ÎN sfârșit am prins un pește!!! Sailing Sareda Ep. 36

ÎN sfârșit am prins un pește!!!  Sailing Sareda Ep.  36

Navigam înapoi la Marina Lanzarote pentru a face verificarea instalației de către un profesionist, iar Liam își prinde primul pește! Petrecem mult timp în familie împreună pe plajă 🙂 patreon.com/sailingsareda instagram.com/sailing.sareda facebook.com/sailingsareda sailingsareda.wordpress.com Credite muzicale: Yacht Stomp – Spazz Cardigans Glass – Anno Domini Beats Sailing – Telecasted


3 thoughts on “ÎN sfârșit am prins un pește!!! Sailing Sareda Ep. 36

  1. Good things come to those who wait, haha! Congratulations on the fish! As per tangled sheets… We had the same and I still cannot figure out how this has happened! Definitely will watch you guys 😁

  2. Never mind, these things can't be helped and Brexit doesn't help!! Work has to come first to pay for the amazing adventures ahead. I'll still be here watching until you get sorted. Stay safe

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