PRIMA PRIVIRE la catamaranul cu vele Max Cruise 44 ft (MJ Sailing – Ep 240)

PRIMA PRIVIRE la catamaranul cu vele Max Cruise 44 ft (MJ Sailing - Ep 240)

Abia așteptam până dimineața să lansez cel mai nou episod al nostru cu o plimbare prin turul Hull 4. Înscrieți-vă la Butcher Box între 1 și 4 iulie și primiți gratuit două fripturi Ribeye la fiecare comandă timp de un an!! Sperăm că vă place această barcă la fel de mult ca și nouă, iar petrecerea a două zile pe ea în Vietnam ne-a oferit o mare apreciere și mare entuziasm pentru ceea ce construim în Maryland. Asigurați-vă că vă împărtășiți gândurile despre care este partea dvs. preferată! Pe lângă acel tur, primim și o lecție de amestecare a cusăturilor cu gelcoat, lucru de care vom avea MULTE în viitor, deoarece barca noastră a venit la noi în atâtea bucăți prin cele două containere. Și, în sfârșit, luăm o noapte pentru noi și ne bucurăm de frumusețea care este Saigon. Făcând un fel de bar hop, vizităm trei baruri diferite pe acoperiș din districtul 1 și admirăm priveliștile absolut uimitoare ale orașului de sub noi. Sperăm să vă bucurați! Multă dragoste de la Annapolis! Jessica, Matt și Georgie Link către barca noastră: Mulțumim MULT Patronilor noștri. Acești susținători extraordinari ne ajută să ne menținem pe barcă, echipamentele noastre de cameră la zi și videoclipurile care urmează. Fără patronii noștri, aceste videoclipuri nu ar fi posibile. Pentru a vă înscrie în rândurile Patreon, vă rugăm să vizitați sau Cumpărați-ne o bere prin PayPal! sau Ajută să contribui la construcție cumpărând Lista noastră de dorințe Amazon! Adresa de livrare: Kentmorr Marina 910 Kentmorr Road Stevensville, MD 21666 Vă mulțumim!, Matt și Jessica – Obțineți marfa: https:// Videoclipuri realizate de Jessica, cu Matt și Georgie. 00:00 – Introducere 00:30 – Trebuie să învățăm să amestecăm cusăturile 02:50 – Lecții de gelcoat de la profesioniști 04:50 – Primiți fripturi Ribeye GRATUITE pentru un an 06:40 – Povestea din spatele Hull 04 08:21 – Tur de Hull 04 – The Bridge Deck 10:15 – Turul de Hull 04 – Port Guest Hull 11:34 – Tur de Hull 04 – Tribord Owner’s Hull 13:33 – Siagon Sky Bar Crawl 16:42 – Următorul episod 17:15 – Închidere Muzică: Cali Love – Adelyn Paik Moscato – Storyblocks Wide Eyed Wonder – Storyblocks Pandemonium (Versiunea Tribute) – Echipamentul camerei Mondays folosit: – Panasonic Lumix GH5 – Microfon Shore VP83F – – GoPro Hero8 Previous Ambarcațiuni: 1983 Trisalu 37 – aluminiu la comandă, construit în Quebec (Elements of Life) Unde am fost: 2,5 ani refit în Indiantown, Florida; Abacos, Bahamas; St. Barth; St. Maarten; Antigua; Saba; Azore; Irlanda; Scoţia; Norvegia; Anglia 1989 Sabre 34 Targa (Serendipity) Unde am navigat cu ea: SUA – Bahamas – Jamaica – Cuba – Insulele Cayman – Honduras – Guatemala – Belize – Mexic – Bermuda – Azore – Madeira – Insulele Canare – Sint Maarten – BVI – Software de editare USVI: Site-ul Adobe Premier Pro: Facebook: Instagram: & /mj_wayfaring/


22 thoughts on “PRIMA PRIVIRE la catamaranul cu vele Max Cruise 44 ft (MJ Sailing – Ep 240)

  1. Do you have a DA Sander? In other videos it looks like your using orbital and regular palm sanders. They pros are using DA sanders. It makes a big difference.

  2. Really nice for us to see a finished design of what you're building toward… will you two be offering your learned lessons to other builders following in your footsteps ? Maybe be brand ambassadors for MC at various boatshows ?

  3. Man, what a beauty! With all your hard work, you guys will probably beat the splashdown of La Vagabonde’s Tri. I have a suspicion that it will look even better than hull 4😉🤟🏻. I can only imagine the pride and jubilation of building your own custom cat and watching it hit the water for the first time😂😄🙏🏻. What an amazing accomplishment when you get there. What a great couple living your best lives🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  4. Looking good, you guys are going to have a ton of space.
    Funny, but I always think of Saigon in black and white. It must be from TV during the war. It's nice to see it so lively and vibrant.

  5. The boat looks amazing , great to see a finished idea in the mind. I'm not sure I could resist getting up in the am and NOT going out on the balcony…..and yelling GOOOOOOD MOOORNING V E I T N A M ! ! I would of thought they would lay a strip of double bias along the overlap before truing , but now that I think of it , it is already overlapped and glued by 3-4 inches. CHEERS AND SAFE TRAVELS Steve h.

  6. Thank you so much to share your project with us. I have the project of building an aluminium sailboat in some years and I appreciate all the details you give us. Question for you: at the beginnings of your project, you shared the budget of the building. Can you tell us an update on this. Again thank you from Quebec, Canada!

  7. 12:08 if that's the final look of that wall behind the bed, that divide not being center with the window or vice versa would drive my ocd up the wall xD

    Great looking boat though, galley looks lovely. Did have the same idea about that drawer requiring you to clear the counter when you open it as someone else mentioned.

  8. I was in Saigon (TSN Air Base) in 1971 – but did not make it to the Rex Hotel until my trip back in 2018 before China flu stuck the world. The officers and "journalists" enjoyed watching the Vietnam war from the bar at the top of the Rex Hotel.

  9. Great vlog kids! I have numerous friends in S.K., mostly engineers I worked with, and they keep asking me to come visit (we keep in touch). I've been hesitant but your vlog has me thinking I just might go. Can't wait to see more of your boat's progress.

  10. I do like the bamboo veneer, but overall a bit too much gelcoat surface inside for me. Personally I'd sacrifice a bit of performance for some different textures and colors.

  11. I had to laugh at Mat trying to learn from the guy doing the gel coating… Spay coating anything is a skill that looks so simple but take thousands of hours to learn to do well. 🙂 I particularly like how he measured. A scoop of stuff and a couple of dollops of catalyst until it looks and feels right.

  12. I lived and worked in VN from 2002-2012 and really enjoyed working with the Vietnamese there. Very smart, creative and hard working and loved how they balanced that with their personal family need. Even back then, I had heard "rumors" of boat making becoming a thing in Vietnam but I had not idea or interest in boats. I'm seeing recent developments in this sector and the Song Thu company in Da Nang and how it is a very well run operation, even by Holland standard. I guess this is a different company in HCMC and seems like their work quality is meeting your expectation. I hope you enjoyed your trip to VN and happy with what you're seeing with your catamaran. Thank you for taking the time to do these videos as I know it takes a lot of time and energy to film and edit. I hope you will arrange to do the South to North trip, via the Vietnam coast line. That should be an epic trip.

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