HEY SALUT SALUT! Numele meu este Emery, sunt stewardesă de iaht, îi învăț pe alții cum să devină iahturi! Bun venit pe canalul meu! Îmi place această industrie și am participat la mai multe programe bune decât rele, DAR există programe proaste acolo. Iată câteva semnale roșii de care trebuie să fii atent… Dacă întâlniți o navă sau un membru al echipajului nesigur, asigurați-vă că vă prezentați comandantului, căpitanului sau, dacă este mai rău, depuneți un raport AICI: https://www. gov.uk/government/organisations/maritime-and-coastguard-agency Vă întrebați dacă o carieră în yachting este pentru dvs.? Alăturați-vă mie în Planificarea cursului dvs. către o carieră în yachting pentru a vă duce rapid la primul loc de muncă în yachting. Misiunea mea? Pentru a vă ajuta să evitați unele dintre greșelile de începători pe care le-am făcut și pentru a vă face călătoria să se descurce fără probleme! Faceți clic pe linkul de mai jos pentru a începe în yachting!!! ⚓🌍 Începeți în yachting: https://thatyachtiegirl.co/sales-page . . . . . . . Muzică: Girls Like Me (Jamin OTB Remix) Muzician: AAPOoficial și Leo Valentine URL: http://pixabay.com/music/-girls-like-me-jamin-otb-remix-by-aap-featuring-leo-valentine -21979/



  1. I was a deckhand in the mid-90's to early aughts. Dealt with extremely drunk, obnoxious coked up yacht brokers and Manhattan stock traders. The absolute worst! I gave up doing charter yachts after that. Went to private yachts. Was with some owners who decided to put their boat up for charter. They were really good to us and asked me to stay to help look after 'their baby' for them. Sweetest people ever. So I agreed. The captain was a former charter captain and he stayed in contact with people that always liked to charter, so the first guests we got were people he knew. He warned us, they liked to drink a lot, but after hanging out with coked up stockbrokers, figured how bad could it be. Worse! Way frigging worse! We had a pirate theme night. We had real swords, but dull blades and the fake flintlock pistols, tri-corner hats. The full experience. We wanted authenticity! What a dumb decision that would later be.
    The guests, some, had been drinking pretty hard all day, they had a couple fights, they complained we couldn't go in the tender when it was lightning, they were all drinking later so no more waverunners, then dinner comes and we were busy helping the Stewardesses serve because the guests were so very drunk, they were being overly demanding. You know how it goes I'm sure. We'll one guest went to the bathroom and he was gone for a while. Then we hear the sound of a waverunner going by. Didn't register because the other 9 guests are being jerks, but then the captain comes running and says 'Mr.X just took off towards another boat on of our waverunners, go get him' into the tender we went…but we didn't see where he went, then we heard the screams.
    So picture this, you are on your lovely 10 million dollar yacht in the Bahamas, eating dinner with your family on the back deck. Suddenly some crazy guy comes speeding at your boat on a waverunner, dressed as a pirate. Hops off and runs up the steps, pulls a pistol out and a sword and wants you 'give up the booty!'. Scary right? Well that yacht owner along with the captain and their bosun just frog marched him off the back of the boat. We got there, apologized profusely, took the guest back in the tender. The deckhands were yelled at for not putting the toys up, but that was something we did at dinner service, but we were called in to help the interior. The chief stew apologized and knew the captain longer than I had and said he was just upset at himself blah blah. But again, served as yet another reminder of why I was done with charters. They were going to go with a professional charter company after that and I left. Oddly enough, got a job on the boat that our 'pirate' tried taking over 8 months later.

  2. You were the hired babysitter but for irresponsible adult’s…. Sad people can’t have fun and be safe. Good thing you didn’t get hurt.

  3. I'm working towards being a yachty, hopefully 2023 I'll be at Sea. What is the organization to contact if I experience the same dangerous activities?

  4. Very proud of you for leaving. Screw anyone who tells you that you should stay in a situation where you feel unsafe for any reason.

    I and my friends (stews) have had similar experiences where drunk captains/first mates put them in mortal danger.

    As glamorous and rewarding as this industry can be at times, it can be equally toxic, unstable and dangerous. I hope everyone gains some insight into the potential risks and feels empowered to leave when they see the red flags.

  5. hi you deserve to be a chief stew emery! thank you for the tips what to look out for our safety! im a greenie looking for my first job in a yacht industry.. maybe you could help me get onboard.. im currently here in south of france and im a filipino national.. thank you and God bless!

  6. I will hire you as my stew once I become a super billionaire having a mega boat of 125 crew and 60 guests. 🎉❤😂

  7. Hhahaha! Love hearing these horror stories. White people these days. Am I right. Hahaha! Too bad nothing bad happened to this basic beech 😢

  8. Thank you darling for your bad experience, as a boat owner / charter operator you need to grow prior to giving advice. Very immature and personally I know that you will not make the cut. I wouldn’t have you on. My boat to critique your lack of experience. Good luck on land where you belong.

  9. Horrifying! Where is the professionalism? If I owned the boat, I would not object to the crew having a good time when not on duty but no-one, no-one would be permitted to operate any equipment if intoxicated and responsible for the safety and well-being of others! That is intolerable! Instant sacking.
    I like the idea of having a superyacht, doing a World cruise, treating the yacht as as a floating hotel for family and friends, going ashore to sample the delights. I'd take the crew too, they can enjoy the sights, the restaurants and cafes, the vineyards or distilleries but there must always be the caretaker crew aboard and sober driver for the tender or minibus.
    I will only buy a superyacht that treats the crew well, I'd expect they'd have access to enjoy all the facilities, maybe with a deference, my family and friends come first. I'd expect the crew off duty to be able to sit at the big dining table for my family and friends. I'd expect the chef to be the most valued crew member but not 24/7. My wife can cook too or others can, even if it is only tacos or pizzas. And I don't mind peeling potatoes or washing dishes, or doing a watch from midnight to 6am. Just not often.

  10. I love what you're doing here. I used to work for the majority owner of Christensen Yacht Co, and I worked for a SCUBA shop on the Big Island. I know you can't always film people, or talk about what boat you're on, but there's tons of stuff that I think would make great content. Personally, I love the underwater stuff, so you're always visiting these unique and far-flung locations, and I would love to see snorkeling or diving video from these places, maybe spearfishing video. The amount of content at your fingertips is amazing. Then there's other stuff like location video, for like historical locations, WWII, ancient temples, whatever. Oh man. You could blow up.

  11. People don't realize this stuff happens. I've had many experiences like yours over 9 years. Alcohol was ALWAYS the common factor. I'll write a horror book one day. So many amazing times of course too. But for any young or old yachties in that situation, walk off the boat, take photos and video, report the incident. You WILL be paid if not paid damages and it will not hurt your career in yachts. There are thousands of boats who run professional and safe operations. As it should be. Enjoy yachting and be safe, it's EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY. Even the new green crew members.
    Great video by the way. ❤👍🙏

  12. 🎉
    Didn't know that yatching has such loose drug and alcohol policies.
    While getting drunk ashore is one thing, I'm wondering how even the pilot ( for Panama canal crossing ) , allowed the master to be in command if he's not okay and sober.
    I pity the owner who has left his valuable expensive assets to such unprofessionalism.
    I'd have called the company DPA and inform them of the misdeeds on the boat.
    Almost all yatchs are supposed to have some form of safety and quality management system..Alcohol abuse , crew welfare and grievance addressal mechanisms are part of this .

  13. Thanks for sharing your experience. Awful you were put in that position. Discipline is key when working on the seas, no matter type of ship. No room for drug/alcohol subtence abuse. Leadership comes from the top and that captain is a risk to everyone working under him. Deaths occur at sea and allot of it can be avoided by being vigilant and respecting the environment you work in. Thanks again.

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