Cum am cumpărat un catamaran cu navigație pentru 1 USD | EA NAVIGĂ SOLO | Restaurare barca din lemn

Cum am cumpărat un catamaran cu navigație pentru 1 USD |  EA NAVIGĂ SOLO |  Restaurare barca din lemn

Bună și bunvenit! Numele meu este Regan și acesta este totul despre călătoria mea cu navigație și despre cum am achiziționat un catamaran cu navigație pentru 1 USD. Au fost nevoie de ani de cursuri de navigație, de nopți petrecute citind forumul de crucișătoare și economisind până la cumpărarea unei barca cu pânze pentru a ajunge la acest punct. Deși stau deja la bord câteva nopți pe săptămână, mai este un drum lung pe care îl pot parcurge înainte de a călători în jurul lumii cu normă întreagă. Alăturați-vă mie pentru restaurarea și aventura mea la bordul unui catamaran din lemn vechi de 40 de ani, KIKAPU. ___ BLOG: PATREON: CLASE DE YOGA: INSTAGRAM: EMAIL:


35 thoughts on “Cum am cumpărat un catamaran cu navigație pentru 1 USD | EA NAVIGĂ SOLO | Restaurare barca din lemn

  1. congratulations! you have got yourself a great project! I have recently completed a similar restoration (now sailing) so will be watching keenly to see how you go!

    What, big picture, needs to be fixed on the boat? are you just making it nice or does it have structural problems?

  2. Hold on to that love you have for the boat! Love conquers all, but not getting distracted from it is the trick! This will cost you blood, sweat and tears but it will be sooooo worth it in the end. Its great to see another woman take on a job like this! The times, they are a changin', for the better.

  3. This adventure will prepare you to deal with problems on the go on a very deep level than if you have bought it new.
    I hope this channel grows a lot.

  4. Congrats…I love the wharrams !…i’m both happy and nervous for you…I’ve done major refit and it’s very exciting, especially if you love and feel passion about your boat as I did…
    It is certainly a challenge even with a solid fiberglass boat with good bones …i hope you have very carefully checked out the plywood core hulls…decks…etc….
    I’m pretty sure you have …Let’s hood for few surprises …
    I subscribed!…

  5. Seasons greetings! Good for you & I just discovered you. I too @73 now, want to do that salt-life on a (semi-project) catamaran sailboat. Found one in Florida & looking into it. A Catalac12M! (Love those Catalacs!) I'll be checking you out time to time & learn from your (LOL) mistakes. But, I do really wish you the best of luck fixing 'er up. Fair winds…. 🌅⛵🌊

  6. When I was twenty years old I enthusiastically built Wharam Tiki 31. Unfortunately, the woman I married hates that boat, life and vacations that way, she forbade financing the maintenance of that boat. I didn't manage to sell it and now it's rotting in a rockery somewhere by the sea. I made a mistake with my choice of wife but… Now I am building a Polynesian proa, 8m, (26ft) two berths, 250 l of water, and the sails that I have left are like new, well preserved. I wish you to find a soul mate, who not only sees you as a yacht owner, but also understands your love for freedom and sailing offered by the sea.


  8. Keep them villages dry, start cleaning one side at a time staying focused is where you will be able to manage this task ahead good luck and happy sailing.

  9. Love wharrams,and. you seem nice BUT,please sort the sound out,having to play with the volume all the time sucks.good luck with her.kiana is a legend in my eyes and wharrams are really good seaboats.looking forward to the journey ahead.

  10. Yes, and some knowledgeable people would say at $1, you spent too much. Plywood boats are generally considered to be continuous repair and maintenance projects that you occasionally get to use recreationally when you're not stripping, cropping out, rebuilding, or repainting them. Most reasonably intelligent people moved on from wooden boat ownership about 50 years ago when fiberglass construction displaced it entirely. The only diehard wooden boat advocates you find these days are either masochists or museum curators at heart. Yes, yes, yes….but it only cost ONE DOLLAR! And how much is years of your life worth??????? Unless of course, you consider scraping, sanding, filling, cutting, painting, and gluing wood together to be "fun" activities that everyone should get the chance to enjoy on a regular basis…

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