Pentru mai multe informații despre „Vivaldi”: https://bit.ly/vivaldi-charter-yacht Pentru a urmări Yachts For Sale pe Instagram: www.instagram.com/yachtsforsaleblog Pentru a vă înscrie la Newsletter-ul Yachts For Sale: www.yachtsforsaleblog. com Iubesc Croația și toți spectatorii care au fost acolo vor înțelege de ce. Fără îndoială, cel mai bun mod de a vă bucura de țară este cu iahtul, iar „Vivaldi” trebuie să fie unul dintre cele mai bune combinații de iaht/echipaj pe care le-am întâlnit de foarte mult timp! Tarifele charter încep de la 72.000 EUR pe săptămână Sezonul de jos 86.000 EUR pe săptămână Sezonul înalt



  1. Constructive criticism: David as much as i like your videos. But when you do voice overs you need to get a better microphone.

  2. I watch a lot of video related to yachts and yacht charter. But, it very often happens to me to smile by the lack of quality of the videos which must present luxury and yachts worth millions. When I watch the videos presented by David and his team, I'm always surprised by the little new things they bring to their video. Everything looks easy, the pictures, the presentation and finally, it gives a yacht an inestimable value. Thank you very much David and the team.👍👍🙏🙏

  3. Croatia is so ugly. I honestly dont understand why all these yachting channels keep going on about it. Yeah, the water looks ok, but the landscape is a hideous wasteland. I dont think I have seen a single tree in Croatia ever. ITs all just bushes and scrub land.

  4. Perhaps you can compare and contrast the different expectations of Americans and Europeans. In chartering a yacht. For example I've heard that Americans are more likely to interact with the crew and that Europeans are more likly to treat crew as servants?

  5. Monte Carlo Yachts just grab my eyes. I am a “curb appeal” (dock appeal?) guy and these yachts have a look that just draws me in. For me this is the one I would charter should I ever be in a position to do so. I would probably drive the chef crazy with my very fussy but plebeian palate. Also, being a hands on guy I would also most likely irk the Captain a bit inquiring about the workings of the boat and crew. I like to know how thing function and I love boats. And of course, David, the presentation video is top line … as always.

  6. Stop, fy what a bad mysik, if you can't mysik,which works to kiss op, not son this, then we don't want to go into this, it destroys ,as something could be we might have been buyers, but not now that it's the same as the record hung up in the same groove, if you don't change, then you get to keep the ships, think about this!

  7. used to love your channel for it's authentic , clean, simple , true to life style of showing what these yachts look like in real time. Not sure why you went to this speed up/ slow down/ jumpcut ultra flash, high color saturation GARBAGE camera style, that makes it rather impossibly to SEE where you are in the yacht… but do us all a favor and fire whatever hot shot you have doing that and go back to the PROPER way you used to do it. Quite frankly the way they are done now gives me vertigo , and is in bad taste.

  8. I just watched the video "Superyacht sized personal submarine by uboat worx" on your channel and the following commentary at 12:30. I came to watch this "Vivaldi – is this the best charter yacht in Croatia" video because of the comments by "TravelingJake" who claims that the video would be "garbage". I just wanted to point out that this Vivaldi video is AMAZING. David, it is indeed one of the best videos on your channel. Thank you.

  9. I must say that I’m one aging blown away by your way to present , not a boat but a lifestyle that the lucky owner of the boat is to receive when the buy this pice of art!

    My respect and god luck // Simon DK

  10. I know Croatia is known for it's frkn stunning coats and old towns, but go inland, continental Croatia for an amazing experience that will take your heart and never give it back, go and see what I mean

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