Repere: Bermuda Sail Grand Prix 2022 | SailGP

Repere: Bermuda Sail Grand Prix 2022 |  SailGP

Toate cele mai bune momente de la prima cursă din sezonul 3 la Bermuda Sail Grand Prix prezentat de Hamilton Princess. Abonați-vă aici: Like SailGP Pe Facebook: Urmăriți SailGP Pe Twitter: Urmărește SailGP Pe Instagram: http://sail .gp/Instagram Rămâneți la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: SailGP navighează redefinit. Înființat în 2018 și cu sediul în Londra și New York, SailGP este un campionat sportiv anual, global, care oferă tehnologie îndrăzneață, de ultimă oră și atletism uimitor. Cursele de coastă, centrate pe fani, au loc în unele dintre cele mai emblematice porturi de pe glob și culminează cu o cursă de meciuri de 1 milion de dolari în care câștigătorul ia tot. Echipe naționale rivale din Australia, Danemarca, Franța, Marea Britanie, Japonia, Noua Zeelandă, Spania și Statele Unite se luptă cu catamarane F50 supraalimentate identice, proiectate pentru curse intense la viteze electrizante care depășesc 50 de noduri (aproape 60 mph). #SailGP #Sailing #Sports


27 thoughts on “Repere: Bermuda Sail Grand Prix 2022 | SailGP

  1. Spanish team rules:
    – always start super fast
    – always lose a good amount of positions in the first leg
    – always choose the opposite side of everybody else 😂❤

  2. そうなんだ やはりセールGPも綺麗なことばかり言っても金なんだ金そうなんだな日本のファンとしては思う

  3. Siri Ben Complainslie never gives credit to Slingsby who has beaten him comprehensively for the last year and a half, even though Slingsby always gives respect to him.

  4. super annoying coverage. These races are so short but you keep showing cuts that never show any of the lead changes….like in race 3 how/when the brits get above the french???? Please show more of each race. Horribly edited

  5. The fuk is jimmy spitall …doing captaining the NZ yacht…..hes a fricking Aussie…this is so much a rich boy …sell your soul sport!..

  6. So with the Aussie world champs still kicking spray everywhere it's pretty disappointing to see there is no Sail GP in Sydney anymore….. why is that CONvid quarantine rubbish?

  7. At 9:05 minutes, was that a censor screech? Tone it Down. We all have headphones on! Way too loud. Don't censor! Silence Your words, if You want to censor American speech….Sailor Talk! Donna Chassis Honeyflow

  8. 70 k.p.h.? That's an insane speed on a sail craft, almost twice as fast as a Hobie 16 which is already pretty fast when you're on one at full speed. I'd like to see one of these boats out of the water, or should I say more out of the water?

    They look interesting and are obviously a lot bigger than they look here which is probably why they look slower than they actually travel.

  9. After reading some of the comments, I would like to add. Some months ago the top speed for a foiling boat was achieved in the Med at 105 kmph. Incredible to watch. But you wouldn't want to fall off at that speed !
    Image, cross the Atlantic in two days with no fuel !

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