Dacă sunteți în căutarea unui iaht de expediție elegant, modern, capabil și cu cocă de oțel care să vă poarte în călătorii îndepărtate peste mări care au reputația de a crea valuri mari, cred că am găsit un iaht cu motor care ar putea fi interesat. …. Nu uitați să verificați lista mea de redare Trawler Yacht: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsh0iDjG606QHV-7UbtW4tLOsmz9-Vf15 Instagramul meu: https://bit.ly/Yacht_Buoy Blogul meu privat premium: https://bit.ly/my_private_blog Deveniți membru al canalului meu pentru a avea acces la avantaje exclusive și conținut nevăzut: https://bit.ly/join_my_crew Credit material: Guy Fleury Photography
Îi chem pe toți fanii iahturilor Explorer cu cocă de oțel! Îți va placea asta!

36 thoughts on “Îi chem pe toți fanii iahturilor Explorer cu cocă de oțel! Îți va placea asta!”
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Don't forget to check out my explorer yacht playlist: https://youtu.be/vsOk-RSBNKk
Thanks for the video. Nice boat but as so many have already mentioned, the Baring 77 or even the 72 are in a league far far above this vessel. The Baring 77 is 10 feet shorter yet 50 tons of strength n smoothness more as well as being owner compliant! When the money comes it’s the baring 77 for me

This is the a very ugly boat.
Be honest, it’s little more than a coastal cruiser dressed up to look tough and rugged. With a range of only 1800 NM cruising a hull speed this vessel won’t be crossing any oceans, not without refueling.
Only a range of a 1000 nouticle miles . That needs work
Sorry, the modern look doesn't work for me.
The adventure/explorer of super yachts
It's a neat-looking explorer vessel, although I like the look of the Adventure 29 from Lynx Yachts instead. The idea of going cruising with quite that many launchable toys on board doesn't really appeal to me, so the better interior space and more permanent entertaining space on the top deck of the Adventure 29 makes that a more appealing choice than the Crossover 27.
The range won’t even get you to Hawaii from California! That’s no explorer at all!
not much range
I like
love explorer yachts, keep am coming
I agree with a previous comment regarding range. I suppose that a “cross over” would be aimed at a specific customer niche. I think however that a more extended range might draw a broader interest. It is a beautiful yacht and I suspect would do a good job handling heavier seas.
That boat leaves a lot to be desired it looks like it's plowing its way through the water as opposed to sharing its way
Right On
I would buy a small expedition yacht and live aboard all year round traveling the world
Fk me someone finally went to sea in an ice cream scoop… lets wash the cockpit on every crest
Is this a Dutch build yacht ? Did you made a video of Zealander yachts jet ?
Interesting design but, 1800nm range for an explorer seems a bit small. I'd like to see it able to cross the Atlantic or do Vancouver to Hawaii non stop. I feel a 3500nm+ range is far more suitable for an explorer vessel. I do like the placement of the Master and VIP Stateroom a midships, it's the smoothest part of the vessel when under way or at anchor, and the forward pilot house is fantastic, offering terrific visibility from it's elevated position.
Pushes a lot of water up front and the aft hull design is not conducive to a following sea. Also a messy wake. It al adds up to extra $ for fuel.
0:18 sec: That must me in the Netherlands, at the northpier in Velsen/IJmuiden. In the background you see Tata steel
Not much of an explorer if its range is sub 1900 miles…
Big mistake of no master on deck for this size of yacht . Would make a good support vessel but unlikely to find much interest from owners as a main yacht .
Yeah, 14 Knots is pretty impressive

I'm in love
just one word…wow!!!
Like Mercedes Benz motto is. "The Best Or Nothing". Mine is "Bering Or Nothing". It is beautiful. Love your content. Glad I subbed.
this is a hell of a beautiful super yacht, love the design. It fit my purpose to explore the ocean for a couple days or a week and get back to the land and make more money. so, 1800nm is more than enough. And beside, im not crazy enough to have an Atlantic crossing…. But if i have to, ill take the plane on a 1st class… btw, how do expect to pay the bills if you plan to live on a ship that cost around USD $5 million ? And i think most of people that can afford this kinda super yacht dont have the time to do atlantic crossing…. even Jeff Bezos…. LOL
Just subbed Brv – absolutely wicked video and a beautiful yacht Keep the videos coming
Any distance less than being able to cross the Atlantic is, in my opinion, not an explorer yacht and barely an expedition yacht. 1800 miles might not get you around the coast of the UK. Good looking vessel though.
Love this boat. If only I could afford one in my lifetime.
It is a nice ship!
it is little more than a wife swap party boat