Prima privire la iahtul solar solar Sunreef 80 Eco | Tutorial catamaran

Prima privire la iahtul solar solar Sunreef 80 Eco |  Tutorial catamaran

Urcă-te la bordul Sunreef 80 Eco pentru o vizită exclusivă a celui mai recent catamaran solar-electric al șantierului naval. Combinând tehnologia durabilă de ultimă oră cu designul personalizat, această ambarcațiune cu vele redefinește experiența de croazieră, oferind liniște, lux și siguranță. Fiecare detaliu al Sunreef 80 Eco a fost proiectat și proiectat pentru a atinge noi niveluri de armonie cu oceanele. Pentru mai multe informații despre Sunreef 80 Eco, nu ezitați să contactați echipa noastră la: _____________ Luați legătura cu noi: Instagram: Facebook: https:/ /… LinkedIn:… Twitter: Site: https://sunreef-yachts- E-mail:


36 thoughts on “Prima privire la iahtul solar solar Sunreef 80 Eco | Tutorial catamaran

  1. Eco? Ridiculous. Green tech? What’s your carbon footprint bro? Dude, after living this vessel for 1200 years I’ll be totally neutral

  2. Yall need better interior designers. With all that space and 90% is wasted on empty and ugly space and not enough storage either.

  3. But you didn't sail from Europe to Dubai with this catamaran! You had him transported there on a ship. Is the 80 eco not seaworthy or too slow to sail and only built as a houseboat for harbors and anchorages?

  4. A great design and must be awesome to travel with no sound of an engine running. Well done Sunreef. I have viewed all the specs of the boat but the only important spec missing is the weight, never has it been mentioned on all the videos I have watched on the Sunreef 80 Eco.

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