FATA SOLO-navigatie; 2 zile crude și reale pe o barca cu pânze de 51′ cu DELFINI! [ep 15]

FATA SOLO-navigatie;  2 zile crude și reale pe o barca cu pânze de 51' cu DELFINI! [ep 15]

Ai cerut-o și iată-l! O vedere mai detaliată a cum arată pentru mine să navighez singur! Petrec doar două zile până la 90 de mile marine. Conduc manual toată ziua 1 și primesc pilot automat ziua 2. OH! si apar delfinii!! Sper să vă bucurați de cea mai frumoasă apă pe care Bahamas o are de oferit în timpul acestui episod! Deveniți un Patron! Acces la conținut exclusiv (inclusiv conținut suplimentar Mako) și streamuri live https://www.patreon.com/laurenlanders Paypal: paypal.me/souldelamar Venmo: http://www.venmo.com/u/souldelamar Grab some Soul de La Merch! https://www.souldelamar.com/shop/ Ochelari de soare: https://www.pntrac.com/t/Qz9HSUJLP0RHRUNFSj9HSUJL?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saltlife.com%2Fportofino-fade-brown-sunglasses- sl104fbr.html https://www.pntrs.com/t/Qz9HSUJLP0RHRUNFSj9HSUJL?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saltlife.com%2Fcudjoe-matte-blac-grey-horn-sl503mbgh-ssi-na.html https: //www.gopjn.com/t/Qz9HSUJLP0RHRUNFSj9HSUJL?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saltlife.com%2Fsorrento-havana-brown-tortoise-sunglasses-sl102hbt-na.html Produse preferate: Cod Stream2Sea.com laurenalanders” cod thesilkco.com: cafea „Lauren Landers Sailing”: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1765969&u=3110145&m=110103&urllink=&afftrack= cod oceansoulbali.com: „LL15” Echipament pentru navigație: https de la MauriPro ://www.mauriprosailing.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=SFNT&Affiliate=laurenalanders&Store_Code=us Abonament Thrive 40% reducere: http://thrv.me/WzJrbh Lista de dorințe: https://www.amazon.com/ hz/wishlist/ls/WT5UKPG3ITDP?ref_=wl_share Magazinul Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/_laurenlanders Verificați-mi site: https://www.souldelamar.com/ Rezervați un charter https://www.souldelamar.com/contact/ Instagram instagram.com/laurenlanders instagram.com/makoatsea


28 thoughts on “FATA SOLO-navigatie; 2 zile crude și reale pe o barca cu pânze de 51′ cu DELFINI! [ep 15]

  1. For another good clean coffee brand check out Purity Coffee. They explain the quality control process better than I can, but they source, select, and brew for optimum health benefits as well.

  2. I would like to know how you sail solo for a thousand miles or more and for days.
    You have to sleep and can’t watch for ships or other boats. Do you use radar with an alarm or take a chance.
    I would really like for you to show us somehow and explain the equipment you use to stay safe on solo sailing long distances. I am totally ignorant about sailing and especially on long passages. I have always had an interest in it but have zero experience. If I could afford to I would charter, but at this time that is way over my budget.

  3. I'm very impressed with you. A lot of men that are experienced sailors would not do what you are doing. It takes a lot of confidence on your part as well as the skill of a sailor, so be proud of yourself, you deserve all of the credit. I am going to enjoy all of your journey with you , and I hope and pray you will go without many problems. Jerry

  4. 🧜♀Lauren, we are, almost 5,591 monkyes, that was done an happy salling on you boat; Thanks by another funny trip…🚣♂🐒🦍🦧and of course, thanks to 🐅maco, because don`t being jealous about everyone your followers…🐋🐟🐠🦈🐬🐙🐡

  5. It seems – and sounds – as if you're leaving the engine in neutral while under sail. You'll appreciate the silence if you engage the gear, and the shaft and bearings will thank you. 😊

  6. Hi ..You are such a beautiful person…beautiful mind…I've got passion for sailing in Croatia…I wish to find one day a lady like you to love Take care and God loving and blessing to you 🙋🥰

  7. Sail with anyone you want for what ever reason you have. Your boat, your life, and it's all enjoyable and entertaining. So keep it up.

  8. Your videos are more enjoyable than prime time plus I want a boat. 1st I need to rent and get some training or rent in a lake before seabound. I see low cost smaller boats that need maintenance and it's usually the wood, sails and or the paint. I'd sail a couple of weeks anyday!

  9. ok so it's 51' ….i caught that you charter, but i still don't get it … i have been working through trauma, and working all my life.
    my dad's biggest yacht was an old Morgan 386 …i sailed 3 times in the great lakes, on two other sailboats, and once in the pacific..
    currently designing the ultimate yacht for the common man or woman.

  10. POOR MAKO ☹️.


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