Sistemele ingenioase de navigatori găsite pentru a se proteja pe mare

Sistemele ingenioase de navigatori găsite pentru a se proteja pe mare

Bine ați revenit pe Canalul Fluctus pentru o funcție despre diferitele tehnologii adoptate pentru a ajuta la protejarea marinarilor de diferitele amenințări și pericole atunci când operează la mii de mile de țărm și chiar la sute de metri de suprafața mării. Fluctus este un site web și un canal YouTube dedicat tocilor marii. Ori de câte ori ești curios sau iubitor incorigibil al acestei lumi misterioase, videoclipurile noastre sunt făcute pentru tine! Publicăm 3 videoclipuri pe săptămână pe canalul nostru de Youtube și multe alte articole pe site-ul nostru. Simțiți-vă liber să vă abonați pentru a nu rata niciuna dintre actualizările noastre și vizitați site-ul nostru pentru a descoperi conținut suplimentar. Nu uitați să ne urmăriți pe twitter: Vă rugăm să păstrați secțiunea de comentarii cu respect. Orice spam, insulte sau troll vor fi șterse. Pentru a ne contacta, asigurați-vă că folosiți e-mailul nostru în secțiunea despre a acestui canal.


42 thoughts on “Sistemele ingenioase de navigatori găsite pentru a se proteja pe mare

  1. Pc politics harmed the west,if you had private contractors none of this would be necessary.But,since the pirates are non whites,and killing non white criminals is a taboo in the decrepit West,they have to do this essoteric acrobatics.

  2. Giant squirt guns 🤦🏻

    They’re already in the water.

    If you make each pirate leak until he’s ambient temperature, that will be effective.

    Funny how the pirates don’t tend to attack the military vessels. I wonder why 🤔

  3. Why can’t those cargo ships use guns or hand grenades to protect themselves? Doesn’t make much sense to spray them with water. Water is not going to make them think twice about trying to approach the vessels.

  4. Stupid video commissioned and edited by bureaucrats who have never seen a ship in their life. Many pirates today are armed even with RPGs and heavy machine guns, bombs, and this kind of stupidity seriously threatens the safety of the ship's crew.

  5. Nada mau o esquema dos marinheiros.
    E se em vez de água, poderiam lançar sobre estes "" piratas "" """jatos"" de um ácido qualquer para cegá-los por umas 72 hora, ao menos.
    Horário, a turma dos direitos humanos, iriam cair matando. ( pufffff)

  6. How about just fucking arming the crew….we're not talking about making them a small navy but equip them with enough hardware to defend themselves, rather than have them resort to water cannons while in the middle of the ocean on their own. What the hell

  7. What a stupid explanation of combating pirates. Most of this video was about the Navy not merchant ships. Of course the Navy can deter pirates. They got guns!

  8. I’m pretty sure if you used lethal force a couple of times the word would get back to the thug gangs. There are all sorts of Army weapons sitting in the depot waiting for a glory day. Remember- action have consequences. I don’t understand why we put up with this crap.

  9. I’m not agree….water can’t against bullet…water gun need energy man power to control or robots still can’t stop the bullet…..only guns protect you against guns…cheaper easily to use and quicker

  10. கடலில் தண்ணீர் இருப்பதால் எந்த போக்குவரத்தும் சுலபமாக இல்லை இது போன்ற பிரச்சனைகளுக்கு ஒரே தீர்வு கடலின் மேற்பரப்பில் பெரிய பெரிய பாறகளை அடுக்கி அதன்மீது கான்கிரீட் சாலைகள் அமைக்க வேண்டும் அதுவும் பதினாறு வழி சாலைகள் அமைக்க வேண்டும் அப்போது தான் உலக அளவில் மிகப்பெரிய பொருளாதார வளர்ச்சியை இந்தியா எட்ட முடியும்

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