Ce Mâncăm la bord!

Ce Mâncăm la bord!

Pentru a obține o sursă de 1 an de vitamina D + 5 pachete individuale de călătorie GRATUIT la prima achiziție, accesați https://athleticgreens.com/slv #359 Aveți nevoie de mai mult conținut de la SLV? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pe Patreon pentru previzualizări ale episoadelor viitoare și streamuri live regulate pentru a discuta cu noi în timp real http://bit.ly/SLVPatreon Cumpărați niște produse oficiale La Vaga! http://shop-lavagabonde.com Consultați site-ul nostru: http://sailing-lavagabonde.com Ce produse folosim? https://shop-lavagabonde.com/collections/products-we-use Descarcă muzica lui Elayna aici! https://elaynac.bandcamp.com Întrebări frecvente Ce camere folosim? CAMERA MARE: http://amzn.to/1t6fAfY ALTĂ CAMERA MARE: http://amzn.to/2rybQE2 CAMERA LA MÂNĂ: http://amzn.to/25KvT0x GOPRO: http://amzn.to/1t6haPc DRONE: http://amzn.to/2ooXPLs Ce software folosim? Premiere Pro https://adobe.ly/2vzkB2I Predict Wind http://bit.ly/PredictWindForecasts


39 thoughts on “Ce Mâncăm la bord!

  1. Thank you for sharing your meal ideas with us. Your family is beautiful! You mentioned that Riley fasts until 2pm, what is the reason for this? Health reasons, personal preference…just curious. Also how do you handle garbage? I know storage is at a premium, and you probably take most of it to shore. Is there anything, like food scraps, that can go into the ocean? I'm not trying to freak anyone out, just curious. My husband and I were eating dates and dark chocolate on your recommendation last night while watching your show. Yummy.

  2. As an Indian I would recommend trying one spoon of ghee with rice and curry or sambar with the vegetables left around, you can toast bread with ghee too or use instead of butter in most of the things

  3. Really like your episodes from the beginning, but in can t understand you are drinking AG1, which contains products which are not recommend for pregnant people and breastfeeding people from the national Institute of health! This is a really questionable product! All the best.

  4. I love the "little" sailing tips you throw in like the anchor one with the main sail! I like other stuff too but I enjoy learning some of the details of sailing. This resupply/food video is great for the same reason…its those little details (along with all the beautiful scenery and your sparkling personalities of course 🙂 ) that I love!! Have a great day!!!

  5. I love the "little" sailing tips you throw in like the anchor one with the main sail! I like other stuff too but I enjoy learning some of the details of sailing. This resupply/food video is great for the same reason…its those little details (along with all the beautiful scenery and your sparkling personalities of course 🙂 ) that I love!! Have a great day!!!

  6. I love the "little" sailing tips you throw in like the anchor one with the main sail! I like other stuff too but I enjoy learning some of the details of sailing. This resupply/food video is great for the same reason…its those little details (along with all the beautiful scenery and your sparkling personalities, of course ) that I love!! Have a great day!!!

  7. I just found you guys and I’m hooked!!! Lol Your life seems so adventurous and cool. I’m super jealous 😂😂😂😂 love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. its funny how some people say they're eating one thing but when they make it, its totally not that thing. Like these mushy fall apart burgers that are not burgers or those mushy fall apart pancakes, which are clearly not pancakes..lol If you ever told me we were having steak, i just wouldnt come over..lol too scared

  9. I get the idea of 'organic' and trying to eat what you fish, but claiming how bad everything is that everyone else does is kinda lame. If "farmed fish" weren't a thing, there'd be nothing left in the oceans and lakes. There are like 8 billion people in the world. Everyone can't go fishing for themselves, nor should they. Not to mention how HORRIBLE coconut oil is to the environment! The forests that are clear-cut to to make way for your coconut oil orchards is devastating to nature! Not to mention, I thought the monkey labor used to pick coconuts was a bad thing? Sorta funny when people are offended by farming and feel like they're trying to save the environment while simultaneously ignoring what their own food needs require. But I still really enjoy watching what y'all do!

  10. You guys must spend a load on your groceries! Here in the states, I found maple syrup for $15 at a discount grocery store! I can't imagine what y'all pay on those little islands.

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