She’s Nervous: First Overnight Offshore Sail – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 214

She's Nervous: First Overnight Offshore Sail - Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 214

Vom începe acest episod blocat în Calypso într-o zi ploioasă. Vom încerca să trecem timpul înainte de a ne pregăti pentru o călătorie offshore peste noapte… PRIMA călătorie offshore a Tarei! E nervoasă, vom încerca să o punem în leagănul lucrurilor înainte de a te duce la plimbare! Consultați NOUA noastră pagină web la Alte link-uri: Server: Vizitați serverul nostru privat la Patreon: Deveniți Patreon la Instagram: Vrei mai mult LGS? Urmărește Instagramul nostru public @lazygeckosailing Urmărește Instagram-ul personal al lui Brittany @lgsbrittany VA ROG ABONAȚI-VĂ! Link-uri la canalul Vimeo: pentru a vedea imagini suplimentare distractive în noile noastre videoclipuri din sezonul 9, vă rugăm să vizitați canalul nostru Vimeo din sezonul 9 la: Vizualizați celelalte sezoane Vimeo folosind link-urile de mai jos! Sezonul 8 Sezonul 7 Sezonul 6 Sezonul 5 /lazygeckoseason5 Sezonul 4 Sezonul 3 Sezonul 2 Sezonul 1 /ondemand/lazygeckosailing


27 thoughts on “She’s Nervous: First Overnight Offshore Sail – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 214

  1. Much respect you run a squared away boat. Your boat is taken care of meticulously. All the safety features you have in place shows you know what you're doing. What a great crew. Wishing you all safe travels. ⛵

  2. Wow! My favorite thing to do on rainy days……
    Would be to help the wife "organize" all her sexy lingerie!! What a fun way to spend a rainy day!! No sun, but still scintillatingly Hot!!

  3. I'm freaked out now sitting in my Lazy boy chair eating Pizza rolls mommy made for me For Tara …How many times did she have to wake up the Capt .??.
    Great Job Capt Tara !!

  4. Jeremiah, I’m a capitán on a full time large fire department. I am extremely proud of you training your people that are In charged to you for their safety. The best way to train is. Continue grill into the ladies the system so an accidents will never be scary or tense. But be very reactionary. No thinking. When you’re in the middle of a fire fight you don’t have the luxury of thinking That’s when the training comes out. Just react. Your a great instructor. Just throw some tests in there once in a while. We love your fam , new and unexperienced. PS I have delivered a nimbler of babies including my own. Just the mother and a friend. If you want to save thousands , I’m available. No charge

  5. Frankly l can’t think of a better way to expose my company name, now wait for all the parcels to arrive from all over 😂😂😂😂😂 🇬🇧

  6. Two fisted viewing, watching Vimeo and commenting here. I am a NORTH UP guy. I see lots of aviation (my background) and boating folks operating heading up and that is like fingernails on a chalk board to me. I like to see minutes of latitude displayed so I can calculate in my head just for the joy of doing so.

  7. Just by happenstance I discovered that when I was trying to reposition the Vimeo after my previous comment, unlike YouTube the letter L toggles the LIKE control on and off on Vimeo. On YouTube, the J key and L key move the display 10 seconds. If other viewers made the same mistake that I did, you may have lost lots of LIKES. I corrected the vids that I still have access to.

  8. I didn’t hear if you told her, when she talks on the two way, she pushes the button to broadcast but she needs to let go if the button to listen. I know it might seem basic for us that grew up with them but a new person might panic and not let go. Not trying to interfere with you training. You do an awesome job. Just something I noticed.

  9. If they are separate displays, I like North-up on charts, head-up on radar. If you have fancy radar and it overlays on your chartplotter, then North-up.

  10. Just love Tara she has such a sweet personality.. she is going to learn fast ! I am trying to catch up on your videos love you guys ❤️👍🇺🇸⛵️ Hi from Hot 🥵 Texas

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