Prima dată navighează în 8 luni I Ep. 42 I Sailing Indiana

Prima dată navighează în 8 luni I Ep.  42 I Sailing Indiana

Prima dată navighează în 8 luni I Ep. 42 I Sailing Indiana În acest episod, după ce în sfârșit am scos motorul reconstruit și am lucrat din nou, ne-am lovit de apă pentru prima noastră velă din sezon. După cum știți, suntem încă marinari începători, după ce am cumpărat barca și am început călătoria noastră cu navigație cu puțină sau deloc experiență. După ce motorul a fost în sfârșit reparat, am avut mai întâi o scurtă cursă până la pontonul de combustibil și înapoi pentru a testa Indiana a funcționat fără probleme. Următorul a fost primul nostru scuturat în jos din pereții portului. Ce zi a fost, vânt decent, câteva virate și doar o mulțime de distracție fiind din nou pe apă. Ne-a plăcut fiecare minut și abia așteptăm mai multe vele și să navigăm într-o zi în jurul lumii pe Indiana, Gibsea 372. CAPITOLUL: 00:00 – Introducere 00:45 – Excursie la pontonul de combustibil 06:30 – We Go Sailing UTIL LEGĂTURĂ: ALTĂTURĂ ÎN FORMA DE NAVĂ: PLATE DE PADDLE NORTH SANDS: Folosiți codul nostru de reducere „sailingindiana” SAVVY NAVVY: https://savvy-navvy RAYMARINE: URMEAZĂ-NE… DEVENI PATREON: CUMPARĂ-NE O CAFEA: /sailingindiana URMĂȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRĂ PE INSTAGRAM: URMĂȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRĂ PE FACEBOOK: Like, Subscribe și Bun venit la bord! L & C x


25 thoughts on “Prima dată navighează în 8 luni I Ep. 42 I Sailing Indiana

  1. Absolutely be happy with the shake down sail. Better than the ones that will never leave the dock because they’re afraid of what might happen. Good on ya. Thanks for sharing guys, be safe and see ya next time.

  2. The hard start has me thinking you may just need to have the injectors serviced. Compaired to what you havecdone so far, this is family simple.. Good sail and the return to the slip gets easier after awhile.

  3. I understand the feeling of being critical due to wanting it perfect. Let yourself be critical and then go back through the day and remember the awesome parts. You have done a TON of major work to that engine. That alone is very noteworthy. On that, I suspect you could resolve the slow starts without major service. I suspect it is fuel related (delivery). Someone else suggested injector service or perhaps a leak in the high pressure side. That's where I would start… AFTER you enjoy the win for a bit 😉

  4. Nice work you got out had fun and got back in. Not breakages and gained some more experience, that is perfect! There is always more to learn with sailing and boats. That is what makes it so good🙂, a little tip if I may would be to look up a 'hooked leech'. This was killing your sailing performance and would make the boat feel sluggish. Set you boom to 90° to the mast and ensure the main sail clew is pulled down onto the boom. This is from a place of help and support not meant in any negative way just sharing some love. Well done on getting out and sailing smashed it 🤜🤜⛵🎉

  5. Is that a diesel? In this case glow plugs needs 5-10 seconds to reach nominal temperature. You should wait this time and after push the start button. Every single time in a cold start. In case it's a diesel and you have white smoke only few seconds after startup there is nothing to worry about. It does that especially in cold weather.

  6. I have a 35 year old diesel and I was advised to give the pre-heat glow plugs a slow count to 16. Then start when starting from cold. Back then engines needed more glow than modern ones. Also about 1/3 to 1/2 throttle should be enough not full throttle. Good luck.

  7. I've also got the yanmar 3GM30. IMHO, if it starts quickly second time, but slow on first it could be similar to a problem I had with a small air leak. The copper washers around the low pressure fuel pump and filter were slightly damp, and possibly letting air in. I changed them for "Bonded Sealing Washers M12" which easily form a lovely reassuring airtight seal. This helped my engine start quicker. Cheap and easy to try.. Good luck.

  8. Don't be kicking yourselves in the pants too much, it's good to be apprehensive and a little nervous as it keeps us safer and on our toes. The footage of you leaving going astern looked good to me. Most sailors at all levels of experience would tell you leaving and arriving at a berth are the most testing times and certainly are for me. I have in mast furling and your main looked like it had far too much belly in it to me, a little more on the outhaul would flatten that nicely and your friend wouldn't have passed by so quickly 😉. If arriving at an unknown marina causes some anxiety…think about a trip and picking up a mooring instead…much easier and a far better place to enjoy the sunset 👍. Well done guys, David

  9. You guys should be proud of yourselves its never easy going out on the first sail of the season, many experienced sailors will admit( if there honest) that the first shakedown sail always feels like learning it all over again. Like I said your should be proud and are entitled to be nervous about the engine its called being normal and and genuine

  10. Guys this gave us the good feels 😁. So happy to see you out sailing! I was so impressed with the reversing out 😅, just style it out like you planned it.
    Getting in and out of marinas is always the hardest bit, some you will nail and others you will nail but not quite as slick 😅. As long as everyone is safe it's a job well done 👍.
    We miss you guys 🥲
    Brynn & Jade

  11. Glad you finally sorted the engine out and get out there again….man you greased that reverse out if the slip, I wish mine did that, I have a full keel and a mind of its own.
    I’m just down the road in Eastbourne and finally took mine out over the weekend for the first time this year…so good to be out again. I always try and talk myself out of going out due to trying to traverse the marina especially as we have a lock to transit, great to be out though. I’d highly recommend heading east and sailing past the Seven Sisters, it looks amazing from the sea.
    Looking forward to see what you get up to this year.

  12. Fuel. Most likely pump not and high pressure side not holding fuel and the cranking is priming. Every diesel I have starts on the button. I'm sure you don't want to spend more on it though so tough call what to do..

  13. Stern goes to port in reverse normal prop walk. I used to give it some power to start movement, put trans in neutral and coast. Just keep bumping in reverse and back to neutral. Slow progress, but stays generally straight

  14. It's all looking good. How brilliant that must be ? The bravery is that – unlike other marinas…Brighton is straight out at 'em rather than a leisurely stroll.
    Bada Bing Bada Boom.

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