CELE MAI RARE lucruri despre AZORES???

CELE MAI RARE lucruri despre AZORES???

Bună prieteni. Bun venit în Azore. Am primit o întrebare interesantă – despre ce aș spune sunt cele mai rele lucruri despre Azore. În acest videoclip, mai întâi, vom vorbi despre ceea ce turiștii consideră cel mai enervant în Azore (din ceea ce am auzit cel mai mult de la ei) și apoi, câteva lucruri de luat în considerare dacă intenționați să vă mutați aici cu normă întreagă . Pentru a avea cele mai bune informații despre vreme, cel mai bine este să consultați următorul site web: http://www.spotazores.com Anul trecut, când călătoriam prin arhipelag, am folosit următoarea companie pentru feriboturi: https:/ /www.atlanticoline.pt/en/ Există și alte companii, dar sunt singurele cu care am o experiență. Detalii despre trasee le puteți vedea pe site. Opiniile exprimate în a doua jumătate a videoclipului sunt în mare parte personale și, prin urmare, aș dori să vă rog să le respectați. Dacă doriți să vă împărtășiți părerea, aș fi mai mult decât bucuros să o aud/să o citesc! Sau mai este ceva pe care ați dori să adăugați/recomandați/discutați? Vă rugăm să nu ezitați să contactați aici, pe instagram sau pe e-mailul meu. Sunt încântat să aud de la tine. Ai grijă și îți doresc o zi minunată, Noemi


25 thoughts on “CELE MAI RARE lucruri despre AZORES???

  1. As tourists, my husband and I found the restaurant schedule for meals ridiculous. North Americans like to eat dinner early like 17:00 to 18:00 hrs and a lot of restaurants were closed until 19h30 or 20:00hrs. Also restaurants close after 14:00hrs and reopen for dinner so good luck finding a restaurant open when you are hungry.

  2. My entire family is from Santa Maria. It's a paradise, but it's got a very low population, the winters it's baron and boring 😴

  3. Nice video, if you want to work there in hospitality or tourism for a longer period, is there sufficient supply and demand?

  4. You said car rentals can be difficult. Are scooters available? Sometimes a scooter can be more convenient than a car. Also, way less expensive. Especially the fuel costs.

  5. The Azores are beautiful!!
    The people in the Azores are lovely!
    It's easy to rent a car…in fact, there are rental cars everywhere…
    Bus tours are great and, on time!
    Sad to hear all the negativity in this video which is not deserved!
    I will always prefer the Azores to all of mainland Europe which I've absolutely no intension to visit again ever!
    A stop over in Lisbon, sadly showed me yet another European airport where people (well educated, hard working European people) now have to live for nothing, as a punishment for actually being good and honest citizens of Europe which is now "managed"/dictated by criminal psychopaths who steal everything from everyone 😰
    In short, the Azores is at least 1000 times better than the old stinking colonial continent which was once Europe!!
    Thanks to the the Azores and the Azorians for their humanity and love for life and people 💗

  6. Excellent video. Well spoken full of wisdom and easily understood. Tourists are often very demanding if they go somewhere without doing adequate research. I llve place that gets many thousands of tourists from around the world. Many are understanding that things are different from where they come from, but there are others who are demanding, and upset to find things are not the same as where they come from. That's just the way it always is just about anywhere. It's like they expect you to change your culture and ways of doing things to satisfy their expectations. From my extensive travels in the world I have found other places like this – usually it is a specific area where tourists can live in a bubble that is very similar to where the majority of them have come from. Where things are done to cater to the manner of doing things back home. One place that comes to mind is Hawaii. Many tourists like to stay in the area called Waikiki. It is surrounded by the Alawai Canal. It is full of stores selling cheap souvenirs and seriously overpriced convenience stores and restaurants serving overpriced and mediocre food. It was also a place where people will get loud, rude, stupid, and drunk. Very often. Locals rarely went into this area unless they worked there. Most never saw the Hawaiian way of life, and probably weren't interested anyhow. My point is life in a place from a tourists perspective versus one who lives there are quite different. Disappointment in travel often is the result of poor planning and preparation. Don't just believe the glossy tourist brochures. Dig a little deeper.

  7. I've been to the Azores and I can honestly say the worst thing about them is having to leave! I was so mesmerized by their breathtaking scenery and welcoming locals that my stay seemed so short!

  8. Hi, Nice video! We are visiting Azores soon. We want to do the hike in Sao Jorge accross the island, but there are not enough camping sites or hotels on that hike. I know it is not allowed to wild camp, but do you know if there might be another solution? Ask people to camp in their garden or so? Would that be doable? And is there any public transportation there?
    Also, is renting a scooter as difficult as renting a car? Should we book a scooter beforehand as well?
    Thanks a lot!

  9. The worst thing about the Azores is when bad weather rolls in, and you get stuck on the island because all flights have been cancelled for a week.

    Or maybe taking a ferry in rough seas, puking out your own tripas and praying to the Nossa Senhora for land.

    Or maybe the thousands of earthquakes and the dozens of volcanos.

    Or maybe the possibility of driving off a cliff or hitting a cow in the thickest fog on Earth.

    Or maybe the existential crisis you face with the realization that you're alone on the peak of a remote island in the middle of a blue vastness surrounded by clouds and deafened by the vast silence.

    Damn good cheese though. Cheers to São Jorge. 🇵🇹

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