Ep 59 Închiderea buclei pe circuitul Atlantic Sailing

Ep 59 Închiderea buclei pe circuitul Atlantic Sailing

Îmi termin circuitul de 8600 NM al Atlanticului de Nord cu etapa finală între Dingle Irlanda și La Rochelle Franța. Întregul circuit (2x traversări Atlanticului cu 6 escale scurte în port) a durat exact 3 luni. Discutam de ce această barcă, deși cu 20% mai rapidă decât Bavaria mea, ar fi trebuit să fie cu 50-70% mai rapidă. O referire vagă la o nouă aventură este tachinată…


44 thoughts on “Ep 59 Închiderea buclei pe circuitul Atlantic Sailing

  1. Nice video, and lookimg forward for more.
    Answering your question. No, it is not the same. By the time you are back you are ( or should be) a deferent person, more wise and, sinve we are made of all of our memories, now that you are loaded with new memories, you should be a biger person…. or not, hahahahah

  2. Hi Patrick
    Have watched your adventures very enviously and admire your spirit
    Was very surprised when you changed your boat and although both very seaworthy the Bavaria must have been more comfortable
    Don't know what your budget for the next boat is but I would go for an RM if at all possible you would have comfort and performance
    Good luck on your next voyage I look forward to seeing what you do

  3. Hello, I have followed your sailing adventures for 6-7 years with great pleasure. I appreciate that you share both good and less good experiences on sailing and regarding equipment you have acquired. I have been thinking for a long time about how to solve the installation of solar panels that are not shaded by sails, etc, but do not want to install a targa on the boat. I think your solution for installing solar panels is both simple, practical and keeps the weight down at the stern of the boat. One thing I'm wondering is where you got the support for the solar panels themselves. What material is it, aluminum, carbon fiber? Is it "from the shelf" or is it a special order from a workshop. Thanks for posting videos on YouTube, which are great inspiration?

  4. Would you consider making a video showing your provisions for your longer passages? I have heard you say on another video that you carried 100liters of fuel and 120 liters of fresh water. I'd like to see more of what you pack for rations. Do you carry lifeboat rations as well in a bail out bag? Ive got 8 years left until the youngest child goes off to college and I can start working 6 months of the year until retirement.

  5. Noticed you recently bought a new RM890+. What's your initial thoughts? Any concerns that RM is the only boat yard using marine ply? Note, I'm currently leaning towards a JPK 39fc but the lead-time runs into a number of years! ☹️

  6. 🤣 I know that feeling with the fuel 🤣 I am the same even on short hops if its easy to get. I have removed an old heads on my boat (Dehler 36) and replaced it with extra storage for spares and tools and created a space to hold the spinnaker. Its hard to let go of old spares too. It looks a very fast boat.

  7. Patrick how do you prevent your bow hitting the boat next you when the wind and tide is pushing you off the berth. Once I let go of the bow line, get back to the cockpit and fire up reverse gear she is already on to the other side. Not a good way to make friends

  8. Patrick, what a great pleasure to be part of your journey! I have watched from the beginning and enjoyed every minute. The only sailing I have done was in Monterey Bay (Calif.) where I fed the fish the whole time. Even so it was a wonderful experience. I will wait impatiently for your next voyage and hope you continue to be in good health. Thanks again!!

  9. Happy Holidays Patrick!! I have completed watching your North Atlantic circuit for the third time and have completely enjoyed it again!! Haven't heard from you since the trip ended and hope your health is doing well and you are getting ready for the christmas holidays!! Looking forward to the next video… maybe with a new boat!!!

  10. Hi Patrick
    I wonder if you could share any more thoughts with me on your Solent set up. We are looking for a good way to be able to use a storm jib and I think that could be a practical solution.

  11. Hello Patrick
    Well I left a message a while ago to thank you so much for your videos…….en fait je vais continuer en français puisque tu le parles surement et le lis surement très bien.
    Donc merci beaucoup pour tous ces films, je viens juste de finir les 59 et plus épisodes et je dois dire une fois de plus que tu es trop modeste su ton "making films talent", cela vaut largement une série Netflix !! (pas que cela soit les meilleurs non plus !!) j’ai tout vu en quelques jours, captivé, passionné. ! Bravo pour tous ces conseils moments d’émotion, de tensions et surtout pour les partages simples et sincères, et les lieux magnifiques de tes aventures…
    Comme tous les autres navigateurs qui t’ont suivit j’ai une pensée pour Eric le viking, que je suis aussi avec ses folles vidéos, et on pense tous à lui pour dire que dans tes films c’est aussi: NBJS…
    Voilà sinon nous avons bien sur tous envie de savoir quel sera ton prochain bateau ou alors j’ai peut-être manqué quelque chose car tu dis déjà pensé à d’autres aventures. Je me demandais aussi si il y avait un endroit, site ou forum ou tu aurai petit être regroupé tous tes tips et conseils et aussi questions etc…et ou l’on pourrai échanger ?
    Voilà…I’m based in Mortagne sur gironde… may be one day we can meet in La Rochelle…
    and also thank to confirm my strong desire to go solo the next time….


  12. Mate watching your series through from the start. Thank you for all the lessons, ideas and most of all your openness. Please don’t change. A sailing YouTube channel that is about sailing is hard to find. Don’t worry about fancy editing and things like that (the hot chocolate loss lol) your raw energy and knowledge more then makes up for that. Brilliant. 😊

  13. Hi Patrick, finally caught up on all the videos and looking forward to seeing your next. From a Green Beret to a Navy fighter pilot… your my hero Sir! My departing plan from the regiment was to live every day to its fullest, and you sir are doing just that! Meanwhile, hope your kicking down the cobble stones 😜!
    De Oppresso Liber

  14. Hi Patrick, watched this a couple of times now and enjoy it now as if it was the first viewing! well done on a very good video. do you have any update on the new venture?

  15. Hello Patrick ,you haven't posted any videos recently and I hope you are fit and well .I have always enjoyed your videos and added comments on many occasions. Wishing you a Happy New Year.

  16. Happy New year Patrick.
    We havent heard anything from you in quite some time. Any new years plans slowly coming to fruition?
    I haven't been out sailing since september due to work commitments. I will haul my boat out next month for new bottom paint, zincs and some routine maintenance.

    C&C 35

  17. Hello Patrick, I miss your videos. When are you going to release a new video? I hope all is well with you and your family.❤
    And I wish you a great new year.

  18. RM great looking boats…..what size? I’m guessing the 1070. But whichever I shall be with you all the way ….when do we start? Good luck for 2023

  19. Patrick, it's been awhile now since you have shown us what you are up to. 
    I hope you are doing well and in good health.
    All the best Richard

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