UN CATAMARAN DE PERFORMANȚĂ în Kentucky? – Great Loop #18 Sailing Life on Jupiter – EP97

UN CATAMARAN DE PERFORMANȚĂ în Kentucky?  - Great Loop #18 Sailing Life on Jupiter - EP97

Un episod plin de acțiune. O mulțime de informații practice cu o aromă de muzică country! YeeHaw. Dacă obțineți valoare din videoclipurile noastre, indiferent dacă sunt de divertisment sau educație, arată-o susținând canalul nostru. SPRIJĂ-NE AICI 👇: ALĂTURĂ-NE echipajului nostru „PRIME” de pe PATREON pentru lansări video timpurii, FĂRĂ ADUZĂRI, actualizări săptămânale ale videoclipurilor în TIMP REAL, grup privat de facebook, apeluri video, „CONSULTANTĂ GRATUITĂ” și chiar să navighezi cu noi!!! Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/LifeonJupiter CONTRIBUȚII ONICĂ : Paypal :https://www.paypal.me/LifeonJupiter Sau pur și simplu cumpărați-ne o cafea :https://www.buymeacoffee.com/LifeonJupiter SPRIJĂ-NE GRATUIT! dă-ne un THUMBS și ABONAȚI-vă la canalul nostru! GĂSIȚI-NE AICI 👇: Like și Urmărește-ne pe FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LifeonJupiter Urmărește-ne pe INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lifeonjupiter2 Verificați site-ul nostru pentru mai multe informații despre noi și Jupiter²: https://sailinglifeonjupiter.com DESPRE NOI: Jupiter² a fost construit în Filipine de un designer australian pentru Jamie. În timpul liber de la serviciu, Jamie a trăit la bord și a călătorit în Asia de Sud-Est. Unul dintre visele lui de viață este să navigheze în jurul lumii. Planurile lui s-au unit la sfârșitul anului 2018, când a întâlnit un cântăreț de lounge filipinez în China. Prințesa tânjea după o vacanță, deoarece a lucrat mulți ani pentru a-și întreține familia. În cele din urmă, frații ei și-au găsit propriile locuri de muncă și ea a decis să se alăture lui Jamie pe Jupiter² și să meargă la navigație. A fost o decizie sălbatică pentru ea pentru că nu navigase niciodată înainte. Pentru prima dată, navighează timp de două săptămâni în jurul Phuket, Thailanda. A început să vadă ce îi place lui Jamie la mare. Ambii și-au demisionat la începutul lui 2019 și au început să lucreze cu normă întreagă. Sperăm ceva inspirație pentru „Renunțați la job și mergeți la navigație”. CREDITE CÂNTEC TEMATICĂ: Cântec: Ikson – New Day (Vlog fără muzică de drepturi de autor) Link video: https://youtu.be/cVA-9JHwbFY MUZICA: Toată muzica de pe epidemicsound.com ECHIPAMENT CAMERA: GoPro Hero 8 Fălcile GoPro clemă flexibilă GoPro 3 -way camera stick & trepied Mount GoPro Dome GoPro Polar Pro Filtre Iphone X- (scăpat în mare pe 15 noiembrie) Zoom H1N înregistrator la îndemână Microfon Boya BY-MM1 DJI Phantom 3 standard – (l-am blocat recent 😂) Editor de software : IMovie / Davinci Resolve 17 Utilizare laptop pentru editare : MacBook Pro 15 inch Touch Bar 2017 MacBook Pro Retina 15 inch 2015 Dacă vă place acest videoclip, dă-ne un THUMBS și te rugăm să nu uitați să vă ABONAȚI la canalul nostru! Ne vedem la următoarele videoclipuri cu navigație și călătorie. Pentru afiliere de afaceri, contactați-ne la: SVJupiter2@gmail.com


43 thoughts on “UN CATAMARAN DE PERFORMANȚĂ în Kentucky? – Great Loop #18 Sailing Life on Jupiter – EP97

  1. Excellent video – you guys are so well rounded interests, pursuits and skills. Glad to see you got the quoted price $163 on the chain galvanization as you relied on the quoted price.

  2. Old trick to keep the corrosion down is to clean with backing soda and water. It helps some, its cheap, you can get it everywere and look it up on the internet.

  3. I’m thinking the zinc gal on chain is donated to the aluminium well in boat much like an donor anode.

    So on going unless it can be effectively isolated it like they say in the movies.. Houston We have a Problem

  4. Hi,
    Just a heads up on your re-galvanizing – If it's been done through the electroplating method it won't last long – you need "hot dipped" galvanizing as per how quality anchor chain is produced for it to last.👍

  5. 8:35 If you would have asked me, I always say: "It's cheaper to do whatever you want while visiting another country than it is to come back on another trip to do what you missed" ! We did pretty much everything we could when we travelled to your home country. It wore us out but we don't regret a minute of it.

  6. Hi Jamie, did you earn a hernia belt with the chain lifting?? I speak as a current holder of 4 double hernias st this moment, operation #4 to fix me up again. Be careful Brother.

  7. There is a Mighty small horse that is bread here locally, called the "Halflinger" you could get Princess one and take on board Jupiter, ?? she could ride the beaches of the world. I have all the saddles and tack you can have for free.

  8. Just a point on the rubber mat if the salt water rises above the mat, it will be useless most aluminium boats (should) have a timber hold liner with a timber well floor that raises the chain well above the water splash line.

  9. How do you like the Ovation ? I had one long time ago but I did not like it, because I only play sitting down and that thing did not stay on my knee thanks to the round rearside.

  10. The Rocky Mountains are much larger than where your at. Washington, Idaho, Montana, Colorado and Alaska have the largest mountains in the USA. The Canadian Rocky Mountains are also grand.

  11. I think that what you are aiming to do is pretty much what brought La Vagabonde its success. From the beginning they didn't just put videos on YouTube but aimed at building a BRAND, working with businesses and manufacturers etc. I think Riley Whitelum was the driving force in going down this road and it has led to them racking up close to 1.8 million subs – which in turn led to businesses falling over themselves to work with them. La Vagabonde could lose 700,000 subs and still be twice as big as the runner-up in the YouTube sailing channel stakes!

  12. oh man , very hart training in the park, Iron man is coming!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣great Guitar playing 🖖THX

  13. I told you that I live in the area… Paducah is my home town "area". I really wished I knew you where here at the time. The place you ate catfish at looked to be Doe's eat place. BTW, not many people eat fish out of the river. Most catfish served around here comes from ponds purpose built to raise catfish. Sadly the rivers have too much heavy metals in them. That Allen music store is where I purchase saxophone reeds for both my son and me. I also get guitar strings for my daughter from there. The place you stayed in TN is the Park my father in law retired from. So yes, you were close for several days… lol.

  14. I am very interested in the Mumby design, but would like to know the thickness of the aluminum on the hulls. Others that I have looked at have thicker aluminum towards the bottom and it gets thinner as you go up the side. What does Mumby have?

  15. Some people suggest Thailand or Philippines for internet based business. Others suggest Cook Islands for general purposes. Keep the mid life crisis coming. Thanks for the upload.

  16. The chain galv going in 1.5 years is really bad… I got 10 years from mine anchoring a lot.. There are a lot of dodgy chain suppliers out there. Why didn't you go with Dyneema for the shrouds? Hell of a light lighter…. Phil

  17. My home town!!! God, how I wished I had been on our boat on the lake that day! Would have loved meeting my favorite sailing team. Isn't Tennessee beautiful? God bless and stay safe.
    And Jamie you can still make those quitar strings sing 🎶 🎵

  18. If you want to see the real mountain then you should go to see The Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. About 4 hour drive from Kentucky. They don't disappoint. Too cold in Denver, no fun unless you ski and it's costly but wherever you choose…enjoy!!!

  19. Weird seeing an Aussie drive on the wrong side of the road, from the passenger seat.
    American's love to be different from the rest of us, hey.

  20. Glad you got your anchor setup squared away. Wish I had been close to you when you hung up in the river. I'm used to diving in river currents with low vis to zero vis. I'm working my way through your Great Loop videos. A lot of useful information in them.

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