Navigați singur în jurul Hawaii: de la Maui la Oahu

Navigați singur în jurul Hawaii: de la Maui la Oahu

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4 thoughts on “Navigați singur în jurul Hawaii: de la Maui la Oahu

  1. Hey Garrett! Dig the vids dude. I noticed in one shot your safety tether was clipped on to your life line. Hey man, the safety tether should keep you inside your lifelines! Always. Even a young man like yourself would have a very hard time getting back in the boat, if you were washed over the lifelines. Especially if you were hurt or unconscious. Our jacklines run down the center of our boat, we have padeyes down low in the cockpit, and our tethers aren't long enough for us to go past the lifelines. Single handing dude,… if you're over the lifelines, you're done.

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