentru noi și trecem prin numeroasele procese de a o pregăti. Zburăm acasă în Australia pentru a vedea familia și prietenii, neștiind ce avea să urmeze în următoarele luni/ani. Despre noi: Numele noastre sunt Jason și Tracey și ne-am schimbat casa, mașinile, afacerile, locul de muncă și securitatea pentru libertate, aventură, călătorii și viață pur și simplu printre natură și mări pe barca noastră cu vele Hanse 445 de 45 de picioare, Kawai. Nu știm exact unde ne vor duce vânturile în această etapă, dar în ultimul an am navigat spre Turcia, Grecia, Muntenegru, Croația. Lui Jase îi place să facă videoclipuri de călătorie și am decis să încărcăm pe YouTube pentru a ne împărtăși aventura. Sperăm cu adevărat să vă placă și nu ezitați să ne lăsați un comentariu oricând pentru a discuta sau pentru a vă abona pentru a urmări 🙂 Instagram Jason: https://www.instagram.com/jase_stephe… Tracey: https://www.instagram .com/trace_y02/?… Muzică: 1. Drumul către ceva nou, sunet epidemic www.epidemicsound.com 2. În drum spre casă, Adam Yoo, https://soundcloud.com/adamyoo_music/on-my-way -Acasă


27 thoughts on “41. Partea negativă a navigării în lume | Plecăm | Sailing Turcia | Navigați prin Europa | Kawai

  1. Hey all, we haven't posted often in the last 2 and a half years due to being in Australia. This video is the last video before we returned home to Australia. Great news is that we have just arrived back in Turkey and will begin sailing again soon. Hope everyone is well and thanks for all the kind messages over the last couple of years. Take care, Trace and Jase

  2. Hey guys, Hello from Gocek. My wife was in the sea two days ago but reports that it is still too cold for her but summer is coming. Your video appears to have been made in Dec. and you were to be gone for four months so maybe you are back already! Our temp Home base is also in Marmaris where we spent the winter so maybe we will cross wakes. Hope you had a great time down under. J&J

  3. Great to see you both again 🙂
    "About 4 months " !!!!
    Don't you love Marmaris Yacht Marina !!!
    You didn't show the Parrot in the Canteen !
    If you can, could you check on 'Time Out' for me please !
    Kind regards, John.

  4. So good to hear you are continuing your adventures. We may even cross paths. After a two year delay we finally made it to the med. We ended up buying in Italy and have viewed your 'how to buy a boat' video many times. Although the process is a little different! Waiting in Loano to deregister and re flag Aussie. Fair winds!

  5. Great to see you both again. Your videos were so inspirational to me that I sold my house in the UK and purchased a boat in Corfu. I have been there for 3 months now but back in the UK chasing a long term visa. Thanks for sharing your adventures and setting me up with a new life style!!

  6. It is so good to see you again. As I have previously commented, on many occasions, I love the simple, honest authenticity of your videos and am looking forward to learning what you have been doing the last couple of years. What work did you do in Australia? Take care. Chris, Blairgowrie, Australia

  7. Yeah! 🎉 Really nice to have you guys back on the boat again very soon! You are by far one of my favorite sailing couples! Such a nice and chill vibe!
    I would be very interested in an episode about the financial side of your adventure. What are your plans for Kawai, and what does it all cost? How do you handle your budget in your daily sailing life? That sort of stuff. Really looking forward to coming episodes! Stoked! Safe travels! ⛵️

  8. Hi Guys great to see you back!! What was the condition of Kawai after 2 and a half years? Hope you found her in good condition? Looking forward to more videos. Chris (England)

  9. Wow, good to here you are back in Turkey and on Kawai. Can't wait to see what you two get up to. Have an efes for Serap and I. But not to many though, you can see what happens if you do. Lol…I can say my face was a tad red when watching that clip. But laughed so hard at the same time. How'd you go with the mold? Is Kawai all good. Take care and safe travels. See ya on the next vid.

  10. Good to see an update from you both! Was wondering where this update caught you in the Pandemic Mess!! Hopefully your sailboat has been fine while you were forced to stay away!!

  11. Due to the past two years and boats making a beeline for TR as one of the open places, and a 250 boat wait list at Netsel the rates have doubled for Netsel and another marina there. YM have raised their prices by about 15-20% thus far but time will tell depending on what happens. But boats are also now going back to GR. Prices here have gone up a lot for most things and due to bad winter and delays of boat work finding someone to work on boat is costly. Prices seem more expensive than GR. Also due to the mucilage in the Istanbul area since last summer boats have been spending time in the south which means very busy everywhere. I have left YM a couple of weeks ago after wintering there and am swimming everyday. You get used to it. But it has been very windy and also very cloudy with lots of dust. Not many boats out so it is nice.

    Congrats on making it back and best wishes for speedy boat work and launch.

  12. Very happy for you guys and jealous. Enjoy yourselves and im looking forward to watching your journey. Take care and fair winds J

  13. Hello from San Francisco and welcome to Marmaris! Love your videos and looking forward to watching the new ones. Sailing north to Kusadasi (Ephesus, House of Virgin Mary), Cesme (Ayayorgi), Samos, Karaburun and Izmir might be a worthy trip to consider.

  14. Gr8! Look forward to future videos from both of you. Wishing all aboard your lovely Yacht the very best of health and happiness and Fairwinds.

  15. Wish I knew you were in Marmaris. You were one of our inspirations to go sailing, and we bought our boat and sailed through Marmaris three weeks ago. We are in Finike now for a week or so, and then headed back west again. We would love to meet you two.

  16. I missed you guys – the wit of both of you is so funny , i loved the sailing videos as I also one day hope to sail the Med , welcome back 🙂

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