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xQc Reacționează la „BORED APE NAZI CLUB” | Philion

28 thoughts on “xQc Reacționează la „BORED APE NAZI CLUB” | Philion”
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Either trolling or w. supremacy, it can be both; it's totally possible that "too smart" is simply what certain players would want to be perceived… Going down this dark path more, here's a quote about NFT's ~ " Trade NFTs in the marketplace: After signing up and ensuring you have enough funds in crypto or other NFTs, you can visit the marketplace and start trading."
Marketplace (sound familiar?) The abbreviation N.F.T. Now, >trading< one Bored Yacht Club NFT for another of a similar or more appealing detail/characteristics (implying?)…
Why was the original removed
Heyooo I almost peed myself when he said "it might be tinfoil but we're watching it!"
I have never in my life seen people mainlining such concentrated copium as to try and write this off
Holy crazy this was a YEAR AGO
It's just randomly generated art.. people cry over anything lol
Idk what it is, and i don't care how ridiculous I sound
I fucking HATE when people refer to themselves/others as "creatives"
just shut uppppp
The guy really loses most credibility when he says the alt.right took up the OK as an official symbol, very very leftist takes from. It easy to see racism in everything when all you do is look for racism in things
Half of this video has some points that have some weight to them and are understandable in their suspicion, while the other half just sounds like a complete reach and borderline insane. 4chan trolls have gotten smart about the way they transmit their messages to the general public, but even this is too intricate for them. At the very least, I think the creators have sympathies towards neo-Nazist behaviors.
Tin foil hat video, lmfao
damn I didn't know chess was Racist too you know.
A-H and 1-8.
Also misogynist too.
Queen can be replaced but king dies the game is over.
If you see everything in your eye as racist bigotry, you are a Racist bigot piece of shit yourself.
Tried to sue Ryder, Dash, and Philion as well.
BASED AF hahahahahaha holyyyyyyy
The chat here is so fucking toxic lmao they've never heard of dogwhistles or plausible deniability before and it shows hard
i dont believe this is actual fascism I think its just a giant meme for them to laugh at
Delusional conspiracy theory.
But showing the cyphers was cool. This is a great ad, made me interested in Yuga Labs, they seem interesting
nazi's and the kkk were both leftists
It’s bizarre being that racist and using SO many hindu symbolism, but also very predictable.
the bananas looking like swastikas could obviously just be a coincidence, but like with everything else its almost certainly intentional
I know him stating that the founders using the word "negro" in a jumbled way may sound like a stretch since it's Spanish for black, but it was actually used by White Supremacists as an alternative to the n-word, I mean for goodness sake the Confederate newspaper called the Union "Negro Worshippers".
Tinfoil hat babbling
For the lulz
Suddenly npcs are ok with coincidences as long as it’s nazi and not jew related kek
Imagine your culture is so far into the gutter anything resembling a monkey makes you think it's an attack at you. That just means you think of your people as monkeys lmao
That fake interview with the woman is cringe af