Bună ziua și bun venit la episodul 6 al celui de-al 3-lea sezon de aventură Acum la bordul iahtului cu vele Altor of Down, Moody 44 al nostru. Vă rugăm să vă alăturați-ne în aventura noastră, în timp ce părăsim Tromso în Norvegia și pornim spre Svalbard, cu oprire pe Insula Urșilor pe drum. vom naviga cu Lia Sailing și echipajul lor pentru această aventură, Sam Holmes. Ne luăm provizii la Longyearbyen și apoi ne îndreptăm spre Pyramiden printr-un ghețar. Ne apropiem foarte mult și, da, unii au spus prea aproape! Știm că acest lucru a fost riscant, dar credem și că viața în sine este riscantă. Acesta este ceva ce am vrut să experimentăm, amploarea copleșitoare și puterea naturii de aproape. Suntem incredibil de recunoscători că am avut șansa de a aventura astfel și de a vedea acest ghețar de aproape. A fost o experiență minunată, o dată în viață, pentru noi și pentru a fi deschiși și sinceri în privința aventurilor noastre, ceea ce vom fi mereu pe acest canal de YouTube, am decis să o arătăm integral. Viața este un risc, orice ai face. Navigarea în vijelii implică și un risc, dar la fel și conducerea la serviciu. Sperăm să vă placă acest videoclip, inclusiv turul în jurul Pyramidenului abandonat. Pace si iubire tuturor. Filmat în iunie și iulie 2022 folosind un Panasonic Lumix FZ1000, un Panasonic Lumix G100, un Samsung Gallaxy S10, DJI Mavic Pro, DJI Phantom 4 Pro, DJI Pocket 2, un microfon Rhode și editat cu iMovie. Lia Sailing: Oyster Lightwave 48 de la https://www.instagram.com/liasailing/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbke… https://www.liasailing.com Canalul YouTube Sam Holmes Sailing: https://www.youtube.com/c/samholmessa… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samholmessa… Dacă ați ajuns până aici, vă rugăm să vă abonați, să comentați și, dacă vă place video, poate dă-ne un deget în sus. Toate acestea ar ajuta cu adevărat canalul nostru și ar fi foarte apreciate. Mulțumesc. De asemenea, puteți consulta: site-ul nostru la www.adventure-now.org FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Adventure-Now-109394491838094 Instagram la adventurenow_altor Credite muzicale: Nimbus by Eveningland Nascency de Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen Soft Discoveries de Gabriel Lewis De ce ne temem de Christian Andersen Vă mulțumim din nou pentru că vizionați aventura noastră acum! Video postat din Norvegia, 6 august 2022 #svalbard #spitzbergen #pyramiden #glacier #norway #adventurenow #adventure #boat #yacht #moody #moody44 #sailing #ashaandmark #sailingadventure #arcticcircle #northatlantic #sailing #sailingboat #instaatgram #livingafloatgram gheață #munti #munte #drumeții #samsungS1 #samsung #longyearbyen #80degreesnorth #north #libertate #samholmes #liasailing #altor #altorofdown #bernardmoitessier
Navigare spre Svalbard. Ghețari și explorarea unui oraș minier rusesc abandonat de pe Altor of Down

27 thoughts on “Navigare spre Svalbard. Ghețari și explorarea unui oraș minier rusesc abandonat de pe Altor of Down”
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there's no point going all that way, just to look through binoculars …
I suppose if something bad happens , it was miss judged , if it goes well ,,,it's just an awesome experience.
Thank you for posting. I would've done the very same thing. I opened the freezer door. I stood there and enjoyed the cold air and imagined it was the breeze from a glacier. That's probably as close as I'm going to get. Gobsmacked experience.
So reckless, straight up a rusty ladder on a rusty crane!
I enjoyed this very much. Glaciers are fascinating; both predictable and at the same time utterly unpredictable. You clearly made a considered judgment based upon local observation and circumstances.
Fantastic – socio economic history from Adventure Now! You've had some experiences that most humans will never have. Book recommendation: Voyage of Madmen – Montissier is one of the most sane. Chris
Inspiring as always. Your boat, your adventure. No one should comment on your actions. Life is full of calculated risks… it's what makes us feel alive! Well done guys.
None of us are getting out of this alive. You can wrap yourself in cotton wool and never experience the spine-tingling feeling of fuk what if this goes south. or you can play it safe.
That's not to say you should be reckless but a shrinking violet …no!
Life is about life but it's also about death. Would I have done what you did, in a heartbeat. I would also have smashed a junk of that glacier and saved it for a G&T at sunset.
amazing, nicely done
Your best film yet up a rusty ladder? Great views
Stay safe in the sea Ice
good on you guys, both boats took a risk and all aboard will have special memories, sir Edmond Hillary didnt just take in the view from base camp at mt Everest,he took a risk ; to much cotton wool around these days.cheers rob nz.
100% Rock Stars.
I notice you are not armed. This morning, just a few hours ago, a polar bear attacked a group of tourists camping in tens in the area you are in. They had a gun and managed to scare the bear off, one french woman got injured , but not killed. She have been airlifted out by our SAR. Nearest hospital is more than 1000 km further south. The polar bear have been located, injured, and will probably have to be killed. All the people that have been killed by polar bears on Svalbard have been tourists.
Where's your anti bear rifle as required by local laws there?
Mind you those bears know better than to mess with you when Asha's about.
It hurts me as a swede to admit this since swedes and danes has tried to steal Norways thunder for such a long time: But vikings came orginally from Norway. This video proves it beyond any doubt. The fjords FORCED the vikings to make boats to be able to travel inside Norway crossing the hundreds of fjords in Norway. Sweden and Denmark are both without fjords – so there was no need to invent boats there. Your video just made me realize this fact.
What an epic adventure, its getting better every episode. Could feel the chill from the glacier just watching and as for that mining town..
thank you for showing us places we would never dream of…
Amazing as always. you can definitely back up the title ,,,,ADVENTURE NOW ,,your clearly thrill seekers at heart ..living the dream
stay safe until the next time 
I have a book(Blue Water) by Bob & Nancy Griffith they sailed around the world three time and not just in the trade belt. Their son was killed in climbing accident age 21. People said that they should have not done all the sailing. Bob said that he had seen and done more in his short life then most in a life time to which I agree so good on you.
Awesome episode guys. Loved the glacier approach and your views on it. I'm not sure I'd put my boat there but absolutely respect your right and reasons for doing so. Loved the way you explained and justified it. Its no more or less dangerous than plenty of other activities that others do and don't get castigated for. Keep doing what you do, loving your northern adventures. Cheers
Without risk there is no adventure. You can’t buy true adventure – you have to do it for yourself and calculate the risks involved. Bravo !
Heading up your way shortly!!!!
Well no not Norway FGS :), The Orwell, seem to recall that's your home ground. "Helping"
to bring a nice Dufour down from Ipswich round & down to Torquay starting this weekend with myskipper Bro, any thoughts on best hops/tips along the way !!! 
Good on you Mark! You would have regretted not touching that iceberg the minute you left and for the rest of your days, amazing achievement bud!
Hi Asha & Mark.

You're a little crazy to go touch the glacier, but I love it!
I know this feeling of excitement that makes you feel fully alive and pushes the limits of caution, even reasonableness. The heart beats much faster and a feeling of joy mixed with fear seizes us, and should not lower the vigilance of any moment that this kind of exercise requires.
You have to accept the risks, which you did without damage. So much the better !
I haven't always been so lucky and the exercise sometimes ended in a good scare and a few injuries to the boat…
And you know what ? I keep doing it, and I imagine you will too
What an adventure! Was a pleasure meeting you in Svalbard. I must admit when you said "We sailed here" I thought "Cruise Ship W**ker" then you said "No, WE sailed here!" Amazing achievement and so inspirational!
It’s absolutely crazy to sail so close to a glacier, and I think it’s not good to show things like this