Aici trecem în revistă modelele mele originale de instalare a parasolarului, care rezistă grozav, dar am făcut și câteva îmbunătățiri care funcționează și mai bine. Iată videoclipul original: Iată o velă de umbră mai bună decât cea pe care o folosesc: Acest videoclip a fost filmat cu o cameră digitală Sony ZV-1: AVERTISMENT: Acest videoclip este doar în scopuri de divertisment. Dacă te bazezi pe informațiile prezentate în acest videoclip, îți asumi responsabilitatea pentru rezultate. Distrați-vă, dar gândiți-vă întotdeauna înainte și amintiți-vă că fiecare proiect pe care îl încercați este pe PROPRIUL RISC. Sunt afiliat Amazon și făcând clic pe link-urile de mai sus oferă un mic procent canalului prin Amazon fără costuri suplimentare pentru tine. Iti multumesc pentru sprijin.
Această instalare a pânzei de umbră de soare merge bine 3 ani mai târziu – Ce am învățat

36 thoughts on “Această instalare a pânzei de umbră de soare merge bine 3 ani mai târziu – Ce am învățat”
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Good video
Do you think Tposts would be an acceptable alternative to the pipes? I need to sink them into dirt.
Appreciate the close-up & description of basic parts. You might want to slow down & show the assembled parts longer for us beginners. Thank you, video is very helpful.
Thank you
Hi, so I'm a don't want to wait for a man to doi kinda woman
and try and do lots… however this bolt into side of house part I can't wrap my head around. Is there a specific spot for side of the house and how does it work for a 2 story home. I have aluminum rod fence perimeter and a 10ft tree about 10' away from house and center of yard. Could you please tell me what I'm looking for as the perfect spot and how difficult is it to get the eye bolt in? Thank you for your help
you'd want to Cap the galvanized post or water Will fill up inside and rust will weaken and eventually snap with tension
Electrical fish tape will last over 10 years in strong sun all day. I have used it in my yard and still going strong over 16 years. Thanks.
How does that work in the rain. Does the water pool in the center?
I had people telling me, these might not be that durable, you just convinced me otherwise, thanks !
great info, cool ideas (pun intended)… and the background music of your first video on this topic is not missed. Much better without it!
Cool ideas! Did you use EMT or rigid conduit?
Why didn’t you just buy the hanging connector kit for the shade sail? Also, you can the shade sail with reinforced “D” loops at the attachment points and use stainless cabling. This would have simplified your installation and durability.
Either there is no wind where you live, or this was just put up for the video. Those stays wouldnt hold up in a mild wind.
What type of poles are you using and how far down do you put them in the ground??
Thank you so much for sharing your experience!!!
Would a post cemented in a wooden half barrel be able to hold up a sun shade? The other sides would be attached to a pergola.
I’m always amazed at videos like this. I mean this guy must have seen other examples of properly installed sail shades. He must have noticed the difference in quality between his debacle and a real craftsman. Yet he’s still talks into the camera like he’s some sort of competent craftsman. Amazing
Some useful ideas. Many thanks!
Awesome job
Thanks Dad.
How do you clean them?
What a mess too much rigging but it works !!
wrapping the pole does nothing to increase the stiffness of that support… NOTHING
Brilliant. Those metal Conduits, for some odd reason, look greater than 1-in. in diameter. Can you provide Specs such that I buy the correct type? Thank you!
I'm not an engineer but I don't see the rope being wrapped around the pole adding any strength to the conduit, maybe you can explain the added strength? Great video Sir!
THANK YOU! You saved me a ton of $$$ and time, not having to buy 4×4 lumber and tons of concrete, no digging holes. Metal conduit brilliant idea, easy install. God bless you!
Can you make a video on how you built the camera rig at the 9:20 mark? Thanks.
Before I mounted I added leather straps to the hook area in other words I on the 12th tape I put leather straps over it and sewed the attachment directly to the shade sale so they had that reinforcement that has made a huge difference
I hooked two corners with the same spring clips. The other two I set up tautlines that connected to the sail. Tied the other ends to my fence and shed. Cotton rope allows it to stretch in high winds but I can use the knot to periodically tighten up. I’m sure that I will have to replace the rope every couple years.
Just like in sailing, reducing friction and supporting stress points is precisely the right thing to do. Good on those clips! Now learn how to back braid that bitter end and it will look sharp! Also pick up some general non-slip knots like the bowline.
Hey mate! I'm thinking about attaching a pole to a 1.7m timber fence post. The pole would add 0.7m above the fence. I'm told by construction store staff that the fence post isn't strong enough for that. But your setup looks like it has even less foundation strength than that and it's clearly working. Do you think my fence would be fine and not experience bend over time?
Use chain for longevity
Use a bolen with a yosemite finish