Săptămâna aceasta, ne străbatem inimile încercând să ajungem la ecuator și să sărbătorim că devenim shellbacks! Zeii vântului ne zâmbesc și ne oferă vânturi bune, în timp ce marea ne oferă mai mulți pești pe linia noastră, dintre care unul îl scăpăm de un rechin în timp ce ne tăvăleim, dar în curând aterizem altul și viața la bord continuă… ajungem în sfârșit la Ecuator și aruncați pânzele pentru a face o pauză pentru un moment de reflecție și sărbătoare, toastând pentru Neptun și Mama Oceanului. Alăturați-vă nouă în aventurile noastre peste Oceanul Pacific! Vă mulțumim că urmăriți aventurile WE! Melodiile prezentate în acest episod provin din Epidemic Sounds: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra… Vrei niște WE|Sail Merch??? Consultați WE|Sail $WAG $TORE https://www.wesail.world/wesail-swag-store Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare și NU UITAȚI SĂ ABONAȚI!!!! Gândiți-vă a deveni unul dintre părinții noștri ȚINE minte… nu ne susțineți stilul de viață, ci vă bucurați mai mult sau mai puțin de un spectacol foarte bun. Așa că faceți popcornul floricele, reduceți luminile și stați pe spate, bucurați-vă de spectacol! Deoarece nu poți merge la film în acest moment, acesta ar trebui să fie următorul lucru cel mai bun:) www.patreon.com/wesail URMARĂ AVENTURILE NOASTRE PE SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/wesailaway INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/ we_sailaway
Navigarea peste Ecuator – Traversarea Partea 3 | Episodul 164

39 thoughts on “Navigarea peste Ecuator – Traversarea Partea 3 | Episodul 164”
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Great vids guys.
If I were young again, this is what I'd strive for. THe freedom of the ocean, the amazing friendship, and the overall experience
Awe! Poor guy. He looked so excited, Must admit that was hilarious.
Great channel guys, we’ll done, just sort your audio out!
On a boat I would certainly not wear any swimsuit, but people can do what they want.
23:23 Hermosa elección 18KISSX.UNO
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
10:10 Hopi:
11:12 Sun:
00:18 Joonie:
18:00 Yoongy:
23:23 Son unos de los mejores conciertos
mañas no se la
Las elecciones cinematográficas y artísticas son brillantes. Referencias culturales europeas realmente interesantes. Ojalá la cultura europea se representara más a menudo tan bellamente. No puedo dejar de decir "oh, esto es hermoso" a lo largo del video. Luz, en serio… el que se encargue de la iluminación, genial
Takes exposure to get exposure! Great episode, enjoy the fast growing popularity!
Nice. I remember when I sailed across the International Date Line in 2019, we missed the entire 15 February
That's the kind of crap that happens in the southern hemisphere.

Well you had sushi coming in for a few minutes and then it turned into sivichi in one bite.

. Damn. You might of tried opening the bail and let him get away from the shark for a few minutes and then reel it in very fast again. Oh well, at least you got a meal from the meat on the head.

Ps. Congrats on your equator crossing.
Yeah, until a shark takes them our, or the current takes them out of view of the boat….
She crossed the equator in search of her ass and never found it.
Hey guys
I just found your channel and watched a few of your videos … I have to say that I have great respect. I'll explain why …
Nice fish head that you caught. You only catch what you land on the boat or the beach. You done had a great meal had you got the shark though.
Good job showing your navigation equipment with all the data and information … I think you're one of four sailing channels that do that. Being an old sailor myself, I like to see what's going on when I'm watching you guys have fun, even if I'm not there myself.
You look like you have a lot of fun and either have an excellent small ship there … Or you just don't show the bad part of owning a boat … Everything breaks!
And mad props to you and great respect for not blurring out your ceremony, ritual, and right of passage crossing the equator. (Not that anyone could really see anything in the dark but that's not the point) … "Rite a Passage" is where crossing the equator came from. … It was a "Rite of Passage" sailing around the world or from one hemisphere to the other. I hate channels that blur everything out as if we can't be adults and understand that … sometimes … people just want to have fun.
Thank you for sharing your journey and I'm probably going to binge watch your channel to catch up with you all.
Fair winds and following seas.
The YouTube algorithm likes your screen shot! But seriously – great video!
what brand and size this sailboat is?
23:23 Hermosa elección 18KISSX.Uno
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer10:10 Hopi:
11:12 Sun:
18:00 Yoongy:
00:12 Joonie:
23:21 Son unos de los mejores conciertos
mañas no se la
Las elecciones cinematográficas y artísticas son brillantes. Referencias culturales europeas realmente interesantes. Ojalá la cultura europea se representara más a menudo tan bellamente. No puedo dejar de decir "oh, esto es hermoso" a lo largo del video. Luz, en serio… el que se encargue de la iluminación, genial rwbj..
The best sailing utube content out there! Your eye for filming is amazing!!
Strength video
What a blast!! My grandfather explained the shellback story as he was SE Asia, Pearl and Australia during WW2. Much nicer and beautiful trip for y'all.
Lindas imagens! Parabéns!!!
Being older now my memory isn’t great but I still have very strong pictures in my head of my 54 yrs at sea. Enjoy!
I'm sure there is a foursome relationship between them!

I served in the US Navy for 23 years. My experience becoming a Shellback was significantly different than this.

Welcome to the club!
About 3.30 I thought someone was using a sextant then I realized it was a camera.
Wow, looks like a lot of fun.

First time watcher. You guys could have had the fish if you would have started hand lining the fish when you saw the shark.
los mortales apreciaban a una mujer tan hermosa
2:09/ ( elecciones ) 9:05 / 1:03 ( culturales ) 9:13 /
10:10 Hopi:
11:12 Sun:
00:18 Joonie:
18:00 Yoongy amio:
23:23 Son unos de los mejores conciertos mañas no se layt
Wow, what an awesome adventure. You guys will all be talking about this when you're silver haired in the nursing homes
Просто крутая компания…они ржут без перерыва…вы молодцы
I was thinking that swim there, how about the sharks..