Primul BIG WELL HITS NOVICE Sailing Couple I Ep. 46

Primul BIG WELL HITS NOVICE Sailing Couple I Ep.  46

Primul BIG WELL HITS NOVICE Sailing Couple I Ep. 46 În acest episod, echipajul din Indiana ia un pasaj scurt, dar plin de evenimente, înapoi de la Eastbourne! Dacă ne-ați uitat la ultimul episod, ați văzut că aveam o navigație de 9 ore până la Eastbourne și acum era timpul să ne îndreptăm spre dana noastră. Ca un cuplu începător în navigație, încă învățăm foarte mult cum să navigăm și să navigăm în viața de barca. Cu toate acestea, devenim din ce în ce mai încrezători în a ne împinge și a ne testa abilitățile. Așadar, ne-am îndreptat într-o călătorie peste mare, cu rafale de 20-30 de kt și UMULAȚIE URIAȘĂ!! Ne-am descurca? Urmărește acest episod pentru a afla. Vrem să le mulțumim tuturor celor care au urmat călătoria Sailing Indiana până aici, deoarece trecem de la navigație fără experiență la a deveni în cele din urmă călători oceanici! Vă rugăm să dați like, abonați-vă și bun venit la bord! L&C #SailingIndiana #BoatLife #HugeSwellSailing SPRIJĂ-NE… CUMPĂRĂ MARFĂ: DEVENI UN PATREON: CUMPĂRĂ-NE O CAFEA: https: // URMĂȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRĂ PE INSTAGRAM: URMĂȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRĂ PE FACEBOOK: LINKURI UTILE: SAVVY NAVVY: https :// RAYMARINE:


20 thoughts on “Primul BIG WELL HITS NOVICE Sailing Couple I Ep. 46

  1. That looked epic! And your video editing skills are getting better every time. We finally have a date to head Brighton. My friends 40th bash is in town and we thought the marina would make a better hotel so weather permitting, we should be there 19th August. Konsort_Aquarius out. 🌬️⛵

  2. I like your intent. Along with learning the skills of sailing, take some time to become proficient in filming. The constant back and forth as you pan the view, the slip and docks, becomes painful for us viewers. Maybe edit some of that out. But I'm really enjoys your adventures, so please dont take it the wrong way.

  3. We hope you enjoy our voyage back to Brighton Marina from Eastbourne! This was one of our favourite sails, even with some pretty BIG SWELL!! Watch to see if we can handle it and let us know, what your most hair raising sail has been? L&C x

  4. Nice video guys! I have recently sailed my 'new to me' boat from the Netherlands to La Rochelle in France. We had some big swell (3m) on a few occasions especially around the Isle of Wight during a night passage, it was a bit scary and uncomfortable, being dark may have been a blessing as we couldnt see the following sea rising above the rear cabin. We had no auto pilot and our motor was overheating, virtually unusable throughout the trip. We stopped off in Eastbourne after crossing the chanel from calais, I was suprised when leaving the marina the size of the rollers hitting us on the bow, the sea state settled after beachy head, exactly the same as what you had. Where's the next destination? Fair winds.

  5. Hi Guys.. I remember a trip we had from Portsmouth with similar conditions to Brighton it was blowing 30 plus south west and the swell was massive. We were well reefed with a preventer as the boat was rolling all over the place. When we reached Brighton the conditions had worsened and entering the marina was a complete no, we had to push on to Newhaven. The next day was completely calm and we had no wind and motorsailed all the way back that was in a Westerly Merlin 28. It was quite terrifying at times but we learned alot about our skills and how the boat handled. Looming forward to your next adventures.

  6. As you were showing us the 7 sisters, I said to myself, look at those white cliffs, I wonder if they are the white cliffs of Dover? Then shortly thereafter, you clarified for us Yanks. :-D. Thanks for the correction. Such a nice sail you two. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  7. Good to see you both out on the water, You both appear to have certainly progressed really very quickly with you sailing sailing skills and managing the boat if some very difficult seas. Is it convenience and cost that you choose to keep the boat in Brighton Marine? Its just your day sailing area is very limited. Its nice to see your now benefitting from all your hard work and frustrations along the way.

  8. After the naff toilet shots that was a good sailing section. Loved the tiny jib at the end. Great guys, keep sailing🤙😎❤️

  9. Lauren's eye were kinds big during the 1st part of the sail. But after all calmed down, her eyes returned to normal. I guess she just wanted to see better

  10. Loved seeing your trip. I'm hoping that – when I have a boat! – it's a journey I'll do often. How long did you have to sit at the lock at Eastbourne? And are there any unusual swells on the way back? Another great unflustered film. Thank you.

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