60.000 USD SAILBOAT – Ep 191 – Lady K Sailing

60.000 USD SAILBOAT - Ep 191 - Lady K Sailing

Susține Lady K – http://www.patreon.com/ladyksailing Sau http://www.ladyksailing.com/team-k Alătură-te Lady K Sailing în timp ce mergem la cumpărături pentru o barcă cu pânze cu un buget de 60.000 USD Credit foto: Yachtworld.com https://yc-prod-imagestore.s3.amazonaws.com/original/com.yachtcloser.server.om.VesselImage/00/01/85/43/0001854368.jpg https://swiftsureyachts.com/wp-content /uploads/2022/04/Screen-Shot-2022-04-04-at-10.34.53-AM.png https://passportyachts.com/wp-content/uploads/P470CC-XW3S6438-2560×1440.jpg https:/ /cdn.moreboats.com/boats/445511.61eac5055d613816b3a6d2de.xl.16c3fee1c85c4736932847f58e3ba005.jpg https://cdn.moreboats.com/boats/438639.616587932e56b64653f12d3c.xl.b424c68fe8a44560bb99fe1cf04a734a.jpg https://www.cruisingworld.com/wp-content /uploads/sites/17/2021/09/catalina38-main-1-2017×1350.jpg https://www.wcyachts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Catalina-38-9.jpg https:/ /askharriete.typepad.com/.a/6a00e55107d14488340168e4fd9d13970c-800wi http://assets.stickpng.com/images/5862951a3796e30ac4468737.png https://www.spinsheet.com/images/Bassam-Hammoudeh–protected-cockpit_WEB.jpg https://www.ecys.com/yachtimage/1055/bigger/VT4IAR6KWV4I7UMJAI8XAEXG3ZYPJZT1HNHG2BPPUyacht5021915032_2021.jpg wp-content/uploads/2017/08/IMGP2276.jpg https://www.lifeplanfm.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2.jpg https://images.adsttc.com/media/ images/562e/af77/e58e/ce22/ae00/02d7/newsletter/JOSE_CAMPOS_TO_GO_FRIDAY_LOW_0005.jpg?1445900146 https://www.sailmagazine.com/.image/t_share/MTQ4OTg4Z1TEhr1MTZY1Z1TEhr1.jpg .quantumsails.com/getmedia/973de47f-b575-4721-a576-c56fae33f92d/silken_2015-06-04-1115.aspx?width=900&height=600&ext=.jpg https://www.sailmagazine/sailmagazine MTU5MDI0NTQ0NTQyMTA3NDE2/03-bavaria-c34_interior-2k_2.jpg https://assets-global.website-files.com/5ce44e4e8d1c1fc85b84c18d/61a45e61e47531a089327f1e_uj7n8xbnx1rbn3mj6rejuhh10qwtu156.jpeg https://yacht4less.com/storage/posts/August2020/sailing-holidays-bahamas- mediu.jpg https://imgs.yachthub.com/2/7/1/6/7/5/1_4.jpg https://www.fiftypointsailingclub.com/attachments/Image/IMG_7847.JPG?template=generic https:// i.ytimg.com/vi/CeFb_ocQF2w/maxresdefault.jpg https://sailboatdata.com/storage/images/sailboat/photo/first_435_photo.jpg https://images.boatsgroup.com/resize/1/32/81/ 7353281_20200623073752000_1_XLARGE.jpg https://www.beneteau.com/sites/default/files/public/first_435_e_inter.jpg http://development.cbmm.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/CofRath/2016/02016/2016/02/2016/02/2016/02/202000623073752000_1_XLARGE /1.bp.blogspot.com/–1tuwNoi64o/XFiOnGulk-I/AAAAAAAApUw/grW3YhFNnxsm8beGmzaxtK3nUBuCY-VdgCKgBGAs/s1600/IMG_9629.JPGdataws-marine.com-amazondwests. uploads/1/image/lg/first-435-1_1573729660.jpg https://www.boat24.com/fotos/xlarge/502233-08982c7c056afe319476fa06abf69518-x-438018-x-438018-x-438018-x-438804.jpg wp/wp-content/uploads/williamsandsmithells.com/2018/03/P7290464.jpg https://bviyachtsale s.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/My-Motu-Amel-Super-Maramu-04-scaled.jpg https://www.beneteau.com/sites/default/files/public/first_435_e_2.jpg https://www.boat24.com/fotos/xlarge/501525-02DF5829DD4D3C84112A6CA4167BFF44-X-4369304-B91880387656A7C5FC2429C09D7DF4B6.JPG HTTPS://2017D7DF4B6.JPG HTTTPS:/27 /133079/nespecificat-cheoy-lee-lion-1516793.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/92/d8/f6/92d8f62bbf75a1161ea79e82a7892348.jpg https://d385tl62bf75a1161ea79e82a7892348.jpg https://d385tl62bf78d385tl/d8/f6 /246105_bd8f7bf523543c3e3014c9d2fd671f59.jpg https://www.soundingsonline.com/.image/t_share/MTU4NzI2NDA4ODUwNDUwMTM2/1512_204.jpg https://images.boats.com/resize/1/47/34/8114734_0_201120211407_0.jpg?t=1637446015000


35 thoughts on “60.000 USD SAILBOAT – Ep 191 – Lady K Sailing

  1. You’re starting to sway me with the beneteau’s bang for your buck aspect. Still not sure about those spade rudders. With the shallow areas we plan on cruising. Thank you for all the great videos!

  2. Hey, great video as always 🙂👍 in two weeks I fly to the Mediterranean to look at a first 38, wish me luck 😃🍻

  3. good morning love the vids im joe im 54 years old i see you are at 60k us i am looking in Australia were i live and for less then 100k to 150k there is not much on the market to sail blue water do you think it is worth looking at buying from another country and sailing it back as the boats you are showing at this price are eazy double or triple the price here and can you travel blue water on a alder 50 or 60 foot racing sail boat (eg tp52) or similar i notice you have not had any of them as your suggestions'
    thank you for the time you give to us so we can enjoy your knowledge

  4. Btw, Cheoy Lee's don't hail from Taiwan, but rather Hong Kong, might not be too much in it, but at the time Honkers was administrated by the Brits.

  5. An 80k boat in this economy might be about 28k.
    A 28k boat might be about 8k and an 8k boat might be about $1. Plus the refit. 🙂
    Thanks for the vids.

  6. I've looked at that particular Cheoy Lee. Let's just say, the pictures make it look a LOT better than the actual condition.

  7. the older the boat the higher the cost of up keep. refits aren't cheap and often exceed the price the boat is worth. I mean, if your stubborn and you just HAVE to have your exact boat. and you don't mind the cost or work needed. then yeah, it could be worth it. but if you are like me and don't want to spend time exploring instead of being in a day dock for months or years repairing a boat. then get a newer boat 20 years or younger. the beneteaus are top of the line and staying under 40 foot keeps you from paying 3 or 5 times the price for your boat to be docked. going over 40 foot is for people who have a lot of people aboard or they are ok with spending more. if someone is trying to stay under 60k you would assume they are trying to stay on a budget.. so telling them to get something over 40 foot is a disservice to them.

  8. If a 30 year old Bene has made it this far there is nothing to say it won't go for another 30 years.
    If it's the boat you like at a price you like just buy the damn thing.

  9. I will wait and watch until 100.000 dollar boats.I am fan of 40 feet cats but they do cost a lot.I may buy plans and start building my own.

  10. I think perhaps I'm a bit more performance focused but I'm wondering why no mention of a J Boat yet. There is a '89 J40 on the market now for $49.5k that may not have all of the luxuries you like to highlight, but you know it's going to be a great sailor. There's also what appears to be a nice J37 for $59K that looks ready to sail away. The 40 would require a bit of "sorting". Love the series though. Thanks for the creativity that you put into it!

  11. yes..skeg hung..just can't see going ocean without it..I did really like that battleship..good old hand laid..and someone had said the 80s choylee had delambination problems. so careful there..

  12. Dude how about the Irwin 38 CC MKII? Mine is a Skeg rudder, shoal draft, 2 heads great aft cabin, 50hp perkins large water and diesel tanks…. under 60k. I would live to see this in your budget videos. Maybe it still will be. Thanks for the videos

  13. If you want to make the brokerage, we could import used sailboats to Brazil. Until recently, it was not allowed. You've just shown many options absolutelly unavailable for us.

  14. Just sold my Oceanis 38 which I had in charter in key west. I bought a house on the water just south of st Pete / Sarasota and I’m looking for a 40’er with a nice master and a shallow draft. I have no fixed bridges and even if I get the boat in charter I’d love to be able to bring her behind my house to my dock and work in her here once in a while. I love the Oceanis 45 but 5.75’ is as shallow as she gets.. The new jenneau 410 has a perfect swing keel option but I can’t wait two years … What would you recommend?

  15. I am really looking forward to what you suggest when we're coming to the $100K range. I need a family boat 45-50 ft that can sail the world in comfort, safety and style….you think it's possible??!!! Or am I expecting too much?

  16. Epic. Okay, I know you’re busy and this is why I’m asking: can you help me find my next boat? $150k budget, need bw cruiser, single handed often, slip is on Kauai and Oahu (where I live) but want to sail most of the year. Empty nest single dad, experienced racing hobie cats & J24s. Looking for under 45’.

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