Alex Smith de la Motor Boat & Yachting relatează de la British Motor Yacht Show din 2022, care ne poartă într-un tur complet al iahtului flybridge Princess F50. Specificații Princess F50 LOA: 51 ft (15,5 m) Lungime: 14 ft 3 in (4,34 m) Pescaj: 4 ft 1 in (1,25 m) Deplasare (aproximativ): 23,2 tone / 51,147 lbs Motoare: Twin 600 CP Volvo Penta Fuel IPS8107 capacitate: IPS807, IPS807 L Capacitate apă: 90 gal / 410L Viteză maximă: 34 noduri Interval: 250nm Categoria CE: B Preț de pornire: 1.056.000 GBP (TVA inclus) Preț așa cum este afișat: 1.400.000 GBP (TVA inclus) ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube MBY acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre turnee, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – ► Apreciați-ne pe Facebook: ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: ► Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: ► Ce ai făcut gândi? Spune-ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți-vă să apăsați butonul de LIKE și să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut
Flybridge-ul de 1,4 milioane de lire sterline arată ce face cel mai bine Princess | Tur cu iahtul Princess F50 | Barcă cu motor și iahting

25 thoughts on “Flybridge-ul de 1,4 milioane de lire sterline arată ce face cel mai bine Princess | Tur cu iahtul Princess F50 | Barcă cu motor și iahting”
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Notwithstanding your rather enthusiastic panning of the camera, I’m really enjoying your easy-going style of presentation. More please!
Love the boat. Not so keen on the camera-work…
Nice boat but I'm afraid the filming and presentation are not very professional. Definitely not up to MB&Y normal standard
Another video wasted by this guy…
43% weight difference sounds surprising. Are you sure about those numbers? Princess' site suggests 16 and 19 ton respectively although the 19 ton is stated as half loaded, bit sloppy that the measures aren't comparable or qualified.
The frame rate isn't right or something, makes me feel seasick!
ASMR presentation.
Did I miss it or is there only one heads on this boat?
A very nice yacht but presentation and filming so abysmal. You really need to watch the likes of Nick in Aquaholic to see how it’s done properly. Shame .
I can't take the presenter's 10 second pauses after every 3-8 words.
It's very hard after watching nick to watch any one else
Hesitant verbal delivery annoying and too many camera operator included shots
Never experienced motion sickness before but It reminded me of when 2 year old granddaughter showed me her new house on FaceTime. Come on MBY you can do better than this.
Nice boat presented poorly
thank you for the review. It would have been even better if you invested in some filming training and a wide angle camera with a stabiliser
Pure class, this is my favourite boat. Looks like a great all-rounder, one day!
You did a great job. Love the yacht. The camera work need some doing though. Not sure what camera you are using. It it was to zoomed in. Need to back it off a bit and like you did in the beginning. When you are panning. Keep it nice and slow. Otherwise. Great job this time around.

terrible camera work but good otherwise. really a $450k trawler that's 45' is the best. to get this up on a plane and bounce around is nuts
You are moving the camera way too fast and back and forth, making it hard to watch because you are making viewers dizzy.
should be cheaper with only 1 head
Oi – everyone's a critic. It interesting to see the choices that different reviewers make. Logically all reviews are balances of what you leave in and what you leave out. You don't show as much as, lets say Aquaholic, but you provide a good overview of the boat and dwell longer on details like the window rails. And, yes, move the camera more slowly.
My goodness, but everyone seems to be a critic! Yes it's fair to say that Alex hasn't got the routine down quite like Nick, but Nick is somewhat more practised. Alex clearly knows his stuff, and honestly if that makes you feel sick, you really aren't well suited for a life on the sea
Awesome boat… Not so awesome camera work
They should put diesel heating in aft cockpit and have enclosed canvas so you can use the dining table outside all year round and get rid of the dinning table in saloon! Your saloon is watching tv at a dinning area! Don't understand why they don't build them like that! It opens up the main lounge! And only one helm seat on main deck to open it up more as everyone uses flybride to operate vessel almost all year!! Happy sailing all
and God bless you all

The thumbnail shows a sea trial !