Informații și contact XQUISITE: În timp ce navigam în Bahamas, ne-am întâlnit cu un cuplu care era ancorat lângă noi, care naviga la bordul unui catamaran cu aspect cool. A fost primul lor iaht, nu au navigat niciodată până acum și au ieșit și au FACUT-O! După ce am avut câteva apusuri la bordul lor frumos și strălucitor noul iaht, am făcut un tur complet și am fost extrem de impresionați… așa că ne-am hotărât că TREBUIE să aducem un tur de iaht cu unul dintre aceștia pe canal. Deci, bun venit la bordul acestui CATAMARAN XQUISITE X5 PLUS 2022: ne-a plăcut calitatea construcției, aspectul, atenția la detalii și caracteristicile unice. Și după ce ne-am întâlnit și am discutat cu fondatorul și CEO-ul Xquisite Yachts – Tamas, am devenit fani ai acestui brand cu un viitor strălucit și interesant. Așadar, asigurați-vă că rămâneți până la sfârșit pentru a auzi ce vă rezervă: inovația ECO, expansiunea solară, viitorul hibrid tăcut al acestei mărci de bărci și atenția revoluționară acordată îngrijirii ulterioare a clienților, care cu siguranță nu este standardul în această industrie și clienții sunt încântați. O să ies și o să spun: „Băieți, cred că am găsit un „Alexei” al pieței de catamaran
Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta în comentarii. Prețul de pornire pentru un XQUISITE X5 PLUS este de 1,9 USD. M Uriaș Vă mulțumim lui XQUISITE YACHTS și TAMAS HAMOR pentru configurarea acestui lucru. Informații și contact XQUISITE: #Catamaran #XquisiteYachts #YachtTour MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, DISTRIBUȚIUNI ȘI SUBS.! CLICK-URI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
Aceasta nu este prezentarea ta obișnuită! Nu facem turnee plictisitoare, monotone, de tip voiceover! Acest canal este despre a te distra și a nu te lua prea în serios în timp ce verifici cele mai tari iahturi de acolo. //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: //URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: ○ Blog: https:// ○ Facebook: //SHOP NAUTI GEAR: //CAMERA GEAR FOLOSIT: ○ Camera – https://amzn .la/31gj SoZ ○ Dronă – ○ Microfoane fără fir – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – /3j76sSv ○ Gimbal – ○ Light – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //WATCH URMĂTORUL: ○ ECO YACHTS: ○ Croația la preț accesibil: 0:00 Intro 0:27 Cockpit Exterior 2:1:40 30 Cârmă 18:34 Interior 21:51 Cabine 33:00 Sala motoare 34:15 SPECIFICAȚII 34:30 Modele noi 48:06 Ieșiri Mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!
Tur cu iaht cu catamarană XQUISITE X5 PLUS de 1,9 milioane USD și viitor cu barca tăcută hibridă solară ecologică

36 thoughts on “Tur cu iaht cu catamarană XQUISITE X5 PLUS de 1,9 milioane USD și viitor cu barca tăcută hibridă solară ecologică”
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So Rico you mentioned the main engine where is it on this Catamran?
Is that Fontaine Pajot directly aft? I’d rather see that check if James Fatchmann is there or available to speak with just drop my name when you do.
35274 lb dry weight? A luxuries floating caravan yes, but not a sailboat…
Boats will be the area that people are going to push he solar /hybrid/ battery technology to the next exciting to see how fast they are pushing it now.
nice boat, but i'm not into sailing. if my numbers come up today, i'll go for something like a silent 80 instead of this one.
Absolutely one of my favorite yachts reviewed. When I saw all the storage, I thought that it would be nice for Xquisite to label (tastefully and small) each storage compartment and write an app for a pad to keep an inventory of where the crew stores everything! Each storage locker could have a reasonable set of assigned things one could simply check which would go in the list and of course one could add any item one desires in addition. We are always asking ourselves where we put things on longer cruises and it would be nice to simply query and look it up!
Great job on the boat and the video review!
Great job!
Are you sure on that Cat you made this clip dat you have a JANMAR engine? Looks to me more like a Citroen engine.
You went with the Bering for you next boat, which is just so awesome….but heh, I reckon the Xquisite must have been right up there in the battle for which to choose
Wow…………where in the Bahamas is the Xquisite Marina going to be?
The most awesome thing about this company. Hybrid power has the least amount of carbon footprint period. You can look up the facts. Amazing video as always guys.

Thank you for the walk through! Beautiful catamaran! Although I disagree on the arch. Practical? Yes, maybe. Stylish? Not so much, IMO. It’s really the interior and quality build that make that boat a stand out. But as they say”Good news! There’s an opportunity for improvement!”
Oh, yeah. Any chance we can limit use of the word ‘storage’ to a maximum of 30x per review? Also, those do not look like queen beds. For some of us who are a bit taller than 5’7” that’s an important detail and accuracy is appreciated. Cheers!
My only wish is that the little model of the boat were remote controlled.. lol. You have created the perfect boat in every means.. Great and safe travels for you all. The only other truly amazing thing that could be added is some kinda solar sails that could add more durability to the sails and solar at the same time..
If you interview somebody like a Tomas, SHUT UP and let him speak please.
Did you forget the engine rooms?
I don’t comment often. This was an EXCELLENT video. Very well done.
That is a sweet looking Richard Mille there is that a chronograph, just curious?
Beautiful boat and masterful layout etc. Only one thing thats a lil personal for me is at least the Master Bed needs at least one side open, so half walk but thats just because of my own requirements and probably could be done. I like 50 because easier marina space
soo cool I want one…. Nice. thanks for sharing
You can kiss you butt goodby! That bow will turtle that boat just as fast as that green water covers it. A nice big dead head, ( floating tree) will take care of a that glass!
Amazing tour. You guys are the best. When the Powerball hits or I cash in my 401K, this boat will be my priority. Beautiful!
Loved the Galley blooper hubby.
great show, thanks Mike
what about auto sail technology would that be with hybrid – so you can set destination and the auto sail will work?
I'd appreciate if you could share the actual range of the sailing boats that you exhibit, instead of saying "unlimited". For example I'd like to know the range of these 2×80 HP engines with 208 gal if something happens to the mast or sails during an ocean passage…
This catamaran is perfect. Just one question, how long after we place our order can we expect the catamaran to be delivered?
When the Powerball hits, this builder is my first call
Love it.
Just found the Channel and I love it.
Watching this video at the time, keep you the lovely work. 9/24/2022.
GOD… #XquisiteYachts Tamas , his Wife and the whole team did Seriously Amazingly Brilliant Work of Technologies and Lots and Lots of Space and coming up with new Thinks and Things too… #NautiStyles , I love your videos and details you show with Others Thinking and POV which is why I and many get connected to you both… Thanks alots for covering this Beautifully and Brilliantly Designed and Engineered Yacht and showing their upcoming Yachts with details from the Owner Tamas… These Yachts are Worth Buying… Rico and Victoria GOD bless you both and your both families with lots of love and happiness and with good health and wealth…
It is a nice ship for sure but I would still go for the silent yacht 60
They just keep getting better but that 70footer looks very impressive including the Bahamas complex… dear Santa.
This is worth so much about mental dexterity my fav out of 50 boats….what a owner Bravo sir
Omg I want the power cat that's my style
Such a lovely nautical costume
The exquisite line is the Piece de resistance.
Hey look!!! They added handles to drawers!!! A genus design.
Nice boat by the way, for people enjoying hilton hotels… Just kidding.