Dubai Porta olita Video complet – Lucrurile bolnave pe care modelele Instagram le fac în Dubai

Dubai Porta olita Video complet - Lucrurile bolnave pe care modelele Instagram le fac în Dubai

Videoclipul Porta potty Dubai (Confesiune completă) – Lucrurile bolnave pe care modelele Instagram le fac în Dubai Ce este în videoclipul Dubai Porta Potty? Semnificația lui Porta Potties în Dubai și confesiunile modelelor Instagram Porta Potty Dubai este acolo de câțiva ani și, din când în când, noi influenți de pe Instagram vin cu confesiunile și experiențele lor la petrecerea de lux din Dubai. Și credeți-mă când spun că unele dintre interacțiuni sunt ciudate. AVERTISMENT: Aici este link-ul video viral brut. SUBSCRIBE :… Dubai Porta Potty video 2022 – The Dark Side Dubai Instagram Models nu vă spun. Dubai porta olita modele instagram. De-a lungul anilor, am auzit niște lucruri nebunești despre ceea ce se întâmplă cu unele femei când merg în excursii în Dubai. Aceste povești ne sunt dezvăluite de obicei chiar de modelele IG, cărora nu le este rușine să aducă oamenilor adevărul despre acele fotografii pe care le postează cu excursii complet plătite în Dubai. Acesta este nucleul videoclipului Dubai Porta Potty Twitter, care este în tendințe la nivel mondial. Potrivit rapoartelor, filmul conține comportamente înspăimântătoare, cum ar fi situații îngrozitoare care implică fete care au venit din Africa pentru a fi bogate. Cu toate acestea, fețele acelor femele sunt încă ascunse sub văl, deoarece nimeni altcineva nu le-a văzut. Dar, în mijlocul tuturor, o femeie a făcut o remarcă, spunând: „Am strigat pe unul dintre prietenii mei apropiați, când a apărut învelit în rahat și i-a spus totul”. Mai mult, ea a declarat că fata are aproximativ 22 de ani, ceea ce a stârnit reacții puternice atunci când videoclipul este distribuit pe rețelele de socializare. ** dubai porta potty video 2022, porta potty dubai stories, dubai porta potty instagram models, dubai porta potty, dubai porta potty twitter, dubai porta potty video 2022,porta potty dubai stories, dubai porta potty instagram models, dubai porta potty exposed, dubai porta potty, dubai porta potty modele instagram, porta potty ** ► vă rugăm să susțineți canalul. Paypal: ►Cumpără-mi cafea .. Să ne conectăm ►Instagram: ►Twitter: https://twitter. com/LennoxzamoraKE dubai porta potty video 2022,dubai porta potty exposed,dubai porta potty video dubai porta potty,dubai porta potty confessiojn,porta potty challenge, dubai porta, dubai potty porta, dubai, porta potty video, DUBAI PORTA POTTY CONFESSION, DUBAI CONFESSION, DUBAI IG MODEL, IG MODELS DUBAI, DUBAI IG MODEL, IBIZA, PORTA POTTY, dubai expus, dubai porta potty video, tundefunny, dubai porta, ig model dubai, porta potty dubai stories, dubai porta potty instagram models, dubai porta potty expus, videoclip viral porta potty, modele Instagram în Dubai, de ce se duc influenții Instagram în Dubai, videoclip Porta Potty Dubai, Porta Potty Dubai, influenceri Instagram în Dubai, influenți africani instagram, model african instagram cu un bărbat alb, videoclip porta Potty Dubai,


39 thoughts on “Dubai Porta olita Video complet – Lucrurile bolnave pe care modelele Instagram le fac în Dubai

  1. thanks to my God course i m on my country iven i m a poor normal lady i have my family my kids my nefwhus prayers to God to be health and quietly and my family to be safe gest all

  2. They just wanna humiliate amd degrade American women knowing they want money and doin that and laughing about it later

  3. Well most of them get the job description before going there. And they accept it. I don't think they are the victim. The blindly think about the money more than the cause. They are not a child tho.

  4. Disgusting ladies if ya want to travel take enough money with u. Be independent that video is so Disgusting 🤮🤢🤢 and most of those men looks like German dude 🙄 😒 🤣🤣🤣 stay safe 🙏 👍

  5. It’s true these Arab men scout the internet for girls, I’ve been offered trips to Dubai numerous times but I’m not for sale.. they were always polite and apologetic after realising I wasn’t interested… I’ve also had a dodgy model agency nearly trick me into coming to la to shoot with luxury brands but after many questions and slippery answers etc I think they were a high class escort agency … these predatory men trawl the internet for girls .. they disgust me ..

  6. Both sides are to blame. This Dubai dude saying he knows a lot of rich family and has never heard of it is rather naive of him. Of course they do not discuss it openly you fool!!

  7. who is cheap and disgusting? you mean those women? who have no fucking respect for themselves and would eat shit for money? then yes!

  8. The Arab dude Ibraham basically exposed himself. By bringing up racist card, when the topic had nothing at all to do with racism, proved he's trying to cover up their scam. He didn't do a good job of it

  9. This local man calling people racist, wow!!Probably dubai pota party is a bit exaggerated but their are also the truth that some of them keep their second duty marriage secret. Doesn’t matter if locals come from the wealthy family they are the same,even worse. You will hear that even from decent people and the advice they give you that locals are not decent. There’s a lot about them and these are racist people. Especially their iranian (uae local) and their emirati friends everywhere. I never believed that until they started to attack with racism and spreading hate.

  10. How disgusting is it when a future boyfriend or husband find out that these women did these disgusting things: sleeping with dogs etc.

  11. all celebrities keep going there basically to be toilets, they had toilets made of gold now they flying celebrities from hollywood for it😂

  12. This is not about racism! This is about degenerate individuals who exist all over the world. In this case these men are Arabic and in truth they are sick.

  13. There are also people who work in the sewers their whole life, nobody gets upset about it.
    Everyone and anything can be bought, the only question is how high the amount has to be.

  14. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 u know ur arab u stuffed in the head to much money, every one how is a millionaire is a dirty minded perfert

  15. THE IDEA OF … i n i q u i t y…..BEING ………f i l t h y…….. And a form of ………..p o s s e s s i o n…….IT IS …hell / itself ….That inspires this behavior…..ALL WHO ENTER ARE …IN HELL
    A B A N D O N……….A L L………H O P E…..T H E R E !!!!!

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