Mulțumim lui Keeps pentru sponsorizarea acestui videoclip. Accesați pentru a obține 50% reducere la prima comandă de tratament Keeps împotriva căderii părului. Bored Ape Yacht Club (una dintre cele mai înalte colecții NFT de profil și valoroase din industrie) s-a trezit cu o serie de conexiuni, fire și coincidențe care năucesc mintea. Semnificații criptice, puzzle-uri codificate și un grup de fondatori care și-au construit cu atenție personajele online… când sunt privite în context… încep să picteze o imagine foarte interesantă. PATREON: RYDER RIPPS: ODYSEE INVITE:$/invite/@UpperEchelonGamers:3 LOCAL: https:// Canalul Axial GT: AxialGamingTech/videos. Mulțumesc enorm. Abonați-vă la el vă rog! ⦁ MERCH: ⦁ UPPER ECHELON WEBSITE: ⦁ UPPER ECHELON CUSTOM MERCH STORE: ⦁ DISCORD SERVER: ⦁ Girafe Video: ⦁ Video Transitions: William Eklof ⦁ Outtro Song: v=-k4azpOIAfwEMAILUL MEU DE AFACERI: #YugaLabs #BoredApe #BAYC
The Bored Ape Conspiracy (theory) – O boală culturală

22 thoughts on “The Bored Ape Conspiracy (theory) – O boală culturală”
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they really trying to keep this video down brother man T.T
Idk man, theres a lot of stretching to get “a mash up of ss and sa is SASS”. Or “gargamel has a big nose so hes a JOO”. Like i saw a skull and crossbones on my roach spray and i didnt jump right to zyklon b
dude all this nazi conspiracy shit is ridiculous, you cant honestly believe this shit
I love this channel.
Fuckin nazis
Hate that this video is obviously shadow banned
The Tomato Ketchup ome may just symbolize the childishness of the NFT founder ala self-deprication. I've got no clue what the film's message is but what I gather from the Wikipedia article, it's children ruling the world and performing unsavory actions during rule. Honestly sounds like a metaphor for NFTs albeit perhaps not the inent of the founder. Could just be edgelord stuff.
Fantastic video. Now do one of these for the obvious connection between all famous people and Satanism.
You basically stumbled upon a cult.
I don't care how famous or well liked a graffiti artist is, if your graffiti art is anything close to the garbage people draw on trains, then it's not good, it's just garbage that lowers the living quality for normal people who like not having their wallets stolen and like not having feces in the streets. All good societies have never had train quality graffiti in it, and considering any garbage made in new york as anything but a red flag in society is laughable
There are a lot of coincidences when you look hard enough, like how before ww2, jewish people in germany were specifically wanting to ethnically erase german identities through widespread use of p*rnography including minors, immigration of different ethnicities that were specifically not german and wanted to disrupt the german system by infighting, all while they watched from the sidelines. And those same jewish people also went into south africa, inciting violence among white and black south africans by making the black ones think that the white ones were taking something from them, those same jewish people were also in the US politics at the time trying to force interracial marriages, and at the same time they were also in israel talking about how jewish identity must remain sacred and how ethinc jews must interbreed only with other ethnic jews. There are a lot of other notable things like how the civil rights movement wasn't peaceful black people, it was always black people causing riots, destruction and then specifically only photographing the parts where white people came in to stop the black people from destroying their homes, and a lot of the civil rights movement involved communism and propping up people who didnt deserve it, like that black woman who shot 2 white people just because they were white, that was one of the figureheads of the civil rights movement that was specifically tied to the same jews who promoted the german ethnic cleansing, the same jews who also promoted ethnic jewish identity while trying to tear down any other semblance of identity.
But keep going on about how apes depicting ss soldiers are the worst thing to exist or something.
They don’t care about anyone just cash
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s grooming s Someone for political gain with that kind of money you can do all kinds of stuff
You can be as charitable as you want, but when all coincidences are just nazi dogwhistles, the conclusion is obvious.
I mean, we have seen the Ukrainian army using blatant nazi imagery, the conclusion is that Ukrainian army is a nazi army and that Russia is fighting nazism, while the west is aiding nazism.
I wish you would get more views instead of having it stolen by streamers
Is this guy jewish or just a beta?
where can we find ur actual take u didnt continue to say at the end? u know u could get money sending us to another platform
Vandals vandalizing other vandals vandalism? I am outraged!!
Bored ape fiend club? Dont think Glenn Danzig appreciates the similiarities
They could still be completely screwed over if every celebrity that was given a bored ape through moonpay came forward. Because that's asking someone to commit fraud on their behalf and they've done it so many times that the charges they would get from each one alone would damn near cripple their company.