Cel mai scump iaht din lume

Cel mai scump iaht din lume

7 Cele mai scumpe iahturi din lume De-a lungul anilor, bogații lumii au găsit modalități din ce în ce mai absurde de a cheltui sume ridicole de bani, dar nimic nu se potrivește cu lumea iahturilor de lux. Deci, dacă ți-aș spune că există o clasă de iahturi chiar și mai presus de asta. De la capacitatea de a găzdui un club de noapte, șampanie, petreceri, ring de dans și toate, până la lucruri și mai absurde, cum ar fi o carcasă placată cu aur solid, un heliport încorporat și chiar un atașament pentru submarin, acestea sunt cele mai incredibile 7 iahturi din lumea. Iar la sfârșitul videoclipului, vom dezvălui un iaht care se întâmplă să fie cel mai scump lucru achiziționat din toată istoria, așa că rămâi până la sfârșit pentru a te uimi. Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare: 7 cele mai scumpe iahturi din lume 0:00 Introducere 0:52 Serene Superyacht 3:39 Dubai Megayacht 5:08 Flying Fox Superyacht 7:01 Topaz Superyacht 9:03 Azam Megayacht 10:36 Eclipse Superyacht 12:19 Istorie Supreme Yacht Bine ați venit în Zona de lux, pe acest canal împărtășim totul despre lux și vă ajutăm să experimentați stilul de viață miliardar. Clasificăm cele mai scumpe lucruri din lume și aruncăm o privire în interiorul vieții celor mai bogați oameni de pe planetă. Luați în considerare să vă abonați pentru inspirație și experiențe de lux! Abonați-vă – https://bit.ly/2zR6U6c


29 thoughts on “Cel mai scump iaht din lume

  1. That was satisfying as im into Yacht's, I can't stop replaying the video. Keep investing, these guys money are doing all the work folks, smart financial goals indeed. the number 1 was a smart material, it should save some repair cost in the future so spending more now and less latter is the way to go.

  2. Well here we are "AGAIN" Luxury Zone i get you have a channel on expensive items, Let me set you straight on ONE REALY ANNOYING POINT History Supreme DOES NOT EXIST and no Yacht ever cost $4.8 Billion.
    Even a 10 second search on the internet would have shown that the Yacht you are talking about is called "Khalilah" Built in 2015 By Palmer Johnson she was the largest carbon-composite-built superyacht in the world, with a beam comparable to that of a 70 metre, but she was also "PAINTED GOLD" Also there is NO Platinum on the railings OR Anchor, Lets hope your Mansions Fair Better

  3. It does, of course, depend on your definition of “success.” Unfortunately for these poor deluded creatures they guage their success by the money in their pockets. However there is one immutable measurement they will never surpass. 1 Cor. 10:26 tells what it is:
    “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof. “
    To put it even plainer:
    “For the (whole) earth is the Lord’s, and everything that is in it.” (Amplified Bible)
    So no matter who or what you are makes no difference to Him who made everything and everyone. Even these most wealthy and un-believing will one day stand before Him and come under His judgment. I do not envy those who have been given so much.
    “For whom much has been given, much will be required.” Luke 12:48

  4. Not to be Mr. Negative here but Khalilah in #1 is not made of “solid gold plated”. Whatever that is? I’ve been on that vessel several times while being built and after finished. Why do you call it “History Supreme”? You can even read the name at the stern.

  5. All these Ragggies were nothing 60yrs ago, dubai was just a small fishing town… Without the Oil these places would be NOTHING!!….

  6. well you nonce, the flying fox may have been a charter yacht, but it was built for someone, a russian oligarch and is currently arrested in port and unable to go anywhere. it cant charter a fly much less than a rich power couple.

  7. this post has so many lies and errors, it should be removed and revoiced with accuracy. but for the rest of the "viewers" who took this hook line and sinker, you lot are just as stupid.
    nonce attacks again! you have such poor information, and wrong information. the azzam – isn't it funny, as every year passes, it's build price grows with inflation! how the f'ck does that happened. the bill has been submitted and paid, but it's gone from 350M in 2013 when it was delivered, to now, a staggering 600M. not shocking you're a nonce.
    azzam nor eclipse are the heaviest boat. eclipse did not surpass azzam to become the heaviest in gross tonnage. that record did, does, and most likely will remain with dilbar. you literally could google that.
    and, when qualifying the biggest in the world of boating, the correct measurement that is recognized is in gross tons, which make dilbar the largest mega yacht, still. these are facts you stupid lot would be wise to research.
    and lastly, regarding serene, please, pretty pretty please, tell me how she stands 440 feet long. please. it's a feat of physics, it has to be. but since the time of isaac netwon and recognition of the differences between tall and long, please tell us how she stands that many feet long. all this crap contributes to this country and viewers getting dumber and dumber every year.
    and this boat history supreme – no, no, no, no, you're wrong, it isn't. it wasn't. and when you step away from clickbait culture, you'll understand that what you've claimed, sure, it's just copied from every other incorrect feature made about this boat, but no, so little of what you've said is true that it puzzles me what you nonces do to verify your stories. oh you don't, you're all from the same cess pool of liars. the tonnage that would be needed is staggering and no, not pounds, actual tons would be needed to make that claim, and then whether or not it would float is still a mystery. gold leaf, which is more likely, is far more likely and so far less impressive when you learn you can buy 1000 sheets on amazon for 50.00

  8. Gold is so malleable that one ounce can cover a regulation tennis court. The anchor is said to be made of silid gold. Which I highly doubt is true. So I wonder how many ounces of gold it took to electroplate the hull.

  9. Damn, I was just in Antibes, France, spotted Dilbar, too far, couldn't see the name, but it looked suspiciously big compared to everything else, upon research found it's name and owner, 156m/15917GT, you have to see it to believe.oh my, if 8 Mil is out of my reach, try this 800 M beast…

  10. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🌻🌻🌻🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🐊🐊🐊🐊🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥



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