Alungat dintr-un ancoraj uimitor – Stil de viață la bord ep.215

Alungat dintr-un ancoraj uimitor - Stil de viață la bord ep.215

În episodul din această săptămână din Onboard Lifestyle, petrecem câteva zile la Isla San Francisco și explorăm această insulă minunată înainte de a naviga către un ancoraj mai protejat în San Evaristo. Echipajul de pe basik este acum în modul crucișător complet și intenționează să continue să împingă spre nord pe măsură ce sezonul uraganelor din Mexic crește. Întoarce-te săptămâna viitoare să vedem unde vom naviga… ne vedem atunci! ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU! Dacă sunteți interesat să ne ajutați să producem aceste videoclipuri, nu ezitați să consultați pagina noastră Patreon. TIP JAR: Vă plac videoclipurile noastre? Vrei să ne oferi un virtual high-five? Ne răsfățați cu un pahar de rosé sau whisky pe stânci sau cu altă carte pentru Emma? Sau abordează un rezervor de combustibil? Faceți clic pentru a vedea cum puteți susține producțiile noastre (majoritatea modalităților nu vă vor costa nici un ban): SHIP’S MAGAZIN: Doriți să cumpărați echipamentul nostru sv basik? Verificați magazinul nostru de produse și arată-ne puțină dragoste luând o cămașă sau două! Conceput de Emma: PRODUSE & CAMERA ECHIPAMENT: Am colectat unele dintre produsele pe care le folosim în timpul reparației noastre și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru sau orice altceva de pe Amazon (folosind linkul), primim câțiva bănuți adăugați la pisicuța noastră de croazieră. Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Nu uitați să ne dați like pe Facebook! Verificați site-ul nostru! Încă se actualizează. 😜


27 thoughts on “Alungat dintr-un ancoraj uimitor – Stil de viață la bord ep.215

  1. Looks so warm…
    In Santiago Chile now, temperature about 50, for the high! Off to Easter island, (just opened up this week), where it too is in the 50's.
    Best to stay up on that side of the equator right now. (Winter down here now).
    Enjoy your warm day's

  2. WOW! A SeaXplorer from Damen Yachting! What a beauty! Seems to be the first one launched, measuring 62m and named Anawa. It's owner is Jorge Paulo Lemann.

  3. Always a pleasure to watch a top-notch crew and family. I really like what you guys do to help us forget our worries for a few minutes. Love the channel, thank you again

  4. Compass did great for his walk. Our Yorkshire terroir she would want to walk with my parents around the neighborhood. Then she would stand. On her two back feet and take her front paws and touch your knee, and be like “hold me” then my parents would hold her the rest of the walk.

  5. Ahoy , well I made it back took a while to swim back .. I think it felt like I was going backwards for awhile.. ran into some nasty waves chasing me all around and was going in circles too.. I checked out that scenery and was amazed at the view of the Cortez sea from the top of that rock the two rockers or rockettes were on… then I checked out linhs new ship in her movie while on shore .. bought Emma's new CD and got an autographed hat from compass for walking that far. I'm glad Compass was just tooling around in Adastra taking a few laps around sv basik beforehand practicing his atomic powered harpoon volleys over my head at some water goblins hiding behind those nasty waves as I was starting to get a funny feeling I better start swimming toward shore and hit the town .. enjoyed that movie .. ate some shredded beef and shrimp tacos and bought the last CD of Emma's. Then I called compass 🧭 back to pick me up in style on Adastra.. compass is a little partial to adastra and said there wasn't a super mega or giga yacht better than his and his Crew in the sea of Cortez . He even wired it for his and emma's own sound and video but esp for 🎻 and for a huge screen tv with the best of the best moves on the F1 circuits , he's on a vacation from racing now and in the meantime he just entertains himself by knocking out those water goblins hoping to get a shot at one of those purple people eaters I was worrying about to swim back after the movie..I figured compass was figuring to be a little mean in his meantime and took full advantage of that most lucky and oppurtune time .. learned that from compass that if you hesitate you're late..and made that late call to pick me up after a little dinner ..I didn't want to be late for those Barbies on a stick or end up something else's dinner.. Linh was busy cooking and Emma was bz practicing and teal was god knows where teal was probly working on some project or fishing for those golden fish off shore somewhere I hadn't got to yet with his new birthday presents so I was forced to call up compass… earlier I had barely made it to shore in time to catch that movie thanks to compass or I wouldn't have been so fortunate, an orca made a surprise attack and paid for it and ended up splashing me on my feet on shore right before the last goblin . I caught my breath and ran up the beach like compass . I didn't feel much like a little lion but was happy to be on my feet and having my tail end saved by compass. . Compass was a great shot and has a long list of sea menu items from great whites to 🟣 people eaters eyes that Linh chops up with her samari moves and a super sharp gold samari sword which was presented to her for being the best James bond girl ever .. and I know i missed out on one of those from the smell of it but those water goblins smelled them too and thank god compass came to my rescue just like in those James bond movies.. with this movie having had Emma's golden touch of violin 🎻. Guess she rosened up the old bow and made it sing like a bird . She's been listening to all those bird notes and came up with a new cu cu from co co mo sound and made millions with the movie.. If you look real close I'm there in the background in the family picture next to that monster of a super yacht with a few purple 🟣 people eaters waving hi with great big white smiles. I bet you that was why the captain took off in his helicopter.. Ps. hope you saved a piece of that pineapple upside down cake teal, it took quite alot of energy to get back on board and those cakes are just about the best there is .. especially if they are Birthday cakes made in a tropical paradise…you are on quite an adventure. . Next time I'll fly in on my own heli just to be safe..and not have to worry about any thing chasing my easy life…compass says it's told that since the beginning of the sea of Cortez there's tales of a water dragon who can get pretty steamed up with people catching his favorite golden fish 🐠 morsels he used to bbq but now can only steam them with a breath. I'm just now getting my breath back and don't want to be a steaming hot steak for some sore dragon who lost his 20 foot flame 🔥 impossible to dodge without getting a hot foot and nearly invisible in the water.. Compass says that's why teal is putting a heli deck onboard Adastra next week until compass spears it with his titanium atomic powered harpoon gun… After he buys that little island from those fishermen.. I think I can breath easy now and eat that piece of cake.. Compass has got it all under control… He says he thinks that water dragon is hiding out in a big cave under those fisherman's island..and he and teal are ready to move in.. and Emma can't wait for what might be next on the menu………

  6. HaHa….Chasing the Easy Life? We cruisers know how much work it takes for the easy life. Nice video that made me long for the Sea of Cortez.

  7. You bought a cubera snapper or in Florida a dog tooth snapper. They get much bigger than that, 100lbs no problem. They are the largest in the snapper family. The teeth 😮!

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