După o introducere infernală în Albania săptămâna trecută, abia așteptăm să evadăm. Săptămâna noastră începe cu furtuni, dar se termină cu o schimbare a inimii și o nouă apreciere pentru sudul Albaniei, în timp ce navigam spre Grecia. Ep. 17 | The Vanabond Sails Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.vanabon… Blog: https://www.thevanabondtales.com Sailing Albania | Navigarea unei barci | Învățând să navighezi | Navigare pentru prima dată | Cuplu navigator | Provocări de navigație | Navigatie incepator | Sailing Adriatica | Barcă cu pânze pentru începători | Învață să navighezi | Trăind pe o barcă cu pânze | Navigarea în sudul Albaniei | Sailing Sarandë | Girokaster | The Blue Eye Albani #SailingAlbania #SailingaBoat #LearningtoSail #FirstTimeSailing #SailingCouple #SailingChallenges #BeginnerSailing #SailingAdriatic #BeginnerSailboat #LearntoSail #LivingonaSailboat
Adevărul despre navigarea în sudul Albaniei: cum ne-a schimbat părerea Sarandë
7 thoughts on “Adevărul despre navigarea în sudul Albaniei: cum ne-a schimbat părerea Sarandë”
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Thank you for sharing, and I’m glad the giant swells that could take out the village! You and I think alike! Good news on my end, I passed my written test, and now back to baby steps working on my anxiety, so that I can become more comfortable and pass the best test. Croatia looks very pretty, and I’m super excited for Greece! Someone was talking about your channel the other day in a sailing form on Facebook. You’re famous! Take care from Virginia in Merica, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your adventures! ❤
Great Show. Love. You
Great. show. Love. You
14m swell = 14mm rain. 🤣🤣🤣🤣👌 That little nugget of an err would give me months possibly years of joy, how many hours did you laugh when you figured it out? And were you at the tip of a hill ? 🙈
I love the real world news.
Thank you.
Thank you for the great videos! We've just bought our boat ready to start our adventures and you've been really helpful! What size boat do you have? How long did it take you after your lessons to feel confident enough to leave?
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