Aventura Newfoundland | Saga47swan Sailing

Aventura Newfoundland |  Saga47swan Sailing

Alăturați-vă echipajului aventuros în timp ce explorează Nova Scoția și Newfoundland într-o aventură de navigație de la Halifax la St John’s. 14 zile și 750 nm navigat. Halifax – Shelter Cove – Yankee Cove – Canso – Francois- Hare Bay – St Pierre – Trepassey (refugiu) – St John’s, Newfoundland. #whales #puffins #baldeagle #offshoresailing #adventuresailing #adventure #saga47swan #saga47swan_sailing #newfoundland #novascotia #canada #yachting #gunkholing #cruising


4 thoughts on “Aventura Newfoundland | Saga47swan Sailing

  1. I live in Halifax, but I am just an armchair sailor. I have been reading about sailing for 10 years now, and a few years ago, a friend told me to just hang around a marina for fun, talk to sailors, ask questions. I wasn't in the marina for 10 minutes before I was invited onboard to sail for the day.
    To make a long story short, I met a man who upgraded his boat from a 30 to a 35 footer. He said that while waiting to sell the 30 footer, I could sail it myself once I get my preasure craft license. My short term dream trip would be to sail to Newfoundland and back from Halifax, that is why I watched your whole episode.
    Could you explain a little bit about that trip, time it took how rough it was, etc…I assume that you sailed downwind all the way there, but I keep thinking you would have to tack all the way back. the wind always flows up from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland, that is the only reason I assume that.

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